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It's never too early to plan for summer =)

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Hero of Pizza
Staff member
As I stare out the window at the cloudy, gray, rainy day today, I can't help but be reminded of summer :p

So, has anyone made any plans yet for summer vacation this year? (Aside from the usual work-your-ass-off-with-little-free-time-to-spare summers most of us over 16 experience?) Any trips and whatnot lined up?

Since I couldn't do it last year, I'm planning to take this summer off (w00t) from working and live off my saved money while relaxing by the beach at our cottage. Then I'll be spending most of August (and possibly part of July) in the Toronto area hanging out with one of my best friends. Should be awesome =)

How about the lot of you?

Prof. Cinders

Staff member
Since my summer starts somewhat earlier than usual (as in, mid june instead of late july), the week after exams finish I've got an Alex invading. We've got the last two episodes of Doctor Who, my prom thingy and an anniversary to occupy us while he's over, and then the week after he goes (I think it's then, anyway) I'm off to Singapore with the family for two weeks. The week after we get back, I've got my results day (scary scary o.o). Then I'm free for the rest of august and september to work/invade Belfast. ^^


Former Moderator
Exams. Then panicking about my exams and how I got question 16b wrong in the maths, and didn't accurately describe how I'd play Raymond in drama.

Then I'm going on holiday to where my sister works, in a lovely little place near... E-Sex.
Provincial Exams...followed by a short vacation then some summer work. And then another vacation and then some school stuffs. All with 'Charms and video games in there.
Well I just got into the show 42nd street at the Ritz Theater. Which is cool... except we found out the show was pretty much pre-cast and the director gave himself the lead male role. (ugh)

But that'll take up a huge chunk of my summer... (pretty much every night from 7-11 until July 20th)

Hopefully I'll be working a decent amount so I can afford things I need. (Gas, Laptop, Etc)
Having Smash Bros tourneys here and there with friends, and going to Otakon in August.

My birthday is July 26th too so thats something to look forward too (I guess)

and I start classes August 25th. (Hooray Communications Design Major!
School gets out at the 24th and i am trying to get a job (applying now... so lame). My cousin comes up from South Carolina 2 weeks after i get out of school so all my spare time we should be hanging out. Oh and almost forgot we're getting a season pass to a nearby amusement park its pretty nice although an hour to get there is a killer on gas.
!!!We just got a new pool to awesomeness!!!

Doctor Oak

Staff member
My plans for this summer involve, in entireity, working my ass off, hiding in the house around the 11th/12th July, trying to save any money I can, getting ready for Uni in September and - of course - a week and a bit with Rachel in June. :)

Guess which one of those I actually give a damn about?
I'll be working at the public library in town and basically enjoying every second of free time I can get before I start college. Hopefully, I'll have enough money saved for a PS3...my expected final luxury buy before all my money starts going to books and tuition.
I'm already on summer break. :) But I've only been on it since last Thursday. My plans are simple. Find a job, get a car and drivers licence, and see my gf as many times as I can. I'm going on a trip to Oregon in June for a weekend. Near the end of next month, I'm planning on taking my girlfriend to see Wall-E. That's pretty much it.
Beach house baby! A million $ beachhouse that my grandparents are renting for 8 weeks! In the words of Yugi, Super Special Awesome Everybody!
Rees the whatever, please check the date of the last post before replying.

This thread has been dead since June of last year. This is grave-digging, which is against the rules here. Please ensure that you have read all the rules found on the site.

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