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Open Johto Journeys

Jax smirked. "Ladies first. Not that it'll matter, I'm going to beat you anyways."
"Yeah, right. Use, um, Tackle!" Aspen said. Cyndaquil tackled Totodile, knocking it to the ground.
"Get up! Use Scratch!" Jax ordered. Totodile lunged at Cyndaquil, claws out, but Cyndaquil ducked. Totodile fell on the ground.
"Perfect opportunity! Use Tackle!" Aspen told Cyndaquil. It tackled the fallen Totodile and defeated it.
Nike gasped in awe as Totodile was defeated by the other Pokemon. It looked cool and powerful. But if she were to battle it, it would be up to her strategy. "It's so cool," she breathed.
Aspen saw the newcomer. "Hi," She said. Cyndaquil squeaked and waved. Jax, however, was being a sore loser.
"It's not fair! How did you beat us?!" He cried.
"Uh, maybe because we can?" Aspen replied sarcastically. "Life's like that. You win some, you lose some. Either way, you grit your teeth and deal with it, weather you like it or not."
Nike nodded and waved shyly at the Cyndaquil. "I'm here to get a starter. Is there still any?" She would like to get a starter like that, but she's fine with any.
Professor Elm looked at Chikorita, who was looking at the battle warily. "Yeah, there's Chikorita," Chikorita walked over to the blue haired girl.
"You're welcome," The professor said. He turned to Jax and chuckled. "You remind me of a certain Trainer from a while back."
Jax grinned. "Did he turn out to be an awesome Trainer?"
"Yes, as a matter of fact, he did."
Name: Ziri
Trainer class: Biker/bandit
Age: 16
Home: From Unova
Partner: Roserade,Cece
Personality/bio: Zir is a very dark person and has long purple hair with dark blue eyes. She wears a black top with netted arms and fingerless gloves with a dark red skirt with black boots. She is not talkative and tends to get in trouble. She nicknames her Pokémon as well. She tends to get angry easily and wants to be a poison gym leader when she gets older.

RP: the bike roared as it went down the route. Ziri stopped in front of the professor's lab and jumped off the motor cycle locking it. Roserade, or Cece, jumped off the back and walked inside. She stayed back and waited paitiently. She watched the trainers that were in there carefully to observe their battle techniques.
Aspen looked over at the trainer that had just came into the lab. She got the feeling that this newcomer was not someone she wanted to mess with. Cyndaquil climbed back onto Aspen's head.
Ziri glanced at the new trainer and smirked. Cece held a briefcase in her hand that could hold something legendary. Ziri was asked to help Elm find a connection to the forms legendary Pokémon sometimes take when they are inactive. Her eyes soon meet with Elm's and she smirks at him
Nike stopped in her tracks as she saw Ziri. Now this was one she would never like to mess with. But she was so cool. Nike stared at her for a few moments and left quickly without getting her pokedex or the pokeballs.
Ziri watched as the young trainer left the lab without the rest of her items. Ziri steps up to Professor Elm and hands him the brief case. He opened it and smiled but no one else could see it. He quickly closed it and handed Ziri a Masterball and a Pokedex. Ziri nodded and left the building.

What Did You Do To Snoke?

Previously Ratbag the Coward
Name: Joshua Longling
Personality Traits: Shy but Kind. He believes secretly that he is stronger than some. Questions why people waste their time.
Are you from Johto or not: Yes and no: He was born in Johto, moved to Kanto because he was seperated at birth, and then he has come back to Johto to find his parents.
Appearance: Brown haired, shorter than average height.

Joshua entered Elm's lab not knowing what to say. I had been ready for this day for a long time, finally he was going to adventure around Johto and find his parents, no, his real parents. He had with him already a group of poke balls and a pokedex from Kanto. He saw many new pokemon on the routes nearby. He didn't know what he was suppossed to think.
2nd character
Name: Jasmine
Age: 12
Partner: Oshawott, Sam
From Unova/ Ziri's sister
Personality/bio: Jasmine is very bubbly and hyper. She wears a black dress that goes to her thoughts with a blue trim. She has short purple hair with dark blue eyes. She has blue knee socks and black boots. She doesn't like keeping Sam in his pokeball. The two sisters had divorced parents. Ziri lived with their dad and Jasmine lived with their mom who happens to be Shauntal from the Unova elite four member who trained Ghost types.

RP: Jasmine sits on the motorcycle with Sam in her hands and waits for Ziri's return. Ziri exits the lab and gets on the motorcycle sending Cece into her pokeball. She begins to take off route one. They see tons of Pokémon that are new. They see all new areas and things to explore. They reach the first small town and head into the pokemart to stock up.
As she went into the first route, she wondered if she would train her Pokemon first or catch another Pokemon. She then decided to train her Pokemon. Vigorously.

"Chikorita," she warned, "you are about to take vigorous training. Are you up to it?"

Chikorita nodded and they went deeper in route 1, battling as many Pokemon as they could.
Jasmine asked Ziri if she could go into route 1. Ziri allowed it and Jasmine skipped off with Sam into Route 1. As she skipped along the path she saw a trainer battling Pokémon with her Chikorita.
Name: Tim Opal
Appearance: Tall; light, shaggy blond hair; bright blue eyes; tan; very thin; not very muscular
From Johto: No, on vacation after conquering the Hoenn Battle Frontier
Pokemon: Sceptile called "Scepter" from Hoenn (not for battling other trainers- don't worry), and a mysterious egg

Ah, New Bark Town. A serene town... Suddenly, Tim heard screaming. He called out Scepter, his good friend from Hoenn, and looked around for who was in trouble. It turned out no one was in trouble. A trainer was shouting in the lab. But was he doing something bad inside the lab? Tim ran towards the lab, but was attacked by a Sentret. Scepter attacked it with Leaf Blade, and it went flying. Tim ran inside the lab, and discovered that the boy was simply enthusiastic about receiving a Pokemon. Tim sighed, and checked in his bag to make sure he hadn't dropped anything. Something was missing. Then he saw the Sentret scurry by the lab. It was holding his egg!
"SOMEBODY CATCH THAT SENTRET!" Tim yelled, hoping the new trainer would help.
Name: Jake
Personality: Funny, Logical, Sociable, protective of his friends
From Johto: Lived in Hoenn for 14 years
Appearance: Short black hair swept to the left, White short sleeved shirt, navy jeans,
Dark grey jacket, Grey and black shoes, Grey backpack
New Bark Town. Very different from Littleroot, but it was tolerable. Jake took a small tour around the place. It was pretty basic; small houses, a lake, but Jake noticed a building larger than the rest. He walked over to the door and tried opening it, and it was unlocked. He went inside to find a lot of technology. Then he realized: this was a Pokemon lab! Jake called out, "Hello?" to see if anyone would answer. Who would the professor here in Johto be? "I guess I just have to wait and see," Jake thought out loud.
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Tim sprinted out of the Lab, Scepter trailing him. He had seen a kid in a white tee and jeans inside the Lab, and he yelled, along with everyone else inside, to help him catch the Sentret. He chased down Sentret, and had Scepter try to steal back the egg. Then, Sentret's mother- Furret, jumped out of the bushes using Headbutt. Tim was struck down, and Sentret took off with the egg once again. Scepter continued trailing it. It cornered Sentret again, but Sentret unleashed its tail is a Tail Slap attack. Scepter was thrown off balance, and Sentret began running. Suddenly, the egg it was holding began to crack. Then, a Pichu leapt out, and tumbled over to Scepter. Scepter smiled at it, and picked up Pichu. Tim finally made it over to them, and hugged Pichu. He thanked Scepter, and returned to the Lab to find the trainers still there. He sent Scepter back to Hoenn to help his parents out around the house. He walked into the Lab, and saw Professor Elm talking the trainer in the white tee. Everything was okay.
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As Jake was viewing the technology, he noticed that there was a canister that seemed like it was meant to hold about three pokeballs. Was it supposed to hold new trainers' starters? He wouldn't know; Jake didn't choose a starter on his journey. "Um, hey Professor Elm, is that container for holding starter Pokemon?"
"Huh? Oh, yeah..." Professor Elm had been lost in thought. "All of the Pokemon are taken, though." Aspen waved.
"Yep!" She said, happy to have Cyndaquil with her.
"Quil!" Cyndaquil waved.
Aspen turned to the boy. "I'm Aspen," She said. Jax looked at him, then seemed to realize that his Pokemon couldn't battle.
"Well, I'm out," He said, and just walked out of the lab. Aspen watched him go.
"Weird," She said. "He shoved me earlier, then randomly came in here to get a Pokemon and battle me."
"Huh," Jake said, glancing at Jax. "Well, I guess that's in the past. Here's my partner, Elevar." Jake whistled. Suddenly, a ear-splitting shriek cut through the air, and Staraptor soared through the air and landed on Jake's arm, its unusual blue streak even brighter than usual. "Say hi, Elevar." Elevar stuck out a wing in greeting.
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"Cool!" Aspen marvelled. Cyndaquil waved to the bird Pokemon. Aspen saw the streak of blue. "Is that normal?" She asked, and pointed to it. "I mean, was it there before? Or is it fake? No offense, or anything."
Jake laughed. "No, it's always been there. See, when I found Starly in the forest during one of my journeys, I noticed that he was a different color than the rest, Pokemon like Elevar here are classified as 'Shiny's." Jake had an idea. "Hey, I was just about to check out Violet City; why don't we go together? It'll give you and Cyndaquil extra training practice. What do you say?"
While Aspen and Jake were talking about whether to head to Violet City or not, Tim had already set off, his Pichu by his side. They were going to win the Johto League. To do that however, they needed to beat the Violet City Gym. They set foot onto Route 29, and felt pride wash over them. They were on their way to becoming a Champion Team. Suddenly, an Aipom leapt out of a tree, swinging its tail wildly. Astonish! Pichu jumped, but used Thunder Punch. Aipom swung back and forth from a tree limb hanging on by its tail. It had sparks shooting off of its fur. Pichu landed, and Tim threw a Pokeball that he still had from Hoenn. After rocking three times, stars flew off the Pokeball. Tim grabbed the Pokeball, and opened it. Aipom jumped out. Tim looked down, and let the Aipom jump onto his head and enjoy the rest of the journey to Violet City. Finally, after a few more wild Pokemon encounters, Tim made it to a town.
"VIOLET CITY!" Tim yelled, pumping his fist in the air.
"Uh, sorry sonny but this here is Cherrygrove Town," and old man leaning on a cane said.
"You're kidding," Tim sighed, sitting down on a patch of grass.
"'Fraid not kiddo," the old man said, "But you can stay the night at my house. Rest up for the rest of the journey to Violet City. It's not too far."
"Alright, but there were also a few trainers I saw in New Bark Town that I'd like to meet, so I might stay a while if that's okay," Tim smiled.
"Sure thing," the old man nodded, reaching down to help Tim up. They returned to his house, and Tim slept on the couch, dreaming of what wonders awaited him.
While Jake was conversing with Aspen, he noticed an energetic kid setting off into route 1; heading for Violet City as well, most likely. For some reason, he felt a strong connection to the trainer, and decided to try and meet up with him there. "Hey Aspen, while you talk with your friend about this matter, I'm gonna go ahead and get started. See you there!" As Jake was walking though, he decided to ask one more thing. "Aspen, prepare yourself; I might ask you for a battle when we meet again!"
The journey didn't take too long; the trainers were a little easy to defeat, and Jake arrived at a town with a lot of flowers. No doubt this was Cherrygrove City (He had done some research about Johto before he got here). Surely the trainer he had seen dashing off needed rest, and that's when he noticed him talking to an elderly man inside a house. He went up to the door and gave it three quick knocks.
Tim was startled awake. Aipom crouched on his head, tail curling into a fist. Pichu jumped in his arms, ready to defend him if necessary. Tim opened the door. The boy in the white tee from the lab stood in the doorway.
"You're a kid from the lab!" Tim's eyes widened, "What's your name? What are you doing here? Can we battle?"
Finally, Tim took a breath, smiling, and said, "I'm Tim!"
Once she felt satisfied with Chikorita's playing, she called for a pause and sat down on a big rock. Her chest heaving, she wondered if it was appropriate for her and her Pokemon to go. And she haven't thought of a proper name for her Chikorita, oh no.

She thought hard of a name, almost picking one, but another would be better than the previous one. Until Chikorita disturbed her by playing with leaves and trying to make them swirl.

Nike looked at Chikorita. "I've found a name for you, Chikorita," she then said and smiled. "Hello again, Leafstorm."
Jake was amused at the kid's enthusiasm; every young trainer had been excited as much as him at the start of their journey. "I'm Jake. I noticed you going into route 1 yesterday and wanted to meet you. You seemed really excited to start your journey! You looking to be the Champion someday? About battling, well, that's your choice!"
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"Of course I want to battle Jake!" Tim laughed, "After all, I'm gonna need practice if I'm gonna be the Champion. Although I did conquer the Hoenn Battle Frontier, I have new Pokemon now. They need to be trained. So how about it? Let's battle!"
Tim leaned back and let Aipom jump off his head, ready to fight.
"Aipom! Use Fury Swipes!" Tim called, grinning. He loved the thrill of the fight. Win or lose, battling had always been Tim's favorite activity. Aipom leapt up into the air, and flew down at the Sawk, the fist on its tail flailing. Tim clenched his fist. This could be his first victory against another trainer in Johto!
"Sawk, dodge it, quickly!" Jake called. Ah, the exhilaration of battle; it was what made any face-off entertaining. "Now Sawk, use Thunder Punch!" Sawk's fist burst with strong electricity, and he lunged at Aipom, landing a direct hit. Aipom hit the ground, but got back up, determination blazing in its eyes. "Man, Aipom's durable," Jake muttered. "We'll have to try something else. Sawk, Dynamic Punch on the battlefield!" As Sawk slammed his hand into the earth, stones flew up into the air, launched by the punch's power. "Sawk!" Jake yelled. "Hit the stones at Aipom with Close Combat!"
Stones flew through the air towards Aipom. Aipom's eyes widened.
"Quick! Protect yourself!" Tim called. Aipom blocked the stones with its tail. Tim then had Aipom use Focus Punch. Aipom began focusing, and readied the punch. It dove towards Sawk, but Sawk kicked one last stone at Aipom. It hit Aipom, and Aipom went flying through the air.
"AIPOM!" Tim yelled, and dove to catch him. He had Aipom return to his Pokeball, then yelled, "Alright Pichu! GO!"
Pichu leapt out, and quickly used Thunderbolt, zapping Sawk.