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Alice, with a new companion, walked into Mount Moon with all three of her pokemon out. "All right guys! We're going to find a Helix Fossil!" said Alice before pulling out her sketchbook revealing a picture of the rock with the shell. "So if we're gonna find this, and we're gonna have to work together. Who's with me!?" In response Cherry silently nodded, Kuny fell over, and Karpy continued to flop in place. "Right!" said Alice before picking up Kuny again. The team was set and was dedicated to finding the remains of the Cephalopod Pokemon. They made a surprisingly good team. A Tackle attack from Kuny, after using Harden, was able to break rocks in half almost effortlessly. Cherry was able to wash off anything that they found with her high-pressurized Water Guns. Karpy even helped with calling out any Zubats that were about to attack and fend them off with a Splash attack combined with a move called Struggle. Of course, it hurt Karpy to use, so Karpy had to get some of the Potions Alice bought. After her little excursion, she found a Heart Scale, Two Red Shards, and no Helix fossil. "No luck, how long have we been in here?" she said, pulling out her Pokenav. "Only 30 minutes? It feels like we've been in here for years," said Alice with a sigh. "Are you guys ready for a break?" said Alice. Cherry was falling asleep, Kuny was a little dirty and bruised and Karpy was falling asleep. "I'll take that as a yes." said Alice before returning Kakuna and Magikarp to their pokeballs, and put Cherry on her shoulder. Alice turned toward the exit but stopped near a hole and proceed to trip and fall down it. "Waah!" she yelled before nearly grabbing onto the ladder in it.
