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Kasumi's Digital Doodle Book

PokeGirlPraure said:
Made me hungry all of a sudden. Thank Arceus I have some chocolate. And that little Quilava is Cherry? No wonder it's so kyut. Also I just started a folder named Kasumi's art in case I have no Internet and I need to cheer up/get cured/wake up ;D.
By the way, am I imagining things or does the Pokemon have "Get well soon" written? Thanks.

That makes me so happy to hear! :,//D
A folder dedicated to my art? Uwaaa~♥
That's too sweet! ^//^

And yes ;//D
I thought it'd be a nice little heartwarming touch in there ♥
Kasumi xx
Kasumi, that Sushi line up looks cute and funny :DD! I laughed at Raichu's face it like don't eat me pleasee DD:! D'aww and Pichu's and Pikachu's pose/facial expression look adorable! :>
I can't wait for the art to come ^.^

Shaymin ~*
Thanks once again for the lovely comments!! :,//D

My face is a little sore, but it's this darned blocked nose that's bothering me x'//D
I can't wait until this cold lifts~ And hopefully before Monday too ♥

Anyhoo, I managed to draw this through my 'agony'~
I hope you guys like ://>


Kasumi xx
Ok woah :o every time I visit there are like 3 more pages of comments and pictures~

I like how you can switch between styles so easily. I really like the doodly style in your latest picture and how the yellow flower stands out and everything~~~
Ze exams are over<3

I must say, the new arts are good~ The magical caped guy looks nice with the white aura and blue hair. The 'watch us drift' one is really nice as well; Although there might or might not be a little mistake at the tip of the Hoppip's right front paw :x

The Pikachu nommable evo line is very funny~ Nice thin linework there, too O:

I like how the most recent one is in all pink except for the flower. Who's it supposed to represent? Or is it random?


REQUEST TIEM (As promised~)

A picture of my Dark Soul OC in the suit you drew him, standing back to back with your Kasumi OC in the outfit we discussed, action-shot style. Maybe a thunderstorm-themed background with your signature rose petals being blown about?~

You can freestyle on this idea, of course<3

How to begin....

1. Sushi Pikachu and friends...! Original, cute, and makes me hungry, for sushi.... even though I can't stand the stuff! :)

2. Dominic with his Pokemon.... OH MY GOD. You drew him brilliantly both times, but the Pokemon steal the show! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Piplup. I'm getting all intense here with my love, so I will move on...

3. THE QUILAVA!!!!!!!!!! IIIIIIIIIIHHHH MYYYY *Dies from cuteness of the Quilava*

4. Shaymin's request as usual is drawn incredibly well.... your talent knows NO BOUNDS!!
Thanks Soul-chan~ :,//D

Actually; I still have three exams left ^//3//^;;
But today is kinda my day off, as I need to recover from this cold ://>
So I'll happily start your request~
(Please note I am an uber fail at lightning/backgrounds ^//^; )

Yeah, there are a few missing pixels on Sakura's paw in that picture ://S
Shall have to fix that later ://3

The Pikachu line of Sushi is one of my favourites ://>
Glad you like it too, and thanks for the compliment on my linework ♥

The icon, is Shy, as seen before in my art thread~
I'm currently still working on the manga, but I might start to do it digitally ://>

Will start your request naow, desu~
Kasumi xx
Kasumi, it's your daily thread stalker. <.<
Anywaysss, I love your recent artwork, she is just a cutie pie :>! I love how you draw the eyes on your art, you make anything look ADORABLE! Nothing really more to say :DD (probably cause I comment on every new piece of artwork) >.>

Pss: Hope you get better :DD

Double Pss: Hope you do well on your remaining exams :>

Shaymin ~*
Hraghle, Kasu-nyaaannnnn ♥

I'm mainly just posting to say how much I love the new picture of Shy :> She looks so cute and innocent and hgneeeeee <33 Her eyes are amazing and her hair is so nice and bouncy and I love the quiff/fringe at the front :'DD

I would request but I feel, as you're not feeling well and you've got a couple already, I'll leave it <33 (plus you totally need to request on my sprite thread anyways)

D'awwww. Your latest drawing is so cute. She's all like, "Oh, it's you... LURKING HERE STARING AT ME!". Damn, I need to calm my imagination down. Also, thanks again for the Pikachu sushi. The wish you wrote cured me yet again.
It seems to me you have a cold as well. Get well!
Also, good luck with exams!
Best wishes,
Thank you everyone!! :,//D
I am beginning to feel better- a little warm, but much better ^//^

Antisocial Pat Thanks for the compliments on my pieces :,//D
Your comment brought a smile to my face!

Shay~ Like I said before, I welcome stalkers with hugs and loud music ://>
Glad you like Shy too ^//^
I think she's a really fun character to sprite~ Neh~

Tun-nyan, I'm sorry I haven't requested anything from you, it was really for the same reason- I was concerned you'd be busy x,//D
But if you're not too caught up in anything, I may pop in a little request there for you ;//D
Glad you like Shy too ♥
Her hair and eyes are my favourite to draw on any character ://>
(Also noticed the sprite in Praure's sig- It is spectacular! :,//D)

Praure glad to hear you're feeling better!
And that you like my other art ://)
Always nice to see your smiling face here in the Doodle Book ♥

Oh Dear Goodness you're all too kind to me ^//^;
Without further ado...~


Hope you like! And thanks for 5000 reads!! ♥
Kasumi xx
... eeeeeeeeeeeee you and Dark look so awesomeehgngnghh ♥

I love Dark's rings of light and your little Sakura petals <33
And then there's both of your hairssss and they're superawesomelovely too :'DD
Gosh, now I feel like drawing the two of you (or with me) in my style because you're that awesome O:<
(Busy? Me? Psh. I only have one request, which I'm working on just no- *shot*)

And also the 5000 views pic is really cool :>
Your shading is just so great and eeeee ♥
(also, congrats!)

Keep it up, Kasu-nyan~! :'D

Holy!.. These pieces of art are awesome (as always :p) And wow, it's over FIVE THOUSAND views! I wonder when will you get double of those. You really deserve them. I imagine you looked happy when drawing that one You probably look are happy when you draw every picture, otherwise they wouldn't have magical powers.
The picture of yours and Dark Soul's OC is very detailed. The shading is extraordinary as well.
So you're feeling better? Hope you get well soon! I wish I could repay you back by drawing something, but my drawing abilities are just plain terrible :/
See you later!
HEEEEEEEEE-- [Brain asplodes]

Awh, the SushiChus! awhdorable.
Your agony was worth it
Kasumi, I've been wondering, could you draw my OC Praure with her team? Her team (in case you draw it):
Supaku the Pikachu - Praure's closest partner, who has been with her since childhood. She is childish but powerful.
Kōgōsei the Meganium - Praure's official starter, who is very kind and helpful.
Kazu the Typhlosion - the "hothead" of the team. She is always seeking battles, no matter how strong the opponent is.
Sāfu the Feraligatr - the "cool one" in the team. She is always concentrated and that helps her defeat her enemies.
Taiyō the Espeon - a very cheerful Pokemon. She always cheers others up when they need it.
Tomari the Shiny Noctowl - a naughty Pokemon. Other team members often argue with her, but Supaku always fixes it.

Thanks if you draw, if not, then, oh well...
Oh wow, Kasu-nyan~

Like Tun said, the rings around my hands are really awesome. I might just incorporate those rings as an RP attack, nyurhurrr<3 Also whoo not really full full body shot of me xD

Nice job on Amzaar, too. I love the fabric details and the rose petals with random coloury pixels~

Thank You~
Hrgnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Why won't iPods sync faster? D//:

I'm so glad you all have such positive feedback on the pictures :,//D
And sure thing Praure- I will start your request right away- but seriously guys, after that I don't think I'll accept much more ^//^;;

Unless you're special and I love you ://>
(That narrows it down to... everyone .-.'')

So I'll edit this post in a little (or long) while~
Kasumi xx

Quite possibly the most colourful, most complicated, but most fun of all my requests! :,//D
I loved it! Sorry it's late! Sorry about Noctowl (I fail ://B) But I hope you like it Praure!

It's so kawaiii~ I can't believe it! They look so awesomeeee~
And I have no problem with time even though it's midnight where I live. It was worth it staying up and waiting for it to be finished~
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
*sends it to dad so he would print it*
I will print it and it will be on my wall and all I will need to do if I'll need to cheer up is to look at it~
'Night and thanks! Best wishes from the team!
*shows team the picture and makes them squee*
P.S. Sorry if it was complicated :< I guess I wasn't thinking when I made the request. But it's still really awesome! Can't wait for moreee~
The new work looks awesome! I love all of it~!
Especially Praure's teamshot. The Pokemon are all so colorful and adorable ♥

So, I voted for the old style. I like the sketchy manga style, and the simplicity of it. It was a close tie between old and your early newer. Like a said, I like the sketchy-ness, but the newer ones are the perect blend of sketchy and clean, plus I love that shading. I'm not a big fan of the current shading. Mostly the highlighting, it just looks weird to me :>
Have you seen my latest post in Tun's sprite thread?

Just read that and switch out all the Tuns for Kasumis.

The problem with going away for a weekend is you always post ridiculous amounts of art, so even if I could actually describe how much I love it, I wouldn't know where to start O.O; And what are you doing posing with other guys like that? We are going to have a serious discussion about this later! :3 I kid, I kid ^^

I'll just slowly back away now before my brain asplodes again ^^;

Weeds said:
<insert Weed's post in here>


(also I didn't ttly just imagine a Tunumi_Slater or Kasuli :|)

All of the Pogeymans you drew for Praure are sooo adorableeeee and yet sooooo amazingly draawwnnnn ♥
I love Meganium. Like, seriously, so much :|

(also agghhhh agaaaiiinnnn your eyes are so amazing and I envy youuuffknej)

Keep it up, Kasu-nyan~! ♥
also, you two ttly should have invited me to your wedding. I would have made a lovely bridesmaid or after-party- *shot*
Ohmigosh thank you all for your lovely comments AGHHH <333

Praure- I'm so glad you like the request! ://D
I worked on it for a while and I'm personally very happy with how it came out ♥
Ked- Thank you so much ♥
And personally I'm not too keen on the new style myself ://>
I find all that higlighting a little too difficult and time consuming~
Weeds- Aww ♥
You're too sweet ♥ And I hope your wrist gets better real soon so we can experience your awesome sprites once more~ ^//3//^
Tun- Might just have imagined Kasuli myself ;//D Haha~
I'm so glad you like Praure's request too ♥
Like I said, it was very time consuming ://S I like Meganium too! ^//^ She was my favourite to draw ♥
Actually, we haven't had the wedding yet<3
But when we do you bet half of 'Charms is invited >://3


Just a little something I drew but it isn't much ;//3//;
I need some motivation D//:
But I might get 'round to posting the comics I drew in my history exam today ://>
(I had finished my exam before I drew them- don't worry x//D)

Kasumi xx
Such a cute lil' picture you have there ^^ Too bad the link doesn't work, but if you copypaste it into your address box, you'll see it ^^
Mallow looks distressed though, I wonder what's up :3

Tuncake said:

Thank you for the indirect compliment :3
And you wouldn't have wanted to be a bridesmaid. They all got eaten by the Metal Gear REX :<
Weeds said:
Thank you for the indirect compliment :3
And you wouldn't have wanted to be a bridesmaid. They all got eaten by the Metal Gear REX :<

But I replaced them with SHEEP D//:

And sorry about the link not showing ://x
I think I broke Photobucket. (I seem to be doing that a lot lately >//>;; )

Kasumi xx

Where to start?

The team shot is like, extraordinarily good, Kasu-nyan~ I love how the three Johto starters and Espeon are all : D, then on top there's a really smug Noctowl and in the corner, Pikachu is all OHAI LOL ♥

Nice colourwork on Praure, too~

And then there's le girl on the phone. Excellent perspective and colours, and I love the background coloury frizzle's~

Weeds said:
And you wouldn't have wanted to be a bridesmaid. They all got eaten by the Metal Gear REX :<

...That must've been one hell of a wedding xDD

I'm probably your main requester here, but would you mind if I requested something? I hope it's not too difficult~

I'd like a triple full body shot (As in, a picture that fully features all three persons) of my OC in your armor, your OC in her outfit, the one we discussed, annnnd human form Tunduli~ (Who can be found here.

You can have fun with the poses and background and stuffs~


* Tun is shot ;D

(also psshhhh I would totally be willing to be eaten by Metal Gear REX o: He is, like, the best and from one of the best games ever O:<)

But anywaaaay!
Mallow looks so adorable! O:
I love her hair (olol look at me being consistent) and it reminds me of the hair of one of my old, old characters ♥ I agree with Weeds-kun; I wonder what she's bothered about~? :>

PS: Remember, when drawing human!Tunduli, I'm shorter than both of you and my hair's shorter than in that picture :D)

Keep it up, Kasu-nyan~!

In reply to Soul-chan and Tun-nyan-


I absolutely SUCK at full body shots D//;
But I will certainly give it my best... .//_//.'' Hnngg...
(And Tun-nyan can't be much shorter than me x,D)

In reply to Weeds; *insert AWESOME face here* <33

Also, Mallow is often harassed by Minatsu..~ That could be why she has a look of dread on her face ://>
Kasumi xx




Hope I got most things right?
(I cannot draw katana's. Or cases. Mega fail. Oops ://S)
Kasumi xx
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I looooooove how you've drawn us :'DD
Granted, this wasn't my request, but I was on its' side so peh ♥

I love how Dark's all >;D and Kasumi/Amzaar's all • w •~ and then Tunduli's just like •//v//• which I think works perfectly cos, well, I'm like that |D
The shading is just arrrghhhhmazing and neeeeeen ♥
everyone looks so shiny and that's just AWESOME. o:<

The only thing I could EVER possibly say is that my eyes are blue but whateverrrr it's not a big deal and it must've been really hard for you to do this whole drawing and see every detail anyway :>

Muchlove~! <3333
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Congratulations, your husband is now brain-dead. Earlier I could still recreate my brain, but there is just no recovery from this.

*collapses and has fanspasms on the floor*

~Weeeekddjhufuuuu (see, I can't even spell my name anymore)
Wow! That drawing is so awesome! The three of you are looking so awesome! I think this might be your best drawing yet! I wish I could draw so well as you... Congratulations on such awesome drawing!

My suit comes with a free katana? ♥

Seriously though, this is so amazing O: From left to right like the Japanese do; Amzaar is so fashionable and colourfull in that outfit, and I like the supermodel pose xD

And then there's human Tunduli ♥ I like how she's a littly shy-looking and yet so awesome-looking at the same time~

And DS; The armor looks better then ever. The scarf is still awesome, the beltcape-thingy is a nice addition annnnnd gotta love that katana~

Nice work, and thank you<3

Hokay, so here's the earth fangilry squee.
Dear god. You liiiiied when you said you;re bad at full body shots :p
Dark looks ttlly epic, in that outfit and apparently free katana. Human Tun is :DDDDD Human Tun (Which is a good thinggg), and you are just WHOOOO-HAAAAAAA

Soooo yeaaaaah. I can see why everyone loves you. You're so amazing!
Okay yeah so bai.
[stalks Kasu-nyan]

Thank you everyone soooo much :'//D
I cannot possibly begin to convey my happiness right now..!!

You all make me happy- each an every one of you!!
Tun and Dark, I'm ecstatic you like your request! ^///^
And I'll make sure to give you blue eyes Tun ://>

Until I can conjure up summore art; here's one of the comics I drew in my history exam~


Kasumi xx
I can imagine that comic with a Gifafarig or Wobbufett :3

Also liking your cat face after making a dog chase it's tail :3

Also very good for being just a doodle drawn during a test :>

~Weeds ^^
Thank you Weeds for your positively amazing comment :'//D
As ever; it brought a smile to my face ^////^

As well as all of your wonderful feedback, when I logged on today, I had a lovely commission from Blazi~
He said it was okay to post it here when it was finished so here it goes:


This is the request he sent me~
And I experimented with another background out of curiosity ://>


S'all my chums ♥
Kasumi xxx

[me=Dark Soul]ttly doesn't have any shipping thoughts about these two characters[/me]

Seriously though, who are they?~

I really like both of these pictures. The shading on the hair and clothes is excellent, better then ever, and both background effects are spectaculovely, although I do prefer the first one.

Also, that dress is so cute O:
Dark Soul said:

[me=Dark Soul]ttly doesn't have any shipping thoughts about these two characters[/me]

Seriously though, who are they?~

I really like both of these pictures. The shading on the hair and clothes is excellent, better then ever, and both background effects are spectaculovely, although I do prefer the first one.

Also, that dress is so cute O:

Why, thank you lovely Soul-chan <333

Because you're curious, the characters are Blazi and Hina Kagiyama~

I love your little made up word there too ^///^
It has a nice ring to it ://>

The first is my favourite too ^//^
Kasumi xx
Wow, that's such a cute picture! :D

I love how much the guy looks like the cosplayer in Blazi's avi, you did a great job of capturing that ^^ And hoo is dis misteerious ladii? One can only wonder :3 EDIT: And one wonders no more ^^;

I'm also loving how you made the eyes in different styles, by making her eyes less wide and having the slight dent into the iris at different places (Blazi's is on top of the iris, while the girl's is on the side, if you didn't get what I meant ^^; )

Aaand the backgrounds~ I like both, actually :3 I love how they give off so different feelings, the first one is more like a formal party, while the second one feels more casual (as casual as you can be wearing a suit :3 )

So kyuut a picture, well done m'dear!~

~Weeds ^^
Weeds said:
Wow, that's such a cute picture! :D

I love how much the guy looks like the cosplayer in Blazi's avi, you did a great job of capturing that ^^ And hoo is dis misteerious ladii? One can only wonder :3 EDIT: And one wonders no more ^^;

I'm also loving how you made the eyes in different styles, by making her eyes less wide and having the slight dent into the iris at different places (Blazi's is on top of the iris, while the girl's is on the side, if you didn't get what I meant ^^; )

Aaand the backgrounds~ I like both, actually :3 I love how they give off so different feelings, the first one is more like a formal party, while the second one feels more casual (as casual as you can be wearing a suit :3 )

So kyuut a picture, well done m'dear!~

~Weeds ^^

I'm so glad you like it, Weeds!! ♥

I laughed at your comment on the 'mysterious lady'~
Yes; now you need not wonder ://3

The eye style thing was just based on her original eyes, and how I usually draw my eyes ://3
Nothing overly special, but I'm so glad you noticed and commented them ^//^

TBH, I feel casual in a tie, so maybe the second one is particularly casual? x//3
Who knows~ I'm glad you like them both though :'//D
I hope Blazi does too ♥

Kasumi-chan loves you, desu xxx
Kasu-nyaaaaaaaan <33
Your newest drawing is so nice :>

The hair is so nice <33333333333
And then the dress and the hair and the bracelethingies and the tux and the hair ♥
Oh, and the hair~! :'D

Hina looks really cute and gorgeous ♥
And then, well, Blazi's really handsome :>

I like the first background; it's more enchanting or elegant~!
But then I love the second one, too, and it's more poppy or sweeeeet~ ♥

Keep it uppppp~! c:

Love you bby ♥