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Private/Closed Kanto League Tournament 3.0

How tournaments are done here is like this I will randomize everyone's characters names into a list. The battle order will be done like that. for the first TWO maybe THREE rounds depending on how many people are left will be fought against NPCS.

When it is your turn you will have a twenty four hour period from after the previous battle to post your battle. If you fail to post your battle during that day you will automatically be eliminated. That way we don't wait days for someone to post. If you for some reason can't post during that time let me know that way we can accommodate you.

When we go into the Player v Player battles the initial battle will be fought on pokemon showdown ( if Nintendo doesn't take it down.) That will decide who will win the match that way we don't wait weeks while two people continually doge each others attacks (That has happened before). Your battle can fallow how the showdown battle went or it can be completely different but still have the same outcome.

after each round there will be some down time where we will focus on plot and character development.
Read this post. This explains how the battles will be conducted
So I guess my post should do it for the first round. I'll squeez in some character developement at the end of the second round and if the first ound isn't done by wednesday you can simply put my second round battles at the end of round two I guess I should be back by then.
Oh well sorry, I thought it was the 24 hour thing, let me get it into notepad and ill delete it. sorry a lot lol just didnt want to get eliminated
Alright it is well past the time limit since Bailey did post I'll let him do a flash back type battle latter on.
@Azelfie your time to post your first battle starts now
Name: Levi Crowell
Age: 20
Sex: Male
Appearance: Chestnut brown hair that falls to the left, emerald green eyes, sun-kissed skin. Well made black jacket, white t-shirt, fitted dark blue jeans, and black boots.
Backstory ( Optional): A previous 'winner' of the Kanto League, forced to share his throne with the man he tied with. A trainer named Darrius. No one had planned for a tie to occur in the finals of the pokemon league, so the only fair decision that appeased the fans was a co-champion. Levi felt like his title wasnt really earned, what with him being three years younger and barely out of his second journey. The boy has now become a young man, and is back to prove just how much stronger Kanto's previous champion has become.
Haku the Seadra
Ruby the Ninetails
Striker the Crobat
Volt the Electabuzz
Eve the Parasect
Gunter the Nidoking

Cronus the Blastoise
Ragnorok the Aerodactyl
Merlin the Alakazam

(Hope my backstory is okay. It has legitimately occurred in the old rp Kanto Journeys by Ry_Burst. Also the reason for my Crobat being in its final form. Again, hope this is alright)
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