Jewel's ears perked up and she stood up before jumping from tree to tree, her body suddenly getting colder until she couldn't take it any longer, she slipped and hit the ground, unconscious. A Jolteon with red eyes and a red mane and a Espeon with red fur and blue eyes and blue gem walked out of the darkness and sighed. "Jewel, again?" The Espeon asked the unconscious Jewel. The two weird coloured eeveelutions looked at the Typhlosion before they put one paw on Jewel's chest, sending a white beam into her body. With a jolt, Jewel jumped up, her fur more spiker than the Jolteon's. Jewel's fur flattened as she saw the two pokèmon. They shared a insane laugh before they hugged and departed. "By Ben(Jolteon), By Laurence(Espeon)!" Jewel called, earing a bye back from the two. Jewel turned around and looked at Omesei, her eyes were now blood red and kinda demonic looking, not the innocent aqua blue eyes she used to have. Not wanting to move, Jewel smiled kindly at the Typhlosion.