Examples of suitable Pokemon: Abra (+ its line), Machop (+ its line), Electabuzz, Magmar. They must already know Fire Punch & ThunderPunch as I don't yet have the National Dex (otherwise I'd just upload my Fire/Ice/Thunder-punching Alakazam from Fire Red). It must be male.
I don't need to keep the father pokemon permanently, just for as long as it takes my Monferno to produce some eggs. So I don't think it's a Trade, as such. I can use the Exp bonus for trading to level your pokemon up a bit before returning it to you, or trade it permanently for one of my spares. (I don't have anything really good though

Edit: 2007-09-08 Current wants are in post #4, here.
Edit: 2007-11-24 See post #16 for Pokemon trades and post #17 for Item trades.