Rp thread: https://pokecharms.com/threads/kanto-pokemon-league-championship.22985/
Hey, this is my first rp I want to start on this site. It will be a Kanto Pokemon League Championship (like in the anime) that will be open to a maximum of 16 participants.
If you want to join in please post a bio for your character below.
Here are the rules (in addition to the global rules on this site ofc):
- only 1 character per person can enter the tournament (you can create 1 additional "support character" if you want to)
- only Pokemon from generation 1 can be used in your teams that enter battle (no legendaries, no Megas and no Alolan-Forms; the typechanges from gen 2 and 6 concerning the Steel and Fairy Type are applied)
- all Pokemon have to be included in your bio (min. 6, max. 8 ) alongside their ability and 4 moves that can not change during the tournament and have to be considered "legal" (Pokemon can learn the move by either Level Up, TM/HM, Move Tutor or Breeding, if you are not sure what a Pokemon can learn look it up on bulbapedia)
- if you need to talk out of character please use this thread to avoid disrupting the rp
- stay realistic during battle (do not dodge moves endlessly and keep types in mind)
- do not post in the rp if you have no approval
The bio of my character can be used as an example, but you are free to add some more points to your own (you backstory doesn't need to be as long as mine)
Name: Leon
Age: 19
Gender: male
Hometown: Reborn City (taken from the fangame Pokemon Reborn based on the Reborn Region)
Hair: dark brown
Eyes: light brown
Clothing: black sneakers with short black socks, blue jeans shorts, a grey t-shirt with a black Pokeball that has four colored stripes coming out of the middle of the Pokeball (top left blue, top right red, bottom left green and bottom right purple) and a black vest without sleeves
Backstory: Leon is young man who managed to escape from Reborn City during a dark time for the region. He was 16 when he left his native region and decided to travel in order to gain enough experience as a trainer to one day travel back to Reborn City and help it's citizens. After arriving in the Kanto Region he started to explore the Region alongside his Pokemon-partner Gastly. During his time in Kanto he managed to catch a lot of Pokemon and gain a lot of experience while taking on the eight Gyms for their Badges. Five months after obtaining his final badge he recieved a letter with an invitation for the annual Kanto League Championship.
Gengar (male)
Shadow Ball
Dark Pulse
Sludge Wave
Dazzling Gleam
Ninetales (female)
Flash Fire
Energy Ball
Shadow Ball
Starmie (genderless)
Natural Cure
Hydro Pump
Ice Beam
Magneton (genderless)
Magnet Pull
Flash Cannon
Magnet Rise
Tri Attack
Snorlax (male)
Body Slam
Zen Headbutt
Aerodactyl (female)
Rock Head
Stone Edge
Aerial Ace
Iron Head
Hitmonlee (male)
Close Combat
Stone Edge
Poison Jab
Throat Chop
Clefable (female)
Magic Guard
Focus Blast
Hey, this is my first rp I want to start on this site. It will be a Kanto Pokemon League Championship (like in the anime) that will be open to a maximum of 16 participants.
If you want to join in please post a bio for your character below.
Here are the rules (in addition to the global rules on this site ofc):
- only 1 character per person can enter the tournament (you can create 1 additional "support character" if you want to)
- only Pokemon from generation 1 can be used in your teams that enter battle (no legendaries, no Megas and no Alolan-Forms; the typechanges from gen 2 and 6 concerning the Steel and Fairy Type are applied)
- all Pokemon have to be included in your bio (min. 6, max. 8 ) alongside their ability and 4 moves that can not change during the tournament and have to be considered "legal" (Pokemon can learn the move by either Level Up, TM/HM, Move Tutor or Breeding, if you are not sure what a Pokemon can learn look it up on bulbapedia)
- if you need to talk out of character please use this thread to avoid disrupting the rp
- stay realistic during battle (do not dodge moves endlessly and keep types in mind)
- do not post in the rp if you have no approval
The bio of my character can be used as an example, but you are free to add some more points to your own (you backstory doesn't need to be as long as mine)
Name: Leon
Age: 19
Gender: male
Hometown: Reborn City (taken from the fangame Pokemon Reborn based on the Reborn Region)
Hair: dark brown
Eyes: light brown
Clothing: black sneakers with short black socks, blue jeans shorts, a grey t-shirt with a black Pokeball that has four colored stripes coming out of the middle of the Pokeball (top left blue, top right red, bottom left green and bottom right purple) and a black vest without sleeves
Backstory: Leon is young man who managed to escape from Reborn City during a dark time for the region. He was 16 when he left his native region and decided to travel in order to gain enough experience as a trainer to one day travel back to Reborn City and help it's citizens. After arriving in the Kanto Region he started to explore the Region alongside his Pokemon-partner Gastly. During his time in Kanto he managed to catch a lot of Pokemon and gain a lot of experience while taking on the eight Gyms for their Badges. Five months after obtaining his final badge he recieved a letter with an invitation for the annual Kanto League Championship.
Gengar (male)
Shadow Ball
Dark Pulse
Sludge Wave
Dazzling Gleam
Ninetales (female)
Flash Fire
Energy Ball
Shadow Ball
Starmie (genderless)
Natural Cure
Hydro Pump
Ice Beam
Magneton (genderless)
Magnet Pull
Flash Cannon
Magnet Rise
Tri Attack
Snorlax (male)
Body Slam
Zen Headbutt
Aerodactyl (female)
Rock Head
Stone Edge
Aerial Ace
Iron Head
Hitmonlee (male)
Close Combat
Stone Edge
Poison Jab
Throat Chop
Clefable (female)
Magic Guard
Focus Blast
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