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Jeyjey's Art Requests.

Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

Thepokemontrainer said:
WOW your chaos are so darn CUTE! Can I please have a team pose with the SS hero and these pokemon:
Dragonite (Shiny)

Please and Thank you in advance.

Thank you and here is your request since I had photoshop open.
Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

Jeydis said:
Thepokemontrainer said:
WOW your chaos are so darn CUTE! Can I please have a team pose with the SS hero and these pokemon:
Dragonite (Shiny)

Please and Thank you in advance.

Thank you and here is your request since I had photoshop open.

Uhm, sorry, I forgot to type this in, but I meant the FEMALE hero. Sorry, but everything else is completley awesome!
Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

May i request a team pic if it isnt too much to ask?
Trainer: Lucy (Frontier Brain) body and hair with Kamitsure's Outfit but with a deep purple shirt and shoes, if you need a pic of both then thats ok. (If you dont make sprites thats ok, just use Kamitsure)
Shiny Glaceon
Shiny Leafeon
SHiny Luxray
Leopardas (If you cant get a sprite of her then Metagross)
Thanks! Btw i love your trainer cards, havnt seen many people that can do them XD
Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

Thepokemontrainer said:
Jeydis said:
Thepokemontrainer said:
WOW your chaos are so darn CUTE! Can I please have a team pose with the SS hero and these pokemon:
Dragonite (Shiny)

Please and Thank you in advance.

Thank you and here is your request since I had photoshop open.

Uhm, sorry, I forgot to type this in, but I meant the FEMALE hero. Sorry, but everything else is completley awesome!

Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

Oh, WOW thank you so much! I love it!
But.. Whats the URL? :-\
I think its the best team pic in the whole wide world!
Thank you!
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Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

Could I have a lucario chaos, an angel lucario and a devil lucario to add to my collection please and could I have the web addresses also please and thanks!
Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

hey Jeyjey, its pokekid, i was woundering if i could get a team shot for my sprite Max Masters

his pokemon are as followed

shiny pichu (event colored)
shiny spikey eared pichu
note the two pichu are suposed to repesnt the pichu brothers
thanks again pokekid
Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

can you make me a mugshot of this you made me plz


  • my ghost trainer.png
    3.9 KB · Views: 336
Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

Metal Flame said:
Uhm, if it isn't too much trouble, may I request a sprite? And a team pose or Trainer Card? (perferably the latter)

I want the sprite to be based off Silver(rival) from HG/SS, male, with a black vest with white shirt, similar to the girl sprites in B/W, black pants, and white sneakers. For his team: Desukan, Emboar, Zoroark, Scizor, Honchkrow, and Wargle.

If it's not too much trouble. /shy

EDIT:: Can you put the codes up as well? I thank you greatly.

EDIT(again):: Yanakki instead of Honchkrow please.


Here you go, I modified Silver's hair a bit to bring a little bit more variety from your character to him, since you didn't specify anything about the hair. Hope that's alright.

Added the rest of you guys may do some more tonight.
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Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

OMIGAWSH, these are great!!! The hair's perfect, almost like you read my mind! Can I have the codes to them?
Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

Thank you so much! Can I trouble you for a mugshot of him too? With the link, of course. I'm now a huge fan of your work!


Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

Thankies! I was hoping you wouldn't do the sat down lucario sprite and you didn't (gosh I hate that damn sprite!) All of them will go... to the sig!
Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

Can you make a Demonic Darkrai and a Angelic Cresselia? I plan to use them in a fanfic soon called Demonics and Angelics. Thanks :D
Don't worry, I'll give credit
Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

Your request is on the list but now since you got yourself on the watch list you will be removed.

Sorry hitmon you'll have to behave better before requesting again.
Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

Hi Jeydis.... if it is no trouble, could I have a team shot with the Black sprite? (The main male hero in Pokemon Black/White)

Could his team be Tsujarta, Pokabu, Mijumaru, Mamepato, Shimama, and Yanappu?

If it's no trouble. I'll be using it for my signature, by the way.
Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

umbreon5678 said:
May i request a team pic if it isnt too much to ask?
Trainer: Lucy (Frontier Brain) body and hair with Kamitsure's Outfit but with a deep purple shirt and shoes, if you need a pic of both then thats ok. (If you dont make sprites thats ok, just use Kamitsure)
Shiny Glaceon
Shiny Leafeon
SHiny Luxray
Leopardas (If you cant get a sprite of her then Metagross)
Thanks! Btw i love your trainer cards, havnt seen many people that can do them XD

http://i253.photobucket.com/albums/hh58 ... amshot.png

PokeTeen said:
hey Jeyjey, its pokekid, i was woundering if i could get a team shot for my sprite Max Masters

his pokemon are as followed

shiny pichu (event colored)
shiny spikey eared pichu
note the two pichu are suposed to repesnt the pichu brothers
thanks again pokekid


http://i253.photobucket.com/albums/hh58 ... amshot.png

Metal Flame said:
Thank you so much! Can I trouble you for a mugshot of him too? With the link, of course. I'm now a huge fan of your work!


http://i253.photobucket.com/albums/hh58 ... ugshot.png

FantasmicDragon said:
Can you make a Demonic Darkrai and a Angelic Cresselia? I plan to use them in a fanfic soon called Demonics and Angelics. Thanks :D
Don't worry, I'll give credit
Here you go

http://i253.photobucket.com/albums/hh58 ... aangel.png http://i253.photobucket.com/albums/hh58 ... arkrai.png
I removed Cresselia's top ring, I hope its ok with you, it just made the sprite too busy with the wings added.

Antisocial said:
Hi Jeydis.... if it is no trouble, could I have a team shot with the Black sprite? (The main male hero in Pokemon Black/White)

Could his team be Tsujarta, Pokabu, Mijumaru, Mamepato, Shimama, and Yanappu?

If it's no trouble. I'll be using it for my signature, by the way.

http://i253.photobucket.com/albums/hh58 ... amshot.png
Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

Thanks a lot! Well done! Exactly what I was looking for!

.....You're excellent. Really honestly. Well done.
Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

Your quite welcome :D

Requests are freed up at last guys and I have a day off today so now is your chance!
Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

hey it is me again, the team shot looks great! i was woundering if i could get a trainer card for my sprite here

i would like it to say Ariel and under her name, Battle Grotto Princess (like your 3rd trainer card on page 1), and the backround to have something to do with the sea/ocean
her pokemon are as folowed:
and Phione
also she has all contest ribbons in the beatuy contest,
thanks agian poketeen
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Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

PokeTeen said:
hey it is me again, the team shot looks great! i was woundering if i could get a trainer card for my sprite here

i would like it to say Ariel and under her name, Battle Grotto Princess (like your 3rd trainer card on page 1), and the backround to have something to do with the sea/ocean
her pokemon are as folowed:
and Phione
also she has all contest ribbons in the beatuy contest,
thanks agian poketeen

http://i253.photobucket.com/albums/hh58 ... keteen.png
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Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

hey Jejey, if im not being a bother, i was woundering if you can do one more requst for me?
a mug shot of my trainer here

thanks again, and the trainer card looks great!
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Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

Wonderful work! Two more Team poses? Hope I'm not a bother...

Girl sprite from B/W, but with Maylene's hair(colored blonde), Dawn's shirt but blue, and Lyra's overalls but black. The shoes can remain the same. Her team: Emonga, Hiyakki, Basurao (Red Stripe Form) Hihidaruma, Daikenki, and Miruhog.

Red's sprite, but with hair styled like my last sprite but black(keep the hat. I love it), black cloak similar to Lance's, black shirt like Lt. Surge, and black pants and boots. His team, Baokki, Shiny Ononokasu, Mightyena, Houndoom, and Basurao (Blue Stripe)

Again, I hope I'm not too much of a bother.
Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

i have got a request if you can its a few things 1:can you please do a pokemon chaos of gengar 2: can you please do a costplay of a gengar i dont mind what trainer as long as it is male 3: also can you make me a sig about gengar please (P.S the main one i would like is the chaos i dont mind if you have to many things to do that you cant do the other 2 but they are perferable)
Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

PokeTeen said:
hey Jejey, if im not being a bother, i was woundering if you can do one more requst for me?
a mug shot of my trainer here

thanks again, and the trainer card looks great!

http://i253.photobucket.com/albums/hh58 ... eenmug.png

Forgot to post it last night, sorry about that.

hitmonlee200 said:
i have got a request if you can its a few things 1:can you please do a pokemon chaos of gengar 2: can you please do a costplay of a gengar i dont mind what trainer as long as it is male 3: also can you make me a sig about gengar please (P.S the main one i would like is the chaos i dont mind if you have to many things to do that you cant do the other 2 but they are perferable)


http://i253.photobucket.com/albums/hh58 ... garsig.png

Rest will be done later.
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Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

THANK YOU! I love the sig its better than anything i imagened i am going to recomend you to people yet again THE BEST SIG EVER 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

If it's not too much to ask could I have an Ampharos Chaos, Amphy Angel and Amphy Demon pretty please? Also an Ampharos Cosplay (ethan from Hg/Ss)? Love your work, bye-e!
Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

Sorry man but your going to need to get some posts under your belt before I even consider doing that.

Also you man want to learn how to sprite if you have a personal gaming plan.
Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

Could I please ask for a Minun chao if it isn't too much trouble? Luz your work.

Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

snetonobre said:

Okay then, I'll repeat my request after some posts. But how many, you expect? Not saying that I'm going to do just that amount, but if 20 then it will take just some time, if 30 it wil take a little more time, if 40 I'll take more time, if 50 then it will take days, if 200 I'm too lazy to even start something that will took so much time, thought I still going to post here. Yeah, I know I should learn to sprite, but I'm too lazy to it. I already tried and it didn't work. But it's not like I'm going to request all my sprites to someone else. That would be something extremely low. If I'm going to create a game, I have to give my all and even more to it, so I must do most part of the spriting part, not just the rest. I hate the parts of my personality that are so bad, like pride and lazyness. Yeah, I have work to do, so see you later. Ciao

No real fixed amount but if you become a good member of the community ill take it into consideration. I still think it would be faster to apply yourself to spriting :p

Its really not that hard once you find a good tutorial.
Re: Jeyjey's Art Requests.

Here are some requests done.

hitmonlee200 said:
i have got a request if you can its a few things 1:can you please do a pokemon chaos of gengar 2: can you please do a costplay of a gengar i dont mind what trainer as long as it is male 3: also can you make me a sig about gengar please (P.S the main one i would like is the chaos i dont mind if you have to many things to do that you cant do the other 2 but they are perferable)


http://i253.photobucket.com/albums/hh58 ... player.png
http://i253.photobucket.com/albums/hh58 ... archao.png

Metal Flame said:
Wonderful work! Two more Team poses? Hope I'm not a bother...

Girl sprite from B/W, but with Maylene's hair(colored blonde), Dawn's shirt but blue, and Lyra's overalls but black. The shoes can remain the same. Her team: Emonga, Hiyakki, Basurao (Red Stripe Form) Hihidaruma, Daikenki, and Miruhog.

Red's sprite, but with hair styled like my last sprite but black(keep the hat. I love it), black cloak similar to Lance's, black shirt like Lt. Surge, and black pants and boots. His team, Baokki, Shiny Ononokasu, Mightyena, Houndoom, and Basurao (Blue Stripe)

Again, I hope I'm not too much of a bother.



http://i253.photobucket.com/albums/hh58 ... rainer.png
http://i253.photobucket.com/albums/hh58 ... shot-1.png

http://i253.photobucket.com/albums/hh58 ... mperor.png
http://i253.photobucket.com/albums/hh58 ... mshot2.png

All black is hard for sprites ><

LukeTheAmpharos said:
If it's not too much to ask could I have an Ampharos Chaos, Amphy Angel and Amphy Demon pretty please? Also an Ampharos Cosplay (ethan from Hg/Ss)? Love your work, bye-e!


http://i253.photobucket.com/albums/hh58 ... yangel.png
http://i253.photobucket.com/albums/hh58 ... ydemon.png
Chaos will be done some other time.

Added a new rule, please consider it for further requests.