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DPPt/HGSS Honchkrow


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
I've had a little help with a Honchkrow before, but he was a Physical attacker and pretty much the expected Honchkrow moveset. He was a great member of my team, but I'd like to try a Special Honchy this time round, for a bit more surprise.

Base Attack = 125
Base S.Attack = 105

Honchkrow@Scope Lens
Modest/Hasty Nature
Super Luck
- Dark Pulse
- Air Cutter
- Nasty Plot
- Heatwave

Intending him to come out after Jolteon has Thunder Waved the opponent, to make his terrible speed not an issue, and to offer an opportunity to Nasty Plot. Dark Pulse for STAB + 20% of flinch, Air Cutter for STAB and its good critical hit ratio with Super Luck. Heat Wave for coverage, especially Ice types.

Honchkrow@Scope Lens
Modest Nature
Super Luck
- Dark Pulse
- Calm Mind
- Protect/Thunder Wave
- Heat Wave

A more defensive set. Nasty Plot boosts my Special attack by 2, Calm Mind boosts my Special Attack and Special defense by 1. Protect to protect me while I Calm Mind. Thunder Wave only if I don't have Jolteon. Dark Pulse for STAB + flinch, Heat Wave for coverage.

I'd also like a bit of help with my IV choice. I have a Hasty and a Modest Honchkrow

Honchkrow #1
Super Luck
IV Spread
HP - 30
A - 16
D - 21
SA - 14
SD - 7
S - 30

Honchkrow #2
Super Luck
IV Spread
HP - 28
A - 19
D - 13
SA - 27
SD - 5
S - 26

The Modest Honchkrow's IVs are probably more suited to my defensive Moveset, because of his better HP and Defense IVs. However, the Hasty Honchkrow has a better spread for full out attack:
(28HP, 27 SA, 26S)

Honchy #1 = Good Defense and speed, S.A not so good. Modest helps S.A a little
Honchy #2 = Good HP, S.A and Speed, low defense + hasty nature lows Defense more

If I plan to use Nasty Plot (+2 in Special Attack), then do the S.A IVs matter as much? I'm torn between which one to go for, so any help from you wiser people would be great XD
If you think I'd be better breeding a bit more, please say so, but these are the best two I've got out of five batches.
I like the idea of a special sweeper honchy :p I would go for the first build mostly because of the stabs, I totally forgot that Air Cutter was special :p

Other attacks to keep in mind, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Sucker punch and the all mighty Roost.


Bearded Trout Warrior
Even if it is a special Honchkrow.. Do keep Sucker Punch in mind for priority if nothing else XD
Since it is Priority, don't worry much about doubling up STAB with it, just use it for priority; finishing off something faster with nil health. [or for getting the sucker punch off on the next pokemon out after the paralyzed one]

I'd go with the first honchkrow as well; the Hasty speed boost won't be of much asset to Honchkrow, especially considering you're sending it out after a Thunder Wave.

I'll try to come back with a moveset later, but what you have and Jeydis' suggestions seem to cover everything at first glance XD


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
I'm not a fan of Sucker Punch, even though I know it can mean the difference between Honchy fainting or dealing out more damage. I'll think about it though, because I know what you're both saying makes sense XD

With his speed, the priority is important... If only Murkrow's speed carried over to Honchkrow... I'll never know why they made him suffer XD

Anyway, thanks for the input. If you figure out any different possibilities Ruko, I'd love to hear them ^^


Bearded Trout Warrior
With his speed, the priority is important... If only Murkrow's speed carried over to Honchkrow... I'll never know why they made him suffer XD

They've done that with a number of evolutions, it balances out the power to some extent.

Scyther to Scizor
Onix to Steelix
Magneton to Magnezone
Magmar to Magmortar
Electabuzz to Electivire
Remoraid to Octillery
[and I'm sure more]

They all gain some form of defense and offense, but lose speed... Remoraid would be a Water-Type Lucario if they didn't nuke its speed.
Note Icy Wind. 4x hit on Dragons is nice, but really not my main point. Icy Wind does lower Speed on hitting, so it could find its way in somewhere.

HP Fighting is out of the question. The modest one has HP Fire for Base 66. The Hasty one has HP Psychic for Base 46.

Psychic is another option. Really, Heat Wave does seem to be the superior choice though.

If you do keep the Hasty one, consider a Mixed set.

Honchkrow@Life Orb/Choice Scarf
Hasty Nature (Since that one has one and decent IVs)
136 Atk / 200 S.Atk / Rest into Spd
-Heat Wave
-Dark Pulse
-Icy Wind/Pursuit/Drill Peck/Air Cutter/Sucker Punch

Superpower with 136 Atk EVs and your IV could 2HKO, absolutely 3HKO, even after the attack drop, Snorlax and Blissey (Both have perfect IVs; Blissey: 252 Def / 80 S.Atk / 176 S.Def, Calm; Snorlax: 244 HP / 28 Def / 236 S.Def, Relaxed.)

Heat Wave on Steelix (252 HP / 136 S.Def / Whatever else is in Atk, Impish) will 3HKO with 200 S.Atk EVs.

Didn't bother with the rest, but Dark Pulse is you best STAB, since the constant use of Superpower lowers your Atk Stat.

Icy Wind destroys Gliscor, and Dragons.

Pursuit is to catch those switching out.

Drill Peck and Air Cutter has almost redundant coverage with Heat Wave, but STAB is STAB.

Sucker Punch should be used with the Life Orb. Almost no point in using it with the Choice Scarf.

With the Life Orb, the 3HKO may turn into a 2HKO, but I never checked, but it lacks Speed. The Choice Scarf has Speed, but lacks power.


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
Seems a few Pokemon lose speed... oh well, thanks Ruko ;D

I have no idea why I didn't look at Icy Wind more. That would offer much better coverage than Air Cutter + Heat Wave, plus the speed deduction on my opponent is helpful. *Runs off to re-evaluate her Honchkrow*
