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"Certainly strange, attacking someone because they existed" He said "Seems like it's done." He'd say, sitting down "This timezone is boring.." he'd mutter, not drinking anything since he didn't need to, watching his surroundings in case someone approached him. People leaving,people coming, even after this fight people were still having a good time.
Connor tried to use his Lightning abilities, but it was no use, that goo made it useless. He then decided to simply give a running charge at him. He prepared to charge, and then while charging, wildly swung his claws around as he prepared for impact.



Ariana drew her sword for combat with the bandits that attacked Kai and Kiri, along with creating a hole, thanks to the full dragon Deldora, grabbed her barrel as she walked out the hole and set her barrel down. She then snuck back around front to make sure there were no more ruffians when two guards ran through trying to clear the area.

"A Dragon person and an Alchemist are going to come through this area, please clear the area!" Two guards shouted.

Ariana was found by more ruffians, three of them to be exact, she fought them, and barely succeeded, leaving a good amount of scratches, a couple of cuts, and a sword to her hip, as she dropped to one knee, and started to try and heal herself.

@Gamingfan @Shadow_Pup @Spoiled Bread @DevVoid


Previously mallard
Dr. Golde weaved his way around the dragon's claws, as they were predictable in their desperation to land on him. He continued back until he neared another wall and decided he didn't want to be pinned. He took the anti-electricity vial back out of his coat to try and smash against the person's face, then followed with a left hook. @Cmeriwether


Previously Deathstalker62
Ikhael jumped on in as the stranger moved aside and took himself a barrel of ale, downing the whole thing in a few seconds. He recognized the taste as his kind could brew something similiar, but he drank it more to still his thirst. Which, to say the least, may have been stupid. Good thing he had such a high alcoholic tolerance. Ikhael drank one more barrel empty before following the strangers out of the cellar through the hole in the wall as it was starting to get cramped up. Ikhael looked around, trying to think up of something to do to pass the time, when he noticed the werewolf. Ikhael approached the beast and looked them up and down.
" You werewolf? Me suprised. Risky to transform with humans around. What your name? Me Ikhael. " @Gamingfan


Previously Gamingfan2
O.S chuckled at the male's speech.
"Name's O.S, and the human's called Loufe."
Before continuing, he held one of his barrels and crunched the edge, creating a hole. Holding the other one with his tail, he began drinking it as he walked, as if holding a can of the stuff. He kept grinning.
" Why should I be afraid of a few wimpy humans? Their only use is being a quick snack. I'm one of the strongest werewolves around, so y'all better watch out with me.
Loufe sighed. Please don't make me sound like a smug idiot
O.S ignored him, finishing his drink and crushing the barrel with his paw, even more similar to a can.
"Ugh, I wish I had some steak to go along with this. No restaurant has enough meat."

"Oh, nice thinking you guys. Picking some barrels as loots." Deldora clapped seeing the ale aleught by the other people. She then shifted her attention towards the werewolf and gave him an approving look.

"That's right, no need to fear humans! Speaking about steak, let's make some! Right here, right now!" Deldora has her wide grin again as she picked up the barrel that Ariana left with them. She opened the lids, there's still plenty of ale anside.

She raised her right hand and formed a small layer of armor at the tip of her fingers. Her thumb was covered in flint while her middle finger was covered in steel. Then she snapped her fingers, creating a spark that fell into the barrel and set the alcohol ablaze. After closing the lid she kicked the barrel filled with burning ale back into the hole where they came out from. After several seconds the scream of terror came out of the cellar.

"Fire! Fire!"

The place was drenched in alcohol after that disastrous swarm of thugs enter the cellar. While the alcohol would evaporate soon, apparently it's still flammable enough that the fire inside the barrel that Deldora kicked in easily spread. The Winged Lion's basement was on fire, and soon the entire building would follows suit. Deldora once again delivers her cheesy evil laugh as the entire building went out in flame.

@Cmeriwether @Gamingfan @DevVoid @Shadow_Pup


Previously Deathstalker62
Ikhael looked to both Loufe and Deldora and sighed. " We fear humans. For many centuries, we feared for own extinction, by hand of humans. You think group not bad.. try generations of humans hunting own species like wild animals. Humans hunt us for many reason. Ikhael believes main reason Fear. Humans feared us, viewed us as threats. They not like our species for how dangerous we are. Humans in a small timespan are not scary, but all determined on goal.. they get scary. Back then, we live back on surface. Tenthousand and more of us lived on surface back then. Only hundred of us exist now, underneath surface . " Ikhael said, telling the story of his people without actually giving away what he was. Maybe they'd recognize this story and know what species it belongs to. Maybe not. But who knows, really. Maybe he'd just have to say it outright. He didn't fear all too much giving away his species to these people, since they weren't human. Ikhael could trust other kind more than humans, for quite obvious reasons. @Spoiled Bread @Gamingfan


Previously Gamingfan2
"What's with all the ambiguity? You're obviously a giant." O.S replied. "And being a giant, you should be able to crush your enemies. Literally."
Are we just going to ignore the fire that started? Loufe asked worriedly
Yes. O.S replied.
The werewolf began to move faster, which made his barrel make a sloshing loud.
"Let's get a move on. This hole is cramped." he grumbled.
Connor felt the left hook connect with his right jaw, and immediately backed up, preparing to ram Dr. Golde through the next building, noticing that a building caught fire.

"TURN AROUND!!" Connor snarled out, angrier than before, seeing the building on fire, he smelled blood, not his, not Dr. Golde's, but Ariana's.



Ariana backed up as the building caught fire, a few fragments flying past her as she backed up further. She started fighting a couple of ruffians, and was actually winning until one got her in the midsection, causing her to wince in pain. She backed up and attempted to heal herself, but it wasn't easy.

"I agree with mister werewolf here. Don't half-ass you ferocity." Deldora nodded while replying at Ikhael's story. "Try to learn from your northern kin, the frost giant. They're real savages, so feared that even the dwarfs wouldn't dare try messing with them. I like those bunch."

"Wait, where's that girl??" She looked around and didn't find Ariana. She proceed to circled the building and finally found her, backed into a corner by two ruffians. Deldora jogged towards them, and then pushed the two ruffians into the burning building. They screamed and fled as their clothes were set ablaze.

"Gosh, darn. I took my eyes off from you for a few seconds and you almost got sacked, AGAIN??" She pointed at Ariana and ordered her to come closer. "Come here, girl. Our business is not finished yet."

@Gamingfan @DevVoid @Cmeriwether @Shadow_Pup


Previously mallard
His foe looked beyond him and tried the "look over there!" trick, and Golde was mildly offended that his enemy thought he'd fall for it. Although, now that he mentioned it, there were screams and the smell of smoke in the air. He turned around to see a fire, and immediately knew what the screams were about. He burst through the walls separating him and the fire as he dug into his coat. As he entered the bar, the fire-weakened floorboards caved in and the doctor fell into the cellar. He landed upright, and produced two vials that he began to shake with his thumbs pressed on their caps. After a thorough shake, his thumbs popped up, and the cork rocketed off, followed by an insulating foam that he aimed at the fires. When he was finished, most of, the fire was out, smothered by the ocean of foam.


Previously Deathstalker62
Ikhael sighed. " Can crush enemies. But not wise to do. Humans notice, and humans do everything to hunt giants. Me doubt you know what like being few last of kind. " Then he looked over to Deldora and shook his head disapprovingly. " No. Do not compare frost giant to normal giant. Normal Giant not brutes like Frost Giant. Normal Giants smart and civilized. We try stay away from brutish behavior. Us no chance of showing this yet. Me not descend to behavior of wild animal or berserker, not until it is last resort. " Ikhael explained before she ran off. Ikhael continued. " Brutes are dumb. If Giant act like brute, we seen as dumb. But we are not, so me not do that. Rather be careful. Cannot make more enemies. " Ikhael finished. He was trying his best not to appear as just some dumb brute, like how giants usually are thought to be. @Gamingfan


Previously Shadow_Pup
Kai and Kiri stared at the flames "holy shit" Kiri muttered as she watched, she heard the conversation between the three and opted to ignore it as she noticed the flames begin to die down and be extinguished. She gave Kai a nudge and he trudged back a bit incase anything got worse, he then sat on a stray box and began to tap the ground out of boredom "why are we still there, we got the booze and money let's go" he said but Kiri shook her head "no little brother, I'm curious of this guy that Ariana mentioned and I want to see what happens next.
Connor had bursted into the bar as well, not exactly normal, he saw the ruffians with a knife, which was giving off the smell of blood, Ariana's to be specific. He ignored Dr. Golde this time, seeing the ruffians as a worse problem.

"YOU TWO!!" Connor roared towards the recently put out ruffians and at that moment, his Lightning came back, sparking off around him.

Ariana perked up as Deldora got to her, seeing Connor with the deadliest aura ever made.

"I've never seen him this angry at anybody," Ariana whispered to Deldora.

Connor then went to punch the ruffian with the knife and missed by a fraction of an inch.

"You missed." The ruffian called out.

The ruffian was too close, and got shocked by the Lightning around him, which left some marks as the other ruffian cleared out the first one. He then walked over to Ariana and the others, still sparking, at least until Ariana hugged him. He calmed down as his scales, wings, claws, and tail disappeared, leaving back to a normal human, but still having the electric blue Serpentine eyes.

"I thought I lost you." Connor whispered fearfully as the battle damage from clash with Dr. Golde set in.

Ariana let loose a single tear as she started to heal him, as much as she could due to her own injuries.

@Shadow_Pup @Spoiled Bread @DevVoid @Gamingfan

"Hello!" Deldora casually slided next to the crying Ariana and the exhausted Connor. "I know I'm kind of breaking the mood here but I have two issues. First, this is much less bloodbath than I expected from you, Connor, but ehh, might be my fault too since I scared most of them with the fire. Second, well..."

"That's the arsonist! She kicked a flaming barrel into the cellar! I saw them gathering inside the cellar so the others must be her accomplice!" An injured rugged man spoke to several guards while pointing at Deldora.

"Hey! I remember you. You're that poor guy who got kicked into the barrels." Deldora mocked the man, which didn't really help at the moment since the guards now raised their weapons at them.

"Capture them all!" The guard's captain commanded and the guards rushed at them. Deldora didn't resist as the guards handcuffed her hands.

@Cmeriwether @Gamingfan @DevVoid @mallard @Shadow_Pup @Red Gallade @Arrivederchi


Previously Shadow_Pup
As the guards arrived Kai reacted almost immediately shoving Kiri into one of the now empty barrels and rolling her into an alleyway "hey Kai what are you...." she started to protest but Kai simply shook his head as he rolled her away from him, the two of them had been incarcerated before for theft and he didnt want Kiri to go through that again, he turned to the guards holding his arms out and waiting, he looked over his shoulder slightly to see Kiri speaking out if her barrel in the alley and he gently shook his head again. Kiri sat in the barrel that stunk severely of booze. She peaked out as she watched the guards arrest people.
Ryon quickly put his sword back in his sheath and simply rolled his eyes. "Well well well." One guard said as he prepared handcuffs. "I never thought we'd be seeing a Blackmist here, taking you in's gonna make a lot of people happy." He said as Ryon offered no resistance other than a sigh in annoyance. "I never asked to be a Blackmist y'know. I'm not like my ancestors." Ryon said. "Yeah, sure buddy. You know what your ancestors did, right?" The guard replied. "That was generations ago, why the hell hasn't society gotten over it?" Ryon said, clearly more annoyed.

"'Cause some of us still carry the scars, you may not be like your predecessors, but you're still a Blackmist, and your ancestors have done countless unforgivable things." One thug said who also complied with being cuffed, the guard who cuffed him nodded in agreement.
He saw the man being cuffed "Hey, leave the dude alone!" he said as the guy tried to explain he's not like whoever the blackmist were , walking to the officer "Look, even if his family or whatever are the worst people in existence, you can't arrest one of their family without even knowing how they are" He didn't care at that moment about whoever Ryon was, he simply hated the injustice in the world, and it seemed like it was always around..


Previously mallard
With the fire out and the guards arresting the brawlers, Golde viewed his duty as complete. He trudged through the foam and out of the bar, heading to his house and hopefully making it there without another problem. He backtracked through the destructive path he and the dragon fellow caused, and ended up at his mansion's gate. He entered through the gate and then the door, where his two maids were working, Samantha and Victoria. When they saw him, they gasped. Victoria spoke first, "Doctor, what happened? We heard explosions and crashing nearby, and you come home like this?" Golde looked in a mirror, and saw that he had soot and frayed spots on his clothes. "Ah, well, I must get changed my darlings. Please pack my bags whilst I change into fresh clothing." Doc jogged up the stairs and headed into his room, and a few minutes later came out good as new. He trotted back down the stairs, with Samantha and Victoria working fast to ready their employer with his travels. Golde stood back in front of the mirror in the entry room, making sure he was presentable. He reached into his coat and revealed two bars of gold that he placed on a table. Doc turned to the girls and told them, "One for each of you to take ho-" he was interrupted by a knock on the door.
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Ariana had seen Dr. Golde leave since he was not part of the tavern brawl, she had been trying to defend herself from ruffians and Connor showed up, she carried him on her back, due to exhaustion. He woke up half way to Golde's house and got off, walking with her since they needed to find the house. When she arrived at the the door, she knocked, holding her fiance's hand. She kept him as calm as she could while waiting for the person.

"Hi, Dr. Golde, I'm Ariana Silver, and could you help me out, the guards were trying to arrest these people who saved my life, twice, from these Ruffians. My fiance is exhausted, if he saw my wounds, he'd be in another frenzy." Ariana whispered to herself, practicing as if the person was there, "Sorry if he roughed you up, it tends to happen when he is separated from me and hears bad news about me."


Previously mallard
Golde swung open the door to find an injured woman and the man he was fighting not fifteen minutes ago was exhausted. He looked at the man with suspicion, but he was out cold for now. The doctor shouted back to his maids, "I apologize to work you girls so hard, but please fetch me a healing accelerating solution." He turned back to the two on his doorstep. "What do you need, lass?"