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DPPt/HGSS In need of help

My first clinic post in a great while.

Since my wifi is gone, I miss battling people so I turned to Shoddy Battles. At any rate I want to turn the Pokemon in Shoddy into an actual in-game team some day for when I do get my wifi back. My moveset making skills have come a long way but now I'm trying to pick some non-standard ones.

Nature: Quirky
Ability: Magic Guard
Item: Toxic Orb

Ice beam
Shadow Ball

I really have no idea what to use Clefable for so the moveset is probably off here.

Nature Modest
Ability: Sychronize
Item: Wise Glasses

Focus Blast
Shadow Ball
Energy Ball

This one will be fully offensive because I don't know what else to do with it.

Funky Gallade
Nature: Naughty
Ability: Steadfast
Item: no clue

Night Slash
Psycho Cut
Thunder Wave
Brick Break

Okay, so it isn't that funky. But either way, I like the idea of putting a random status move on a sweeper. Unlike the other two, this Gallade is strictly ingame. In fact, it's the one I won in the auction, so no egg move suggestions here because it's shiny.

These three Pokemon are the ones that are bugging me the most and are the two I am posting for now. Hopefully more will be added layer. And also because my EV training skills are sketchy, try not to suggest weird EV spreads (i.e. putting EVs in more than two stats) unless it is absolutely the best option.


Bearded Trout Warrior
Unless you specifically want special defense... might I suggest Cosmic Power over Amnesia on Clefable? Your other two pokemon both have high base special defenses.
Consider Moonlight on Clefable as well, but then you're getting into a wall XD
Why not an attack lowering nature for Clefable? You don't have any physical attacks on it..
Bold, Modest, Calm or Timid are the four.

For Alakazam, consider Calm Mind?
It's nice to catch people on a switch.. and if you go for Calm mind and a Timid Nature, you could even shoot for absorbing a special attack.
Alakazam with four attacks is also rather open to Sucker Punch, but it still works for some people anyway.

Gallade with status? Why not Will-o-wisp to make up for its lack of defense? Thunder Wave is more accurate and lets you move first on the next turn though...
But why does he have a naughty nature and not Adamant? I could understand Naughty [lonely better] if he had a special attack, but he doesn't.
Yeah that's pretty much the only reason it has Thunder Wave and a Naughty nature for that matter. I'm considering breeding another one (or spawning another one as Ruko likes to say) or even try one on Shoddy just to get Will 'O Wisp for it.

*Carmen shoots Energy Ball on Alakazam for Calm Mind.

But since you mentioned putting a special attack on Gallade with his nature, which one would work best.


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
Here's a slightly odd Clefable I came up with:

Clefable @ Salac Berry/Leftovers
Magic Guard

- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Calm Mind
- Softboiled

Yes, I ripped this off Latios, yes Clefable can indeed learn Softboiled from the FireRed/LeafGreen/Emerald Move Tutors, and no, I don't have any idea how well this actually works. Calm Mind for stat boosts, Thunderbolt/Ice Beam for good coverage. Softboiled...I don't have to explain. This set can work both offensively and defensively - pick the item/nature that caters more to your needs, and you can have either an (odd) sweeper or a decent wall.

As for Gallade, Thunderbolt is probably the best option since it wrecks Skarmory and makes for a nasty surprise.
Chance of getting Magic Guard and Softboiled on the same set, I'd have to say in-game are slim to none. Just because of the random game mechanic of where its primary ability, Cute Charm is placed.

But anywho, Mixed Set iwth a Life Orb, since Magic Guard negates the 10% recoil I believe.

Clefable@Life Orb
Nature (Pending, will have to do same math)
Magic Guard Ability
-Shadow Ball/Signal Beam
-Brick Break

Update will happen later. Needs morth math as well to determine the optimal set of moves. Though those are my choices at a glance. Life Orb with Magic Guard is sweet though.