Well, it probably won't. First off, I would like to say that you're all repeating basically the same thing; 'pokemon is uber awethome, and it won't die'. The mainstream pokemon as currently known will likeley die for about 1-10 years, until it is revived with some amazing revoloution. They will do something awesome, the next generation shall love it, and order will be restored in the universe. I call this phenomenon the 'Poke' Pause'. It will likley start in the next 5-8 years, beginning with a new awesome game, generation, and anime season. It will be really awesome, but then Nintendo will either announce that pokemon is gone, or they will not announce anything and pokemon will discontinue episodes, stop production of games, and no new pokemon shall be made. This will be a hellish time.
But, 1-10 years later, as Dr. J. Farnsworth always says: "Good news everyone!". They will announce a new game, season, and generation of pokemon. It will be just like the end of a solar eclipse. Gamers and fans alike shall rejoice, happiness shall resume, and peace and tranquility shall sprea throughout the universe.
I really think my explanation is more thorough, and likley more accurate comapared to how it will happen. But maye not. Just my opinion.