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DPPt/HGSS ? JewLost's Team ? (Needs Help)

Well, I pick some of my team, but I don't know move sets or what EVs to train on some.
The ? marks mean I don't know what to get. ( Thats where you come in )
Well here it is:

Breloom with Toxic Orb
? Nature
Ev: 252 attack, 252 speed, 6 Hp
Focus Energy
Focus Punch

Adamant Nature
EV: ?

Snorlax with Leftovers
Docile Nature.
EV: ?

Rampardois with ?
Quirky Nature
EV: ?

Lucario with ?
Bashful Nature
EV: ?

Togekiss with ?
Relaxed Nature
EV: 252 Def, 252 Hp, 6 Sp. Def
Thunder Wave

I know there is a lot of ?'s.
For your last, I'd recommend something that can dodge EQ (Can't remember if Forretress can). Something like Flygon/Staraptor would be an idea.
Nope. Not happening here. Don't overuse smilies. You could've just had question marks, but you decide to use the smilies. People don't look at posts with that many smilies. Please don't use that many smilies. I will edit them all out. Reading the rules at the topic of this board would be of great help.
Ill do my suggestions pokemon by pokemon. The EVs and natures are ideal, if you cant get them then try to get close:

Breloom with Toxic Orb
Adamant Nature
Ev: 252 attack, 252 speed, 6 Hp
Seed Bomb
Stone Edge
Focus Punch

Since you have Spore you dont need Substitute, so I put in a great cover move against Brelooms greatest type weakness: Flying. Plus it crits nicely too. Seed Bomb for stab on things that resist Focus Punch.

Skarmory with Leftovers or Shed Shell
Impish Nature
EV: 252 HP / 96 Atk / 156 Def / 4 Spe
Drill Peck/Brave Bird/Aerial Ace

This is a traditional Spiker Skarmory build. Simply lay the spikes and whirlwind them around while you heal with Roost. Choice of offensive move is yours, I like to go for big hits with Brave Bird and just get rid of a few spiked pokes. Item choice varies on where you play. If you encounter alot of Magnezones/Probopass(sp?) then go for Shed shell to screw them up.

Snorlax with Leftovers
Careful Nature
EV: 244 HP / 28 Def / 236 SpD
Sleep Talk
Body Slam
Earthquake/Crunch/Fire Blast

A slight variation on the traditional curse-based snorlax. This guy is more of a tank and less of a sweeper but is verrrry annoying none the less. Choice of the last move depends on you, a Sassy nature maybe needed for max out effeciency with Fire Blast.

Rampardos with Focus Sash
Adamant Nature
EV: 252 Atk / 6 SpD / 252 Spe
Stone Edge / Head Smash
Rock Polish

Boost your speed first turn and then start smashing. Rampardos is a glass cannon so dont expect to keep him around for ever.

Lucario with Life Orb or Expert Belt
EV: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Close Combat
Extreme Speed/Bullet Punch
Swords Dance
Crunch/Stone Edge

Classic Physical sweeper, just Dance and hit hard.

Togekiss with Leftovers
Calm Nature
252 HP / 6 Def / 252 SpD
Thunder Wave
Air Slash
Aura Sphere

Take full advantage of Serene grace and flinch things to death.

There you go this are my favourite builds for the pokemon you put up. You can of course think up variations and such, these are just general ideas in throwing out there.


Bearded Trout Warrior
what? do I sense a breloom? ;D

Breloom@Toxic Orb
Poison Heal ability
Jolly Nature
EVs 252 Attack, 252 Speed, 6HP

Stone Edge/Rock Slide
Focus Punch

I'd say Jolly Nature rather than Adamant, because the speed is more important than attack with Spore.
I think you still need Substitution, it protects you when your opponent wakes up (should they) and will also protect you from the next pokemon that gets sent out should it be faster.
Focus Punch for STAB, and because you'll be protected.
Rock attack for Ghost and other things that you can't hit with Focus punch for as good of damage...

I'd suggest Rock Slide only because of the chance of making something Flinch after it wakes up... it will be weak compared to a STAB'd Focus Punch, even if it is ineffective, Stone Edge isn't even quite as strong as an ineffective STAB'd Focus Punch.
Seed Bomb is also a strong option if you need a second STAB. The main thing I see it hitting is Swampert and other bulky water types (Slowbro and Starmie). Seed Bomb will take a nice chunk out of them (not that you should be staying out against a Psychic type.