• A reminder: If you want to ask an RP thread creator if you can join their RP, do so in private - via conversation or profile messages - or via the thread's discussion thread, if one exists. Do NOT ask if you can join an RP on the RP thread itself! This leads to a lot of unnecessary OOC chatter and that's not what the RP boards are for.

    This is clearly stated in our RP forum rules. If you've not read them yet, do so BEFORE posting anything in the RP forums. They may be found here (for Pokémon Role Play) or here (for General Role Play). Remember that the Global Rules of Pokécharms also apply in addition to these rule sets.
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Open (Kanto-Sinnoh) Pokemon Life!

"I didn't knew he had secret about his 'relationship'..." Rose said confusedly
"We talk about everything...we don't even have secrets between each other..." Rose sat down

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
Oh good grief. Life gets busy for a few days and this is what happens.

Children, we have rules here. And the rules say paragraphs, not one liners. This entire RP is one liners. Something is wrong here.

Put some description and effort into your posts, or this thread will be locked, please. Be sure to read and review the rules and follow them from now on!