Personally, I fell in love with Pokemon in the First Gen., and have loved the original 151 better than any other set of Pokemon ever since.
I got Pokemon Red, picked Charmander (which started my long line of fire-starter since then. ^__^), and set out on my adventure. The sad thing was, I was pretty much following the Anime with my game- For instance, when Ash got to Pewter City to face Brock, I used my newly caught Pikachu from Viridian Forest, leveled it up on every trainer I could on the way, then used it mainly during the battles... I really didn't Expect Brock to be that weak, though...
Blah blah. Anyway, when Gold/Silver/Crystal came out, I was still playing Red. I wanted to catch 'em all, damnit! I couldn't get into the games without having 'finished' the first one.
...I finished it, got Mewtwo and the lot, had my Charizard fully leveled, then Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald came out.
I got Ruby, and you know what I did? I couldn't find the Masterball, because I was used to just getting it and going. I killed Groudon (;__
, encountered Latios twice... Without Scary Face... Even though I had several Pokemon with it... I pulled them out at terrible times.
However, I enjoyed just running around with my Kanto-Age Pokemon like Pikachu, Rhyhorn, Dodrio, Gyarados, things like that.
I am attempting to get myself a DS and Pearl now...
I got Pokemon Red, picked Charmander (which started my long line of fire-starter since then. ^__^), and set out on my adventure. The sad thing was, I was pretty much following the Anime with my game- For instance, when Ash got to Pewter City to face Brock, I used my newly caught Pikachu from Viridian Forest, leveled it up on every trainer I could on the way, then used it mainly during the battles... I really didn't Expect Brock to be that weak, though...
Blah blah. Anyway, when Gold/Silver/Crystal came out, I was still playing Red. I wanted to catch 'em all, damnit! I couldn't get into the games without having 'finished' the first one.
...I finished it, got Mewtwo and the lot, had my Charizard fully leveled, then Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald came out.
I got Ruby, and you know what I did? I couldn't find the Masterball, because I was used to just getting it and going. I killed Groudon (;__

However, I enjoyed just running around with my Kanto-Age Pokemon like Pikachu, Rhyhorn, Dodrio, Gyarados, things like that.
I am attempting to get myself a DS and Pearl now...