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Ask to Join Kanto Pokémon League; The Next Generation Sign-up/Discussion


Previously Ampharos' Dragon Blood
Also, regardless of how you respond to my previous question, I will be absent for two-to-three hours and not be able to post.
Alright E4 member
Name Bruce
Age 38 (I think we need an older person somewhere in this story)
Gender Male
Appearance Bruce is from the country so he has a cowboy look. He has a cowboy hat on with Ruffles feathers. He wears a torn jacket covered in dirt. He wears saggy pants that go down to his boots. He’s tall standing at 6,4. When you first enter his chamber it’s all dusty. You explore until you find a switch, you turn it on and the dust disappears. You see that it’s a rodeo and in the middle is Bruce sitting on a Tauros. A huge rock below them rises up brining them high in the air. Then metallic stairs rise up to where he is...
Personality Now E4 members usually don’t have personalities but I want him to have one. He has a country accent, he seems rowdy until the battle. Then he calms down and uses some pretty cool strategies. He uses normal, and ground type Pokémon (Considering these have never been E4 types).
Tauros (Partner Pokemon)
Pidgeot (To cover fighting[also was wondering if this could go mega but have to ask the devs about that])
Heloisk (Coverage but is still normal)
Backstory Bruce came from a poor family down south, he always wanted to be a trainer but couldn’t afford pokeballs. So he became a rancher instead. Eventually he got enough money to buy some pokeballs and he caught the Pokémon he befriended on his ranch!

Hope that was good enough
All gym leader spots have been filled! Kitty, yours has been accepted!
Dubkip, I'll count yours as a Normal-type E4 member and accept him. Megas will not be used in this RP.
Side note: the random encounter sheet is awesome and I’ll definitely be using it! Also I was wondering if the challengers are expected to all travel together, Archer seems like the kind of guy who would go do his own thing.
Even if they don't necessarily travel together, they're still all going in the same direction. I don't mind them taking different routes through... routes.
I am going to reject that proposal, and allow trainers to nickname Pokémon. It would be unfair for me to disallow others from nicknaming when I have already set a precedent for allowing nicknames with Hana and Pocchi. However, I will grant the proposal not to give them human names. If your trainer decides to nickname a Pokémon, please use a name that a person would normally give an animal. I'll add this to the rules.
@Von Pumpkin what do you mean by talking to my gym leader? Do you mean the first gym leader and then the chllangers? Also I see other gym leaders trying to travel. I’m fine with that but that’s 2 gym leaders in one party... I just don’t know if it would work
@Dubkip_Playz My, as in mine. Hana. It would make sense to talk about the evil team and their game plan for dealing with it.

It says in the first post that the Gym Leaders are currently investigating the whereabouts and motives of Team Void. It makes perfect sense for several of them to travel, and I am going to encourage that. Especially since they do need to follow the evil team as part of their jobs. While the protagonists are still inexperienced, the gym leaders will be handling difficult opponents or operating heavy machinery if need be, investigating behind the scenes, etc.

The first gym leader is listed in the first post.

@Mango137 You can find an Espurr there, that makes sense.
Actually, the point I made in my last post is WRONG and I'm going to retract that statement.
Everyone tell me what cities they want their gym leaders to be in. First come, first serve, like everything else.

Hana will be located in Pewter, like the original rock-type gym leader. All others, you decide. Cinnabar has been taken by the 8th.
There would probably be backtracking. Lavender Town is available as a gym location and we don't have to put a gym in Veridian at all. Depends on how everyone wants to go.

Don't worry about adding your gym numbers; I'm keeping track of them.

Edit: Mixed up Vermilion and Viridian. I do that all the dang time.
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Idk if I’m reading too much into the list but I had written Luma as the 4th elite four member and she’s listed as second, do you want me to change her bio?