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DPPt/HGSS Looking For Psyduck.

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You think It would be that simple, but it's not. I was trying to get a Psyduck off of the GTS (Click: http://www.pokemon-games.com/portal/gamenews_detail6.jsp ) But More Specificly, From Sugimori

(ID: 38793)

And what I am Offering, One of Two Things, Both of which, if anything, are a rip off to me, but I'm willing to let it slide, Either

A Dragonite, Fully Trained, Level 100, Adamant Nature, with 396 attack.

OR a Mew, Level 50, Un-Trained, and has a Calm Nature.

(One or the other, Not both)

Plus, Any Item/Tm/Berry of your choice

(Note: That While someone may want to trade, I will want to check the Psyduck Before the actual Trade.)

And, before you question me, just know, I have my reasons, and that those reasons are none of your concern.


Moderator of Elder Scrolls
Staff member
He doesn't want any old Psyduck, he wants a Psyduck with Sugimori as the trainer ID. They were being given away randomly on the GTS a few months ago.
...I forgot this topic existed XD Well anyways, its been over two months since I posted this, with no (Trade related) Response, so ima just close this, if anyone wants to discuss the matter further, thats what the PM button is for :)
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