I know this is a somewhat old topic, but it's only on its first page (and Teapot said that the replies would affect plans for the future) so here I go...
Like so many other people in this thread- I think "clans" or groups or whatever you want to call them would be a great idea. Look, I've already got different group convos that I feel are close to this concept. However, having an
official group would not only give me a more defined sense of belonging, but also promote my group-members. If someone visits my page, and likes my stuff, they may wander over to a group-members page, hoping to find more of the same. Or vice-versa. They see a group-members page and come to mine.
This feature would also help shared universes in the same way I mentioned above. I've started a Written Works shared universe [shameless plug go read Batman and
Green Arrow: Eternal, link in spoiler] with Eeveechu151 and a few other mystery writers that will come in soon. We obviously already have a convo, but having an "ETERNAL GROUP/CLAN" would link us together even more in other people's minds. It would give us (much needed) publicity.
Thirdly, it would bring on a stronger sense of community. I touched on this a bit above, when I said a clan would link people together more. Pokecharms is already a great place, with wonderful people. But something about that official group title would bring on a new sense of belonging.
Next, to play devil's advocate, clans/groups could definitely cause exclusion. Like LunaLuma said, they tend to feel left out in life (it should be said they still want this implemented). Clans would magnify this feeling. I don't know how to work around this, besides maybe having a Newbie Clan that all new members- or members that don't have a clan- belong to.
Lastly, another con... It's not needed, necessarily. Are clans/groups needed? No. I can already communicate freely with anyone. Then again, was this
site needed? No. The earth would have kept spinning without it. But it was definitely a welcome addition to our lives. Pokecharms was an outlet for (again a shameless plug) my Batman: Eternal series. It gave me a place to be myself. In real life, I hide my enjoyment of everything Pokemon. So, while it's not necessary, it would be a fun extra feature.
@Eeveechu151 since I mentioned you earlier, what are your thoughts?