Oh boy, this ought to be fun.

Since I got my first Pokemon game (which was embarrisingly only Pearl -.-) I've usualy named my Pokemon in order from A to Z, then I start again until I can't be bothered. My Platinum team (my main one) is:
Adam the Empoleon - Because it started with an A.
Ben the Staraptor - Because it started with a B.
Pringles the Togetic - Because I was hyper. I have other Togetics, too, also named after crisps, like Walkers.
Gigabyte the Porygon-Z - Because it started with a G and was fitting for a cyber Pokemon.
Terra the Salamence - Because Terra sounded nice.

Weavile the... Weavile - Because I couldn't be bothered to find a good name.
My Emerald team before my game died was:
Ajax the Swampert - Begins with an A and named after the coolest Greek hero.
Bandit the Mightyena - Began with a B and it fit.
Candy the Beautifly - Because it began with a C.
Zeraflare the Groudon - Because it began with a Z. Seriousley he was the 26th Pokemon I got.
Erosion the Aggron - Cause it began with an E.
Smoot the Vileplume - Cause I got bored.
Some Random Other Pokemon I have on Platinum:
Phantom the Giratina (it fits

Terrance the Bagon (Terra's son)
Ben Jr. the Starly (Ben's son)
Tentafraga the Tentacrual (I got bored)
Pangolin the Sandshrew (cause they're totaly pangolins)
Anthrax the Hippowdon (because it's a disease hippos get)
And the Abreviated Names on Platinum:
Iflylo the Yanmega - Said like 'I fly low' accidentaly. Stands for It's Female Like Your Other One - What my bro said when Iflylo hatched.
DJ the Duskull - Sounded cool at the time but also abreviates for Duskull Juvenile. He was originaly going to be called Arm, which stood for Actually Really Mental.
Nyceih the Murkrow - Stands for No You Can't Eat It's Hat. ...Don't ask.
Sstyc the Staryu - I don't even remember what this one stood for.
Iwiif the Cranidos - Stands for I Wonder If It's Female. (And Iwiif ended up male)
Last but not least, the just plain ridiculous Pokemon of Platinum. Prepare for randomness.
Gyarados the Lopunny & Wingull the Machoke (...I don't even know.)
Boobies the Bronzong (don't say anything.)
Woooooooo! the Graveler (I was hyper)
Scary Bird the Xatu (what? they're scary)
Moo the Luxio & Moo the Cresselia (I get hyper alot)
Mwahahaha the Magcargo (I was in an evil mood)
Duh Duduh (The sound Slugma make)
Kukableh the Walrein (because that's the noise Sealeo make)
So there we go. What have you learned from this post? I'm a total maniac. BWAHAHAHAAH. That is all.