So, the poll was locked and the votes pointed towards the newly revealed Isshu Pokemon to be the next H+H game
Katie popped into chat to ask someone to post it before she toddled off to her places of fun and sparkles and Canadia ♥ So I said I'd post it.
I know personally, I don't know all of the new pokemon's Japanese names or could relate the names to the pictures so I'm gonna throw a few links in.
Mamepato -> Shimama, Moguryu -> Denchura - I'm hoping you guys all know who the starters/Zorua line/legendaries are (If not - shame on you!). The unknown trio aren't here... they're unknown. We decided on having the named ones
Off you go! ^^
Tsutaja: HP 20
Pokabu: HP 20
Mijumaru: HP 20
Mamepato: HP 20
Chiramii: HP 20
Gear: HP 20
Hihidaruma: HP 20
Meguroko: HP 20
Munna: HP 20
Shimama: HP 20
Zorua: HP 20
Zoroark: HP 20
Moguryu: HP 20
Doryuuzu: HP 20
Ononokusu: HP 20
Desukan: HP 20
Denchura: HP 20
Reshiram: HP 20
Zekrom: HP 20

H+H Rules said:You all know the rules, but by some chance you don't, here they are again:
#1 - For each post you Hurt one character and Heal another. Copy & paste the post above yours and put HURT beside the one you're hurting and HEAL beside the one you're healing, then change their HP accordingly (add 1 HP or take 1 off).
#2 You can post five times per day (based on your own timezone). For this reason it's helpful to others if you number your posts.
#3 No double/triple posting or doing more than one Hurt/Heal per post.
I know personally, I don't know all of the new pokemon's Japanese names or could relate the names to the pictures so I'm gonna throw a few links in.
Mamepato -> Shimama, Moguryu -> Denchura - I'm hoping you guys all know who the starters/Zorua line/legendaries are (If not - shame on you!). The unknown trio aren't here... they're unknown. We decided on having the named ones

Off you go! ^^
Tsutaja: HP 20
Pokabu: HP 20
Mijumaru: HP 20
Mamepato: HP 20
Chiramii: HP 20
Gear: HP 20
Hihidaruma: HP 20
Meguroko: HP 20
Munna: HP 20
Shimama: HP 20
Zorua: HP 20
Zoroark: HP 20
Moguryu: HP 20
Doryuuzu: HP 20
Ononokusu: HP 20
Desukan: HP 20
Denchura: HP 20
Reshiram: HP 20
Zekrom: HP 20