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Private/Closed Kanto League Tournament 3.0

Name: Peter
Age: 16
Sex: Male
Appearance: Blue eyes and pale skin, tends to wear a blue jacket and jeans
Shiny Eevee (Not sure but it wont be gen 1 I read the rules already, female, proably umbreon or glaceon or espeon also my starter)
Ninetales (Female)
Crobat (shiny male)
Dewgong (m)
Dragonite (female)
Raichu (shiny female)
Clefable (Female)
Sandslash (Shiny and male)
Butterfree (male)
Also, this is in NO particular order of capture, im not sure if you want to start from the start in kanto or from the league. Probs from the start but just in case, I can make some backstories for them, and I havent decided the last two, if I have to choose them rn ill choose them but I would prefer later.
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Fully trained. Essentially you already have all eight badges for Kanto. Your currently going to be competing in a tournament to decide who takes on the elite 4 and champion.
It's been a while since I decided to join a Pokemon Tournament! Why not. Here's my brand-new character!

Jenny Wester
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Appearance: Jenny has a cowgirl-like appearance going on for her. She wears a short-sleeve flannel t-shirt that ties around her waist, with a white undershirt and worn blue jeans. Jenny also wears cowboy boots and a cowboy hat. She looks quite strong, and carries a lasso as well. She has blonde hair that comes down to her shoulders, and sparkling blue eyes.
Backstory: Jenny lived and worked on her family ranch, and has had quite the experience wrangling the Tauros and Rapidash and Ponyta that her family keeps. She came first place in Tarous wrangling actually, and is quite strong. She got into battling because for her, it was an easy way to earn money. You see, Jenny's dream is to open up her own ranch, independent from her parents, in some other region. In order to do that, she needs money. Seeing as the Champion and Elite Four made a lot of money, Jenny figured that by winning this tournament she could make enough money to start her own farm in Johto.
Terry the Tauros
Maurice the Tauros
Halie the Rapidash
Ruddie the Growlithe
Lady the Vileplume
Poker the Rhydon
Name: Bailey Liam Grant
Age: 17
Sex: Male
appearance: Pink Hair, Blue Eyes, Slim body frame
Backstory: It's soon to be discovered.
Venusaur - Starter
Pidgeot - First Catch
Butterfree - Second Catch
Gyarados - Third Catch
Charizard - First Trade Pokemon
Raichu - Fifth Catch

===:pC/ Trade Outs=======
Eevee - Gift Pokemon
Tauros - Sixth Catch
Scyther (Will be Scizor) - Gift Pokemon
I would still like to give a bio for my character if it's ok just to make sure.
Name: Paul
Age: 16
Sex: Male
Appearance: tall for his age wearing a red shirt and black shorts. He has black hair and blue eyes
Okay people if it's alright with all of you I'm going to do a time skip to the day of the tournament.
How tournaments are done here is like this I will randomize everyone's characters names into a list. The battle order will be done like that. for the first TWO maybe THREE rounds depending on how many people are left will be fought against NPCS.

When it is your turn you will have a twenty four hour period to post your battle. If you fail to post your battle during that day you will automatically be eliminated. That way we don't wait days for someone to post. If you for some reason can't post during that time let me know that way we can accommodate you.

When we go into the Player v Player battles the initial battle will be fought on pokemon showdown ( if Nintendo doesn't take it down.) That will decide who will win the match that way we don't wait weeks while two people continually doge each others attacks (That has happened before). Your battle can fallow how the showdown battle went or it can be completely different but still have the same outcome.

after each round there will be some down time where we will focus on plot and character development.
I can't guarantee that I'll be on everyday. I'm not at home at the moment and won't return until the 14. around 10pm central european timezone and the internet of the place I'm staying at is total trash. I hope I can get this message and the first fights for both characters through.

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