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It's all in the name

My team names are

Typhlosion -- Volkanus
Snorlax -- BurgerKing
Dragonite -- Yomama
Ho-Oh -- Phenix
Magnezone -- Maggie
Gyarados -- Madhatter


Main team on platinum:
Tails the buizel
Snap the totodile
Goofy the bidoof
Sparta the starly
Slash the zangoose
Link the Riachu (named after linkachu)
I thought rex was your venusaur @geeksandwich.. I was about to name my aerodactyl Rexx, but i thought of a name to suit his team. Aerodactyl~Synyster.. Umbreon~Shadows.. Scizor~The Rev.. Dragonite~Vengeance.. Latias~Christ(but i caught it from emerald put it in diamond without naming it so now i cant name it christ) ill just pick gorebyss to name christ.. And in case you all are wondering where i got my names from theyre the original five members of avenged sevenfold my favorite band. Such as synyster gates, M. Shadows, The rev (r.i.p), zacky vengeance, and johnny christ. But i also name my other pokemon funny names i.e lapras~lap dance.. Turtwig~turdwig heracross~his face(if you put heracross and his face together you get my hairstyle lol) basicly hair across his face, thats why i named him *his face* haha i got more but im battling the pokemon league right now, ill let you know what others i came up with later
Oh boy, this ought to be fun. :D Since I got my first Pokemon game (which was embarrisingly only Pearl -.-) I've usualy named my Pokemon in order from A to Z, then I start again until I can't be bothered. My Platinum team (my main one) is:

Adam the Empoleon - Because it started with an A.
Ben the Staraptor - Because it started with a B.
Pringles the Togetic - Because I was hyper. I have other Togetics, too, also named after crisps, like Walkers.
Gigabyte the Porygon-Z - Because it started with a G and was fitting for a cyber Pokemon.
Terra the Salamence - Because Terra sounded nice. :p
Weavile the... Weavile - Because I couldn't be bothered to find a good name.

My Emerald team before my game died was:

Ajax the Swampert - Begins with an A and named after the coolest Greek hero.
Bandit the Mightyena - Began with a B and it fit.
Candy the Beautifly - Because it began with a C.
Zeraflare the Groudon - Because it began with a Z. Seriousley he was the 26th Pokemon I got.
Erosion the Aggron - Cause it began with an E.
Smoot the Vileplume - Cause I got bored.

Some Random Other Pokemon I have on Platinum:

Phantom the Giratina (it fits :p)
Terrance the Bagon (Terra's son)
Ben Jr. the Starly (Ben's son)
Tentafraga the Tentacrual (I got bored)
Pangolin the Sandshrew (cause they're totaly pangolins)
Anthrax the Hippowdon (because it's a disease hippos get)

And the Abreviated Names on Platinum:
Iflylo the Yanmega - Said like 'I fly low' accidentaly. Stands for It's Female Like Your Other One - What my bro said when Iflylo hatched.
DJ the Duskull - Sounded cool at the time but also abreviates for Duskull Juvenile. He was originaly going to be called Arm, which stood for Actually Really Mental.
Nyceih the Murkrow - Stands for No You Can't Eat It's Hat. ...Don't ask.
Sstyc the Staryu - I don't even remember what this one stood for.
Iwiif the Cranidos - Stands for I Wonder If It's Female. (And Iwiif ended up male)

Last but not least, the just plain ridiculous Pokemon of Platinum. Prepare for randomness.

Gyarados the Lopunny & Wingull the Machoke (...I don't even know.)
Boobies the Bronzong (don't say anything.)
Woooooooo! the Graveler (I was hyper)
Scary Bird the Xatu (what? they're scary)
Moo the Luxio & Moo the Cresselia (I get hyper alot)
Mwahahaha the Magcargo (I was in an evil mood)
Duh Duduh (The sound Slugma make)
Kukableh the Walrein (because that's the noise Sealeo make)

So there we go. What have you learned from this post? I'm a total maniac. BWAHAHAHAAH. That is all.
i must be stupid cause i name mine funny names such as

Lopunny-Bunny Buns
Empoleon-The waiter(since he looks like he has s suit on)
Torterra- Turrrrrrrrrtle(filling in as many "r" as i can and in reference to master of disguise)
Infernape- Flamer
Primeape- Anger Mngmnt (short for anger management)
Blastoise-King Koopa
Mew- God JR.
Celebi-Fairy God Mthr (short for fairy God mother)
Deoxys- Mr. Deoxys
Oh, jeez. I think I've been naming my pokemon for as long as I've been playing, although I tend to switch specific schemes 3-5 times per save file (and I started with Blue, so...). Pretty sure I started because the games' habit of CAPSLOCK for names drives me up a wall. Most of them have been lost to the mists of time, but I still have notes for my Pearl save.

The first team in Pearl, the one that took me through the Elite Four, used my my old tried-and-true "spit up some syllables that sound good" scheme.
-Lehee the LUMINEON
-Fisir the FROSLASS
-Dosoo the DRAPION
-Fyvyt the FLYGON
-Auumf the AMPHAROS

My second team in the same Pearl file was "I'm bored, I want to breed, and Lumineon is terrible." This set got named after E.S.Posthumus songs, which are (as far as I can tell) all named after ancient cities.
-Nara the FLYGON (making a return!)
-Isfahan the AMPHAROS (also returning)
-Menouthis the SCEPTILE
-Tikal the WEAVILE
-Antissa the MILOTIC
-Ulaid the NINETALES

My rebooted Ruby file was even less creative: whatever Psypokes lists as the Japanese name for a given poke. I allowed a smidgen of leeway and declared any evolution to be fair game, I think after one I looked up had something just terrible to my eyes/ears listed. May also include the ol' random-syllable method.
-Kinokoko the BRELOOM
-Couzou the CROBAT
-Bakuuda the CAMERUPT
-Zatoruh the ZANGOOSE
-Banebuu the GRUMPIG
-Chonchii the LANTURN

Finally, the plan at this particular moment (subject to change in as little as five minutes) for my SoulSilver team is "things you could look up in wikipedia." Not done yet, but the names so far are:
-Sardonyx the MAROWAK
-Peppermint the TOGEKISS
-Cornflower the CHIMECHO

Final note: "do you name 'trash' pokemon?" Not always, but I often pick up a very simple naming scheme and give them a little love, too. For my Pearl file, the first syllable repeated twice: Haphap for HAPPINY, Skorskor for a SKORUPI, etc. Just enough to save me from the horror of staring at a CAPSLOCK name.
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here is my team i use in hg


i dont know how i got the name gary from i guess i bored ;)
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My only game i have right now is pearl so here is my team
Torterra: Turtlet
Luxray: Pluto
Floatzel: Butler
Lucario: Bandit
Sneasil: Cloud
and I still need a 6th pokemon to add to the team
Also various other pokemon i nicknamed:
Swampert: Mudkipper
Typhlosian: Cinderfyre
Feraligater: Crocinater
Maganium: Dinaleaf
Noctowl: Dusk
I've only named a couple of them

Typhlosion - Mercury
Electabuzz - Lightning
Noctowl - Nocturne
Quilava - Silver
Lanturn - Columbus
Pichu - Charlemagne
Totodile - Rio

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
I almost never nickname my 'mons, but there have been a few exceptions, notably my second Emerald run with Mudkip. I don't remember the exact names, but I do remember Nester the Swellow and Armor the Aggron.
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I used to nickname my Pokemon but I got tired of having to think of something for every Pokemon so I stopped... but here were the nicknames before I took them away.

Luxray- Cyrus (aftah my good self)
Heracross- Sinclair (after a character in a game I like)
Water Rotom- Chester (singer in band I like)
Lapras- Flood (self explanatory. Plus my mother's maiden name was Flood)
Empoleon- Rivers (another singer I like)
Electivire- Blackout (electric... blackout!? Get it? XD)
I don't name alot of my Pokemon, usually only the important ones.

I have:

Croco the Feraligatr ♥
Calli the Charmeleon
Buggy the Butterfree
Mudpie the Mudkip
Ivy the Ivysaur
Grovvo the Grovyle
Mewtwo the NidoranM ???

I have more, I just can't remember them. Alot of those are from my Nuzlocke Challenge file and my brother said you had to name them when I started.
I usually name only my favourite pokemon such as:

Rayquaza: Sparky
Skeptile: Meno
Sandslash: Boggles
Flygon: Hectar
Dragonite: Pirection
Cranindos: Tanoshii
I always make sure to name everyone of my Pokemon; even those I'm trading, or catching just to fill up my PC/Pokedex~
It's what makes the experience of catching and training Pokemon more fun!

Piplup~ Pocchama (Japanese name for Piplup)
Monferno~ Hikozaru (Japanese name for Chimchar)
Leafeon~ Eve (I was feeling unoriginal .w.'')
Lucario~ Rio (Part of the name Riolo)
Driftlim~ Drifty (I was feeling unoriginal .w.'')
Luxio~ Gizmo (It sounded cute!)

Sceptile~ Forrest (A very suitable name, I found)
Swellow~ Rose (The inspiration came from Ritchie's Tailow in the anime)
Manectric~ Strike (As in, a lightning strike...)
Camerupt~ Carmel (..the name came from some god awful video I watched in school...)
Aggron~ Laigron (Why not mix all three of the names together? xD)
Azumarill~ Bubble (again; unorigianl but cute<3)
Hmm...I don't like caps names all that much... But I seem to be used to them, I guess. =x
For Example-:

Mega-Chan/Meganium. Unoriginal, I know. Back when it was a Chikorita, it was Chiko, a character from an anime.
Soprano/Altaria. Named by it's Perish Song~
Lanturn/Lanturn. Still didn't use a name for this one, yet. But I'm thinking Voltus or SeaLantern.
Plato/Empoleon. Named after Pokemon Platinum/Steel on it's wings that cleave through the ice floe. The Female, Platina; in competitive team.
Rachel/Roserade. Rachel is a common name, that was rather random back then.
Diana/Lunatone. Back from my Sapphire game. The Roman moon Deity. I have another called LunaTome, as in a psychic summoning book ♥
Poseidon/Blastoise. Just recently named this one~ God of the Sea, as Neptune felt kinda silly.
Shucks!/Shuckle. My very awesome tank-in-training. Named this one on a whim, probably cause of the move Flatter which one of my Pokemon had.
I didn't until gen 4 when I decided to use "literal names." for example, a dragonair would be "LongDragon" due to its length. A magikarp might be "WeakFish" and a Gengar would be "Boo! Scary" or something to that effect.
My Platinum team Pokemon all have names, specially picked by me!
Ares the Lucario- Named after the Greek god of war, it fits because I use him in competitive battling, naturally.
Tayler the Emoleon- Random name I picked up, but I've grown attatched to it.
Sammy the Staraptor- Named after my deceased dog. I saw it fit.
Bella the Bibarel- Named after this young girl I sometimes babysit. She's sweet and so is my Bibarel!
Sparkster the Raichu- I added the suffix -ster to spark and got a name.
Kendra the Roserade- Named after a character in one of my Pokemon fics. :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p

EDIT: Unnecessary image is unnecessary. Nuked.


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Chenchen21621, you've received a warning for smiley abuse, attaching a large and pointless image to your post as well as a set of equally pointless hyperlinks (which have now been nuked by me.)

Don't do any of this again or further action will be taken.
Best names ever!
Aerodactyl: HYPAHFOSIL
Heatran: HYPAHSCARF (Due to choice scarf he is wearing)
And, last but not least:
Dusknoir: Bob (You were expecting HYPAHGHOST weren't you?)

This idea started when I caught Zapdos and the first thing that came to my head was HYPAHZAP and I couldn't think of names for the others so that is how it ended up! I don't know what I was thinking when I was naming Bob, I was probably drunk.
Typhlosion- Badda Bing
Electivire- E-Vi
Emboar- Siggy
Archeos- Tryx
Warubiaru- ZTK
The Frog Thing- Frogga
Zeburaika- Blitz
Zekrom- Navi
Yannaki- Z-Fu
Quilava- Baki
Espeon- Pi
Weavile- Nay
Second Stage of Grass Starter- Vi
I almost always nickname my pokemon unless I receive them in trade and have no nickname, can't change it, so whatever. Sometimes I can think of awesome names, sometimes I can't. Most of the time, I can't DX
Meganium~ Kotone
Dragonair~ Vesper
Dragonite~ Dragonite

not the best team, but whatever.
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SOME of these nicknames came when I was about 5-7 so they are stupid xD.

Pidgeot: Master (Later Named Master(Female Sign)
Staraptor: Master(Male Sign)
Suicune: WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I randomely found this guy in silver, when I didn't know what suicune was. lol)
Ho-oh: AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! (Kind of like suicune)
Krabby: Crappy (Uh I don't know.)
Typhlosion: FIRST PKMN!!!! (Lol self explanetory)
Umbreon: Toa Tahu (I was addicted to BIONICLE or the Lego warrior things when I was like 6)

... and TONS MORE. I nicknamed every single thing I caught.

If I add all of them you would read the first 50 then put "tl;dr"
My White 2 team:
Flambirex the Emboar- It's Emboar's German name.

Zelda the Scolipede- My cousin recommended the name while I was drawing a blank.

Vixti the Swanna- A search code has /vixti in it, and I was close to catching a Ducklett.

Katniss the Haxorus- I came up with that since the Axew line reminds me so much of Katniss Everdeen.

Cynthia the Mienshao- Mienshao and Cynthia have so many similarities I had to make a tribute.

Brutus the Mamoswine- I named him after a feared Hunger Games victor.


Former Moderator
I tend to name things with names that are hilarious or appropriate. My Grimlock the Tyrunt and Froglord the Greninja spring to mind. Bahamut the Mega Charizard X is another. If I can't think of anything appropriate like that, I tend to default to silly names (lookin' at you, Marill-chan and Spots-kun).

My current team of Kabuterimon the Heracross, Grimlock, Renamon the Delphox and needs-a-new-name Solar Power the Heliolist are a mix of hilarious and kinda disappointing names.
I didn't have any intention of naming my Kalos pokes, but I ended up doing so anyway.

Rather than giving everyone random names, I stuck with a theme this time around xD
Lancelot the Chesnaught
Guinevere the Gardevoir
Arthur the Blaziken
Merlin the Tentacruel
Margause the Bisharp and
Morgaine the Froslass

postE4 some Pokemon got some food-themed nicknames as well >w</
Candy the Snubbull (she's a shiny hatched on Halloween \o wo/)
Pretz the Fennekin and
Pocky the Espeon (hatched on Pocky day and Pretz's son)
What awesome nicknames do you like to use for your Pokemon? This one actually comes from a texting battle I was having with my friend, I sent out a Shotgunizard and she said there's no such thing so this is what she saw next time we actually battled :p


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I got traded a Skrelp named StonerDragon from one of my friends. That alone is ridiculous. However, personally, I have very eclectic nicknames. Occasionally I go on a Dune streak and name them ThufirHawat, or Paul, or Chani, or I can go silly and name a Vaporeon Oceo.
When playing pokémon White, I had a tendency to give my pokémon Superhero-themed nicknames such as Splashdown for my Samurott, Gemstar for my shiny female Gigalith, Zappy for my Zebstrika, Stalagsite for my Crustle, & Big-Bang for the DW Arceus. (Though there were a few exceptions such as nicknaming my Scolipede Fluffy)

However, when playing Pokémon Y, I've started to also give my pokémon nicknames from celebrities, tv shows, etc. that relates to them in some way such as how my Ampharos is nicknamed Fabio due its Mega Evolution and my Koffing is nicknamed H.R. Pufnstuf because of how it puffs out poisonous gasses
I consider myself to be an expert Pokémon nicknamer. What I usually do is find any words that associate with the given Pokémon and I combine them in a way that sounds nice. A lot of the time I like to translate the words into Latin or Japanese if Necessary. Sometimes it's easy, such as looking up the Latin word for Shrew when nicknaming Sandslash and getting Sorex (all time favorite nickname) or looking up Latin for rock for my Aurorus and getting Petra (AOT much?). Most of the time, though, it's more fun. When nicknaming my Froakie for Pokémon Y, I combined Rubeta (Latin for TOAD) and Bellator (Warrior) and got Rubetor. Fits for a ninja frog, doesn't it?
I love giving my Pokémon names so much that I've even developed my own Original Characters out of those on my teams from various games, and a few drawings of my OC's gijinkas are on my profile :3
Anyway, here are some of the Pokémon I gave names to: (in no particular order)

Jasper the Delphox
Rodney the Venusaur
Lola the female Meowstic
Vesta the Gogoat
Deena the Dedenne
Coco the shiny Dedenne
Lennon the Emolga
Ema the Emolga (pronounced Eee-ma, not Emma -_-)
Azalea the Serperior
Odette the Swanna
Ginger the female Unfezant
Fez the male Unfezant (I was bored and couldn't think of any other names XD)
Leilani the Bellossom
Dave the Togekiss
Felicity the Talonflame
Jeff the Snorlax
Lexi the Galvantula
Amelia the Lilligant
Isabelle the Lilligant
Shigeru the Sawk
Jessica the Gothitelle
Kyle the Samurott
Danae the Mienshao
Venus the Musharna
Maya the Roserade
Nicki the Pachirisu

That's all I remember.
Here they are! I LOVE nicknaming Pokemon! ♥
Vaporeon - Pacific
Arcanine - Cinnamon (F) or Pyro (M)
Togekiss - Fairii (F) or Brogepi (M)
Lucario - PUNCH'EMINDANECK!!!!!!! if there was enough space.. Otherwise Leela (F) or Beast (M)
Zangoose - Scarz (M) or Ginger (F)
Miltank - Bessie
Meganium - Caesar (M) or Ochid (F)
And alot more, but I'm too lazy to post now.. >_<
When I first began my Pokemon adventures, I gave all my Pokemon nicknames. A lot of them were very stupid, sure, but I did it.However, I eventually realized I could not think of anything good, so I stopped for a while. That has changed in recent days. With Black 2, I nicknamed every member of my main team, and now that I've started Nuzlockes, I of course have to be more creative. So now, even though I did not yet nickname any Pokemon in X\Y, I have decided to start nicknaming more frequently.

With my current process, I either name a Pokemon according to appearance/type, or I give it a person's name. I do have a few standouts every now and then that don't adhere to this, but the vast majority are nicknamed under this process.

I'll update/make another post later with common nicknames once I've grown more accustomed to nicknaming.

Green Dragon

Formerly supertrainer300
I usually only catch my team and slaves, but nickname everything.

My team:
Ninja the Greninja
Aero the Talonflame
Emotion the Gardevoir
Muscles the Machamp
Stampede the Tauros
Evergreen the Abomasnow

I name my Pokemon with names that are fitting.


Formerly Stewie
I nicknamed my Scrafty Loki. I always thought it fit because it has a naughty nature and it is the hoodlum pokemon.