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DPPt/HGSS I need help with my team!

... Just as the title suggests ...

  I'd like some help with my team for competitive battling, as I've decided to take that up. I need some suggestions for movesets and items, as I'm no good at picking those. Any other suggestions for any thing else would be much appriciated. The team is meant to be Non- Legendary.

My Current team:
(These are all lv. 100)

Empoleon @ Sea Incense
Sassy Nature
-Hydro Cannon
-Aqua Jet
-Hydro Pump
(I know that its move set is sucky. I'd like to have Drill Peck on its new one.)

Breloom @ None
Calm Nature
-Sky Uppercut
-Mind Reader
-Seed Bomb

Absol @ None
Serious Nature
-Night Slash
-Psycho Cut
-Perish Song
-Me First

Ampharos @ Magnet
Relaxed Nature
-Signal Beam
-Light Screen
-Power Gem

Ponyta @ None
Naughty Nature
-Fire Blast
-Flare Blitz

Pokemon that I'd like to stay on my team

Pokemon that I currently have that I could see on my team


If you'd like the info on one of these, just ask.
Thanks!  :)
Key thing to mention here is that most of the moves that people use egg moves and optimal natures quite often, so be prepared to re-breed. Otherwise, just state that you don't want to breed.

Absol@ Choice Scarf
Super Luck Ability
Lonely Nature
EVs: 252 Atk / 164 Spd (+4 for every IV away from 31) / Rest into S.Atk
-Pursuit / Psycho Cut
-Night Slash
-Fire Blast / Flamethrower
-Superpower / Rock Smash / Rock Slide / Stone Edge

With the given set of EVs, Absol will hit 340 Speed, out speeding Max Speed, Neutral Nature,  Base 120 Speed Pokémon and Max Speed, Positive Nature, Base 105 Pokémon, +1 Stat Up in Speed. Attack is maxed out and the rest are dumped into Special Attack to maximize the attack power of the single Special move.

With Absol forcing Pokémon out that are naturally slower than it, Absol will hit the switcher hard with the Second strongest Pursuit in the game (Only Pokémon with a stronger Pursuit attack is Tyranitar, since Metagross or Scizor don't get STAB on it, especially when a Pokemon is switching out.)

Psycho Cut is a nice option if you don't like guessing with Pursuit.

Night Slash is Absol's most reliable move, and pairs well with Super Luck.

Fire Blast and Flamethrower are for the Steel-types. If you do mind the shoddy accuracy of Fire Blast, use Flamethrower.

Superpower is the preferred choice of attack, but that's only in Platinum, so Rock Smash is the only other Fighting move it gets.

Rock Slide can go for flinches, while Stone Edge has a high Critical Hit rate, which pairs nicely with Super Luck.

This Absol of my own creation is most effective at revenge killing, since it outspeeds most common threats.

Of course, there's this Absol, which is kind of expected with it having Super Luck as an ability.

Absol@ Scope Lens / Razor Claw
Adamant/Lonely Nature
252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 HP
-Night Slash
-Psycho Cut
-Sucker Punch / Stone Edge
-Superpower / Rock Smash / Pursuit / Fire Blast / Flamethrower

With Super Luck and a Critical Hit Boosting Item, Absol will have a 1 in 3 chance of hitting for a Critical with Night Slash and Psycho Cut. Stone Edge will as well if you choose that move.

Key thing about Absol, it has the most powerful Priority Move in a STAB Sucker Punch. Now it has  a 1 in 4 chance of hitting for a Critical Hit. Scary now, isn't it?

With all of Absol's moves at a 25% chance of getting a Critical Hit, many moves open up as options. All the moves in the last slot had reasons as stated above.

T'is all for now. I'll take a look at more later and see with what I can come up with.
Lax/Naive nature (Naive gives it a speed boost, while Lax gives it some extra defense)
Download Ability
252 Sp. Atk/164 Spd (+4 for every IV away from 31)/Rest into Defense or HP
Tri-Attack-STAB, the 3 status effects are a nice touch XD
Ice beam-Coverage
Psychic-Coverage, but it can lower opponent's Sp.Def
Dark Pulse-Ghost coverage.

I'm pretty lenient with this set, although it's your decision in the end =p ITs not worth it to give Porygon-Z and physical moves.
Select what moves you want

252 Sp. Atk/164 Spd (+4 for every IV away from 31)/Rest into HP
Timid Nature
Snow Cloak
Ice Beam-STAB
Shadow Ball-Coverage
Water Pulse-Fire Coverage

That is/is close to my Froslass' moveset.
My Froslass has a 29 IV in Sp. Atk, and 31 in speed.
I swear, my froslass is a demon XD


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
Here's some for Empoleon:

Empoleon @ Petaya Berry

- Surf
- Ice Beam/Grass Knot/Hidden Power Electric
- Agility
- Substitute

The idea here is to get off at least one Agility before your Petaya Berry and Torrent boosts kick in. Due to Empoleon's poor Speed, he should be able to get a Substitute up after taking a hit, then using Agility on the turn the Sub gets destroyed. Hopefully, the hit you took before the Substitute combined with the HP drop caused by Substitute itself should get you "in the red," so to speak, so that Petaya Berry and Torrent are triggered to go with your Agility Speed boost. Unfortunately, Empoleon's movepool is pretty poor - Surf/Ice Beam gets you walled by most Water-types, and Surf/Grass Knot will get you walled by most Dragon-types. Hidden Power Electric is good if your IVs are right, although that again isn't perfect (walled by Lanturn and Shedinja.)

Empoleon @ Liechi Berry

- Aqua Jet
- Drill Peck/Earthquake/Brick Break/Rock Slide/Shadow Claw
- Swords Dance
- Substitute

Same idea as before, except using a physical moveset. You don't need Speed boosts here thanks to Aqua Jet, so you're free to focus primarily on getting as much Attack power as possible. Other than that, the strategy employed here is the same as with the Special Sweeper - take a hit, get a Substitute up, Swords Dance up on the turn your Sub would get destroyed, and hope that the Liechi and Torrent boosts are yours. One thing of note is that Empoleon's physical movepool is a lot better than its Special movepool, so have fun picking a second Attack move for him.

Empoleon @ Leftovers

- Surf
- Ice Beam/Grass Knot/Hidden Power Electric/Toxic
- Protect
- Aqua Ring

Stalling Empoleon, primarily for use as a Special Wall. Between Aqua Ring, Protect and Leftovers, you should be able to recover a decent amount of HP per turn as you wear down the opponent with attacks and possibly Toxic as well. Empoleon's immense amount of resistances will help a ton here - just watch out for anything that may have Thunderbolt, Aura Sphere/Focus Blast or Earth Power.


Bearded Trout Warrior
What is your Breloom's ability? By the looks of the set, I'd think Effect Spore.. Though the calm nature makes me say you should rebreed. Calm lowers attack; Breloom's best asset.

Breloom @ Life Orb, or one of the generic items
Adamant/Jolly Nature
Poison Heal/Effect Spore
-Mach Punch
-Rock Slide/Thunderpunch [Stone Edge is an option]
-Swords Dance

If you go for poison heal, you can get a bonus by switching in on toxic-using walls... Effect spore could give some lucky hax on a physically attacking pokemon though. This is an attempt at mimicking the new Scizor with Bullet Punch.. Breloom lacks the defense Scizor has, but gets spore over slower pokemon instead.
Thunderpunch is prefered over Rock Slide for accuracy and the fact it's plenty powerful enough for the KO on ghosts and after Swords Dance. It's obtainable through Emerald at the cost of Poison Heal, or through Platinum if you have the access. Whichever attack you put here should be used only for ghosts; Flying-types will almost always be faster and score a OHKO with some form of STAB.. you're better off using Mach Punch and hoping for a KO through the low defenses.

Come in on something slower after a Pokemon is KO'd or attempt a switch into Toxic with Poison Heal.
Spore them.
Swords dance once,
If they don't switch out, you can risk dancing again and they likely won't wake up. I wouldn't suggest it if they have any potential to KO Breloom.
Kill whatever you can with Mach Punch :)

*Bug/Flying combination pokemon are the death of this set, as they're faster and take only 1/4 damage from Mach Punch. Stealth Rock may weaken them enough to still be KO'd if you're lucky.. but as tempting as it may be, using Thunderpunch or a rock attack will only see you OHKO'd by a Flying STAB. If you're really not comfortable with Mach Punch being able to KO, and don't want to lose Breloom yet, then switch.

Adamant Nature will give more power, and would be better than Jolly in my opinion. The list of pokemon you can outspeed with Jolly over Adamant is short, and you'll be using a priority attack as primary offense anyway.

EVs can be balanced however you like.. so long as you hold it as an anti-wall Trump Card, I'd suggest not giving it any speed at all though.

48 HP [with a perfect IV]
252 ATK
64 DEF
144 S. DEF
The 48 HP optimizes recovery from Poison Heal, according to Smogon. The rest of the EVs are split how I think would absorb hits best, given Breloom's stats.

A bit simpler of a set, and also regarded as a tad on the cheap side XD

Breloom @ Toxic Orb
Adamant Nature
Poison Heal Ability
-Focus Punch
-Stone Edge/Thunderpunch

Again, come out on something slower, spore it, Substitute, Focus Punch. Next pokemon comes out, spore as it takes your Substitute, make another and Focus Punch.
Sleep Clause messes with this set a little bit, and I think this is one of the reasons that clause exists.. but even with Sleep Clause in effect, this can do some pretty nice damage to at least two pokemon on your opponent's team.

4 HP
252 ATK
252 SPD

I'm not sure if you like Shroomish more than Breloom, but I figured this set was worth mentioning... here's the set on the Shroomish I had you help me name:

Shroomish @ Toxic Orb/Leftovers
Bold, Careful, Impish, Calm, Relaxed or Sassy
Poison Heal
-Leech Seed
48 HP
210 in the Defense that is boosted by the nature
252 in the defense that isn't boosted by the nature

The idea is to send this out with Stealth Rock support, sap away health with Leech Seed and Toxic, as well as annoying the opponent into switching with Flash. Since all your opponent has to do is switch to end the effects of Flash, it isn't blocked by the Evasion Clause.
Every time your opponent switches, you'll want to start with Leech Seed, and then try to be as random with protect as possible. Using it every other turn may seem best, but it gets predictable and makes switching in easier [even if there is Stealth Rock out].
If you go with substitute, it'll cost you HP every time, but also offers better protection overall. If you use substitute right as your opponent switches, you've not wasted a turn like the case would be with Protect.

As for why I listed it as shroomish instead of Breloom
Benefits of not evolving:
Weakness to flying is normal instead of taking 4x damage
No Psychic Weakness

Losses of not evolving:
Speed stat is much lower
Attack stat is much lower
Defense stat is slightly lower
Bug will be super-effective rather than hitting for neutral
Rock will hit for neutral instead of being ineffective
Dark will hit for neutral instead of being ineffective

As you can see, there are many more cons than pros to not evolving XD
But on a pokemon that's going to need to be able to take hits, I think the trade of a 4x weakness makes it worth it. The lost attack is entirely worthless on this set, and the speed doesn't mean much to it.

All in all, Breloom can run this set, but Flying-type pokemon go from an ordinary threat to being a deadly threat. Even with the EVs mentioned, they will usually OHKO Breloom, while Shroomish has a decent chance to survive.

If any of that was too wordy, or if you'd like more, feel free to PM me XD
Shroomish/Breloom are one of my favorite lines of pokemon, so I've got more if you'd like to hear on them.. I can also help simplify EV training and other things if you need help :)
Ampharos@ Leftovers
Quiet Nature
88 Spd (+4 for every point away from 31) / 252 S.Atk / Rest into HP (See Below) or Atk

-Focus Punch / Brick Break
-Hidden Power [Ice / Grass] / Signal Beam

The EVs are tailored to be somewhat a wall breaker, loosely based on one of Tyranitar's most famous movesets.

88 Speed EVs will outspeed Base 60 Speed Pokémon that invest no EVs into Speed. Typically, it's Pokémon that wall and don't invest in Speed, like Clefable and Weezing.

Finding out what IV your HP is is pretty important for Leftovers use. Find out your IV and then post it here. I should be able to get the HP EVs set for the optimal use (divisible by 16), so the rest of the EVs can go into Atk.

Substitute when you have a chance, optimally, when a wall is switching out. Then punish them with Focus Punch. Brick Break is listed as an option to ease on predictions and then the Sub is used to scout moves.

Thunderbolt is key STAB, coming off of a Base 115 Special Attack is sweet.

Hidden Power will depend on IVs, but Ice and Grass are good ones. If you can't get either one of those, Signal Beam should work fine.

Other options include Fire Punch, Power Gem and Focus Blast.

Fire Punch scores hits on Steel-types, but Thunderbolt combined with a Fighting move will typically do more to them anyways.

Power Gem is a decent attack, but doesn't score any noteworthy hits on Pokemon that Thunderbolt wouldn't already do significant damage.

Focus Blast can be used over Focus Punch. The main reason why I hesitate is that Special Walls will come in and stop you to know end. That and the EVs are tailored to use Focus Punch and Focus Blast has shoddy accuracy as it is.
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Thanks for the help, guys!

Update on the team:

Empoleon@ Leftovers
- Surf
- Grass knot
- Protect
- Aqua Ring

Charizard @ Enigma Berry
-Air slash
-Shadow Claw
-Heat wave
-Flare Blitz

Gallade @ White herb
-Close Combat
-Psycho Cut (High critical hit ratio)
-Leaf Blade (High critical hit ratio)
-Night Slash (High critical hit ratio)

Electivire @ Quick Claw
-Giga Impact
-Rock Tomb

Breloom @ Life Orb
-Mach Punch
-Swords Dance

Staraptor @ Sky Plate
-Close Combat
-Brave Bird
Highly recommend either the Scope Lens or Razor Claw for Gallade, since 3 of the 4 moves he uses have a naturally higher critical hit ratio, both of those items can raise it further.

Staraptor really has no use for Toxic. Maybe U-Turn would suffice.

Some of your Pokémon have two moves of the same type. Personally, I don't see a need for that (OF course, Choice items have an exception). Try sticking with only one STAB move, otherwise, it looks sound.
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Instead of Close Combat, Brick Break? Usually people (glares at someone. You know who you are. I hope) have a pokemon to up defenses and baton pass out. Brick break smashes Reflect.

Ditch Fly on Staraptor.

Charizard Needs a new moveset.

Heat Wave - STAB
Air Slash - STAB
Dragon Pulse - Coverage maybe?
Hidden Power Grass - Coverage.

Curse Charizard's horrid moveset. >>

So does Electivire:

Motor Drive
Thunder Punch - STAB
Ice Punch - Coverage
Brick Break - Coverage
Iron Tail - Coverage, lower defense to make attacks stronger

I'm done XD


Bearded Trout Warrior
Just a note for Shado and Shroomish-chan: Fly DOES have its uses, especially on a Staraptor. It forces a switch, but you still get a free hit off on them as they switch. Staraptor sports Close Combat for Rocks and Steels, and can still hit non-Rotom/Zapdos Electric types for neutral damage with it.

Fly isn't the best of choices for the obvious weaknesses, and considering Brave Bird's power.. but it's not THAT bad of an option XD

Second: Brick Break does kill barriers, but Gallade's attack power leaves it as being more suited to an offensive tank. I'd suggest Close Combat over Brick Break myself. Brick Break makes a good filler on other pokemon who can learn it, but I think power would be better on a Gallade.

I'd agree with Jet on putting a critical-boosting item on Gallade, but a white herb isn't a bad choice if you stick with Close Combat. Gallade has decent special defense which can be used well with a white herb, and critical hits are all luck based anyway.