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Open Kanto RP

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(OOC: I'm just going to assume that we can learn more than four moves)
"Go Mary, Ill!" Sera yelled as she threw a pokeball and a quickball. In a bright white flash, a pink Mareep and a green Beedrill came out. It gave the shiny sparkles and the Mareep bleated. "Mary, Cotten Gaurd underneath that trainer. Ill I want you to keep watch on where he is falling, Mary if you need to move, then move."
There wasn’t much Evan could do but watch as the trainer came plummeting downwards, the Salamance swooping after him. Gible, however, leapt forward.

‘Gible, what are you doing?’

Gible focused and summoned swirling sand that soon turned into a giant whirling dervish, which would slow down the fall.

‘Gible? Since when did you know Sandstorm? Well, good job bud, keep that up and the trainer will be safe in no time!’
"Confuse Ray." A man whispered behind a bush. His Banette's eyes glowed with multicoloured light, before summoning two ghostly balls of purple light, and launching them at the Salamanca.
"Uh, Sonic, you can put me down now..." Rin trailed off, before looking up to his father's dragon. Sonic's eyes had turned glassy and white, blurry. Confusion. Rin recognised the condition very well, but didn't understand why Sonic was Confused right now.
"...Sonic?" Rin started to ask, before Sonic tumbled from the sky. Rin screamed, again, along with Nex.
"NOT AGAIN!" He started to yell, before a sandstorm swirled around his feet, and a bed of cotton laid down underneath him. Rin fell directly onto the Cotton Spore attack, grunting in slight pain. "Ow...." Suddenly, two people, one a girl with brown hair and green eyes, and another a boy with black hair and blue eyes.
As the trainer landed, the Sandstorm subsided and Evan rushed forward,

‘Are you Alright?’

Gible toddled forward and licked the trainer’s face.
(OOC: The Beedrill's name is ill)
The shiny Mareep bleated as she trotted back to her trainer. Sera walked over to the boy who fell in Mary's cotton spore. "Ill, come here!" she called to her Beedrill. "Bee?"
"I want you to stay here. Once I give the word, I want you to go to the nearest town and get help." She then turned to the boy who fell. "You took a great fall, you're lucky that we were able to soften your fall."
"I'm Sera Pine, future pokemon professor! This Shinx nest to me is named Sparky, the Mareep is Mary, and this Beedrill is Ill. That's his name, he isn't sick." Sera said, adding the last part in due to her weird naming chiose for her Beedrill. She thought she saw a blue shelled Shuckle before it entered its pokeball. She suddenly became very excited. "Did I see a shiny Shuckle? Oh my, you are perfect for becoming my aid! We share a love for shiny pokemon! Now tell me, are you curious of why they are a different color than the quote on quote 'normal' pokemon?"
"Genetics?" Rin questioned, scratching the back of his head. "I hear my dad talking about all the time. He studies shiny Pokémon." Ran sighed. "Anyways, that's how I got Nex, my shiny Shuckle, who my dad gave to me as my starter. Nice to meet you, Sera. What are you doing here?"
‘Well, I think we were about to go to Route One when you fell. Is your Salamance okay? It took a pretty bad fall compared to yours, which was bad enough.’

Evan picked up Gible and walked over to shake the boy’s hand.

‘I’m Evan, and this is Gible.’
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"That is not always the case. It just improves the chances. But I want to know what benefit the pokemon has from being shiny. Why be a different color at all? Anyway I am planing to answer all of those questions! Although, I didn't know someone was already studing that." Sera said. She thought that she was the only shiny pokemon reshearcher out there.
‘Yeah, I just moved to Kanto from Alola. Mom sent me down here to try and make some friends, and it looks like I have!’

Gible looked at Rin. This trainer smelled like Salamance, and that scared him. Gible cuddled closer to Evan’s chest.
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Sera looked at Evan and Rin. Did they forget about her so easily? Did she lose her reasoning for becoming a professor? Professor Rowan didn't exactly support her study, neither did Professor Oak. Now they were ignoring her. Her common smile was replaced with a frown and downcast eyes. Her answer that she was searching for was just given to her. She didn't look for it, she didn't find it after hard work. No, some random guy who fell from the sky told her. "Mary, Ill return" She mumbled as she recalled her pokemon. She walked on without looking at the two other trainers. What purpose did she have becoming a pokemon professor? No purpose. Silent tears fell on her cheeks, her dream was shattered. Sparky tried to comfort her, but everything around her was fuzzy.
Sera had just walked off, looking sad. Then Evan realized she was crying. He wondered if it was because of her Proffeser research was taken by another scientist, or whether there was something else.

‘Hey Sera! What’s wrong?’

He called after her. He stood there, now feeling strangely sad himself.
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Sera lifted her head. "I-I will never be a pokemon professor! I chose my question, and I didn't find my answer. I didn't work for it! I have to work for it, otherwise, I'm just faking it. I better face the facts, I'll never be smart enough to be a pokemon professor. None of the professors really took my research seriously anyways, it's not like I'm losing everything I've ever worked for." More tears rolled down her cheeks as she gave up on her dream. "It's not like I'm losing everything I've ever worked for." She mumbled to herself.
Sparky looked at his trainer. He couldn't stand to see her so fixed on giving up on her dream since she was young. He stood by her side when she applied to become an aid, which she worked for Professor Rowen for about 3 years. She spent three years of her life actively working for this dream. More if you count the years prior, during her study. He couldn't stand to see this sight, he just couldn't.
Evan didn’t know what to say. He had never thought anything like this would happen, he had already been making plans in his mind to help Sera lure in Shiny Pokémon.

‘’Hold on, didn’t he just say his dad was studying it? If he’s still studying it then that means the question still hasn’t been solved! Which means you should still follow your dream, even if somebody else has a head start!’

He said, trying to cheer her up.
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She still had tears on her face, with her normally pale face turned red. "R-really?" she sniffed. "But, I-I'm only a kid, and his dad is an adult! He probably has aids galore and I'm doing this on my own! He has more than just a head start. He is way above my level. Why even bother competing?"
‘You’re not alone. I’m ready to help however I can, even if I’m not super smart. And my parents own an item shop in Viridian City, and we can pick up some specialty gear there that you can’t find anywhere else!’

Evan walked up and put a his hand out.

‘We can do this!’
Sera wiped her tears with her sleeve. "Thanks," she said quietly. She shook Evan's hand with her other hand. "Of course we can. Just don't bail on me, ok," She said. A small smile returned to her face, but she had some lingering doubts. Two people couldn't really make that much of a difference, could it?
‘Okay. But if this is a race, we had better get started now!’

Evan began walking towards Route One. The Route was a bit of an uphill slope through patches of grass, with ledges about three feet tall spaced here and there. There were Pidgey flying around, and Pokémon rustled through the shin high grass. Viridian City was only a short walk away, and it was already visible as Evan looked around to make sure Sera was still following him.

(OOC: sorry I kept saying Renz, that’s his name in most of my rolepays and I got confoos)
Sera followed Evan. She couldn't believe the kindness that Evan was giving her. They only met that day and he has already decided to help her on her quest to become a pokemon professor. "But what about his dream?" she asked herself. "Hey, Evan! Don't let my dream get in the way of yours, ok? I love that you are helping me, but I would hate it if I accidentally took your dream away from you due to you helping me." She said as she caught up to him.
‘At this rate I’m really just wandering around. I was planning to do the Gym Challenge, and I should be able to face the gym in each city we travel to. I still am kinda lost as to a proffesion, so I might as well give Researcher a try as well. Really, this is no big deal, I’ll just need to check with my parents while we’re in Viridian.’

As he had talked he had kept walking, and now they were in Viridian. He headed to the Pokémon center near the entrance to the City, and went in to get Gible healed up.

‘Hey, if you aren’t going to heal your Pokémon I’ll meet you at the PokéMart, or we can go to my Parents’ shop if you’d rather.’
"I probably should. None of my pokemon really got attacked, but you can never be too careful. Besides, I need to heal Ill up, I'm not sure how badly he was hurt while he was wild." She replied as she entered the center. She walked up to Nurse Joy and handed her pokemon to her to be healed.
‘Oh yeah, Gible hit him pretty hard with a Dragon Rage.’

Evan walked up to the counter and handed Nurse Joy Gible’s Pokéball. A Chansey took it to the healing terminal and healed Gible. She brought back the Pokéball. Evan thanked them, then went to sit down and wait for Sera to heal up.
Nurse Joy handed Sera her pokemon back. "Thank you." She said to Nurse Joy. She turned around and walked back to Evan. "Sorry it took longer, I have two more pokemon than you do. Speaking of which, should you catch one before we get to Pewter City?" She said to Evan, ready to go to the Pokemart or his parent's store.
‘After we talk to my parents I want to head over to Route 22. I’ve heard that there are Nidoran there. But let’s go to my Parents’ shop first. They don’t carry standard items, but they have plenty of specialty items, from heart scales to dusk balls to silver powder. We might even persuade them to let us have an item called a Shiny Charm. They’re really rare and really valuable, and are supposed to increase your chances of finding a Shiny Pokémon!’

With this he led Sera to the Trinket shop. His father was at the front desk, and welcomed them warmly.

‘Evan! Back already? Who’s your friend?’

‘Hey dad, this is Sera. I want to go on a Pokémon journey and she will be traveling with me. We wanted to get some items before we head out, assuming you and mom are okay with me going!’

‘Of course Evan! Go ahead and grab some stuff. I don’t mind if you want to travel, and I’m sure your mother will be fine with it too. She’s out shopping for groceries.’
"Hello, Evan's dad." She said after she looked around her in the trinket shop. "Wow, you must have all sorts of items. Even I don't know all of this stuff, and I studied items for about half a year!" She exclaimed. Sparky walked right beside her and took everything in. Items were stored on the shelves, a lot of them being rare and only found by chance, and a pokemon with a good nose, or an item finder. Sera was impressed, to say the least. She walked past a shelf full of incenses. They were able to attract more pokemon, making them a helpful tool for shiny hunters, like herself. She needed more than two shinies to really study them.
‘Hey Dad, do you have any Shiny Charms in stock? Sera researches shiny Pokémon, so I wondered if we could get one?’

‘We have ONE. You may take it with you, but if you lose it you will lose your allowance for a year. Understood?’

Evan nodded, and Mr. Flintrock pulled out the Shiny charm from behind the counter.

‘Thanks, Dad! This will help a lot!’
Evan turned to Sera,
‘Pick out some things you want. Better grab some Incense, I’m gonna head to the back and grab some extra clothes and stuff.’
"If I didn't then I would be stupid." Sera took her wallet out of her bag and looked at the money she had in there and let out a sigh. She really needed to get a part-time job. Unless she was a part of the Junior Professor Program. Of course, that meant that Professor Rowen needed to approve of her idea, which he laughed at. She needed to get money from somewhere. She looked at the price. SHe was able to get two with the money she had, but then she would be broke. She sighed again and put the two incenses on the counter. SHe pulled her money out of her wallet and gave it to Evan's dad.
‘No, keep your money.’ Mr Flintrock replied.
‘Take whatever you need, just keep an eye on Evan in return. Make sure he stays out of trouble.’

He winked at her and slid back the money.

He pointed out to her some of the other interesting items in the shop, and told some stories of how he had obtained them while they were waiting for Evan to reappear.

(OOC: sorry for leaving you behind a bit, GoldintheDark, hopefully you catch up soon!)
"Is she okay?" Rin asked, as Sera walked away, shoulders down. Evan shook his head, and started chasing after her. "Alright..." Rin muttered. He pulled a Town Map out of his backpack, and checked his location. He headed towards Viridian City, the city with the first gym. He placed Sonic's Pokéball into his backpack, and started on his journey.
Evan reappeared from the back room, his bag packed and ready to go. He went to the shelf and picked out a Heart Scale from the shelf, he knew that trainers in the Alola region would teach your Pokémon a new move in exchange for a rare and beautiful Heart Scale.

‘Hey Sera, wanna head to the PokeMart now?’
Rin trudged in the grasslands of Route 1, Nex by his side one-shooting the weak Pidgey and Rattata that had the misfortune of trying to attack them. "Jeez, I thought that Kanto would have some stronger wild Pokémon." Rin groaned, bored already. Nex slapped his trainer again with his frontal limb. "Look. There's Viridian City over there." Nex said, pointing in the direction that Viridian City was. Rin noticed Nex trying to alert him, and looked in the direction that Nex pointed. "FINALLY, CIVILISATION!" Rin shouted, before frantically running towards the city in the distance, returning Nex to his Pokéball.
"Sure, we'll need potions and if you don't have any we'll need more pokeballs. I only have ten and one premier ball. Always buy ten pokeballs at once." She said. "When we get done, I'll sort everything out. We can't have everything disorganized. I won't allow it! I'll do it since I know the best way to organize my bag." She continued with a professional attitude. She already had everything was already in its proper place, except for the new stuff, she still had to put those in the proper spots so then she could use the most out of her bag.
Renz headed over to the Pokémon center to purchase some Pokéballs, and some potions. He went to the Pokéball section and grabbed some Pokéballs, and a Great ball. He grabbed the potions, then went to the desk and purchased them. He went back over to Sera and handed her 7 of the ten Pokéballs he had purchased, and 3 potions. He kept the premier ball, the other 3 Pokéballs and 2 potions for himself.

‘Here, take these, we should be ready to go in a few minutes. Let’s head to Route 22!’
Sera nodded and placed the items in her bag. When they got to Route 22, she sat and organized her bag on the ground. "If you want me to organize yours then I will!" She shouted to Evan. If she spotted any shinies, then she would throw a quickball, but shinies were rare, even with a Shiny Charm. Sera thought that Evan had it on him, so she didn't say much about it. If he were to bring it up to ask where it was, then she would get worried. She put each of the items in the assigned pockets.
Name: Ajax Boldon



Appearance:Buzz cut, brown hair with heterochromia eyes (left is golden while the right is blood red), light tanned skin and freakishly tall(7'0) with a heavy build. Has scars crossing arms and chest and one from the right eyebrow down to the cheek. Currently wearing a tight fit black tank top, baggy black cargo trousers, steel capped boots and Carries a large duffel bag.

Pokémon Team:
Throh(Hercules)M, abandoned by its pack because of its large size and strength, Hercules travelled across unova battling wild Pokémon and trainers alike where he found his best friend and rival Sawk(Achilles).
Sawk(Achilles)M, Raised in a Hidden valley in unova full of powerful pokemon. Sawk spent his days training and fighting powerful Pokémon where he eventually rose to the top until meeting a throh who became his best friend and rival.
Chimchar(ares)M, being born around skilled fire Pokémon chimchar learnt alot growing up until one day he had fallen into a trap and eventually saved by a giant human.

# of Badges: 0 badges

Hometown: Small unknown village in unova.

Ajax tends to give off an intimidating aura which scares people away, because of this and and his appearance he is lonely and rather introvert. Unknown to many Ajax's personality is gentle, patient and is a man of few words who is traveling for adventure and friends.

Ajax just got off the plane and stretched out his joints, he noticed in the corner of his eyes people avoiding him and rolls his eyes in disappointment, he slings his duffel bag onto his shoulders and sets off in a random direction. He eventually finds himself in viridian and lays down on a bench in front of route 22 and falls asleep.
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‘I have my stuff organized so I can access it easily, but thanks for the offer.’

Evan walked off into the tall grass to search for a Nidoran. It took a while, but after many Pidgey and Rattata he managed to find a small blue bunny Pokémon. He told Gible to use scratch, then threw a Pokéball. It hit and shook once! Twice! Three times! It was caught! ‘Alright!’

Evan walked over to Sera to let her know he had found a Nidoran. He released it from its Pokéball.
Sera let out a large audible gasp. "Oh. Great. Arceus. You caught a shiny Nidoran! Oh my, look at how he is blue like the females are! You know, the two Nidoran lines are very interesting. Swapping each other colors. One of the coolest shiny colors." Sera said as she was gushing over the Shiny Nidoran. "By the way, what is his name?"
‘Wait. It’s a shiny? I guess the shiny charm must be working then. And I think I’ll call him Ceasar.’ He recalled Nidoran to his Pokéball. Evan considered applying a potion to Ceasar, but it would be a waste of resources.

Gible was feeling very proud of himself for doing so good fighting, completely forgetting Nidoran hadn’t had time to fight back. He started bragging under his breath...

(I won’t be able to respond till tomorrow morning)
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