The Delta Episode is a brand new story arc unique to Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire. Its story revolves around a gigantic asteroid that's on a collision course with the planet, the history of the Hoenn region and origins of Mega Evolution, and a mysterious girl named Zinnia. Rayquaza and Deoxys are also set to play significant roles within the story, as will Steven, Wallace, Team Magma and Team Aqua, and the Mossdeep Space Center. Sounds like quite the party, eh? It would appear that an event from 3,000 years in Hoenn's past is connected to the asteroid's appearance but further details are currently shrouded in mystery.
Like within the original generation III titles, you'll once again be able to encounter and capture Regirock, Regice, and Registeel by deciphering ancient messages that are scattered throughout the Hoenn region. However, this time around if you capture all three of the trio, and have met certain conditions within the games, you'll also be able to encounter and capture Regigigas.
The trailer finished off by reminding international players that they're able to transfer a Glalie holding its Mega Stone, obtainable within the Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire Special Demo Version, to their full copies of the games. Be sure to check out the demo if you've yet to do so, which requires a download code to obtain from the 3DS eShop. If you're in need of a download code feel free to request one within our demo code request topic on the Pokécharms forums and someone may be able to help you out!
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