Shiny Motley
2016 Singles Football
I really like Weavilye. The only thing is that the eyes are a bit big... ah well.
Also, for Badge requesters, you might want to consider telling me what Type of gym the badge represents.
Ok for mine i would like for it to be for a dark gym. I have already posted the request but you asked so theres my answer.
And here's Request #3, also the first ID request by Haku-kun...
I used Candice as the base and made slight edits using Roark's helmet for the hat.
Haku-kun's with 20% more emo fringe and 100% emo scar!
It is also advisable for you guys to save these images onto your own photobuckets...just in case.
Arceus Lord's Badge...
It's difficult to say why I chose to open my shop for business, if anything, its simply a test to see how much popularity my thread can generate in comparison to when it was still just a Sprite Thread without any requests. Also, I have a lot of free time on my hands since its nearing Summer Vacation for me here.
Whee! I likes it! Es so cute! And nicely fused, too! Wait... where's the Mudkip!? >
Kidding. *huggles sprite* Youd did a great job, RX!