New way to request if you so wish - Join my channel on mIRC! Ask me for details or join #LoN.
Around yesterday afternoon, I was thinking what else I could do with Gimp, besides making signatures for people. It's not that I was bored, I just wanted to add some different skills to my collection.
Eventually, I came across a tutorial for making Userbars. What's a userbar? One of these:
So I started making them, and before I knew it I had around twelve or so sitting there
My current ones can be found in my separate showcase - here.
So what better thing to do than make more? I won't take requests from users who are banned from any one of my shops, however. The banned list is further down this post, and is the same in all of my shops. If you see yourself on one of the lists, but not in this one, consider yourself banned here and I just haven't updated it.
If you want one, post and ask with the following details (if you post doesn't have them, it'll be ignored):
Subject: (Eg, what you want in it. A Venonat? A Grunt from Halo? A lego man?)
Text: (Obvious)
Colour scheme: (Optional, post if you wish. If not, I'll come up with something).
Answer this question also: Do you want other people to be able to use it? (If not, I won't add it to the above gallery. However, if your request is something universal like "Eevee Fan", then I will add it to the gallery no matter what.)
You may request up to four at once, though don't exploit this by requesting four and then immediately another four. Give me a chance to live my life at least.
Alternatively, I can also animated multiple bars together into one image, like these:
If you do, tell me what userbars you'd like animated together by telling me the text on them. That means I can identify what ones you want easily. Also, tell me how long you want each image to be shown for! The above ones are two seconds, to give you an idea (Two thousand milliseconds, if you wish to tell me how long you want them displayed in milliseconds )
Sadly, it has to take a place in the post.
Banned list - Those who request in any one of my shops with complete ignorance towards my rules that I ask them to follow, or other reasons.
I think that's about it... sling a \o/ in your post somewhere because then I know you've read the whole post here, and you can have the satisfaction that you're a nice person