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DPPt/HGSS Luigi's OU Team - Help needed

Hey guys, this is Luigi777 - I haven't been on for ages.
Ok, so I've been working on this team for about a week, I really help on making sure the movesets are apropriate, and that the team as a whole is fairly synergetic - rates and alterations are needed.

Dusknoir - "Shadow"
Careful Nature (+Sp Def, -Sp Atk)
- Thunderpunch
- Shadow Sneak
- Will-o-Wisp
- Pain Split

Pretty standard, Thought about using a different punch or even losing Sneak for another punch but a friend told me strongly to not alter it.

Jirachi - "JIRACHI" (Can't change...)
Calm Nature (+Sp Def, -Atk) (Can't change...)
- Zen Headbutt (40% flinch!!)
- U-turn
- Thunder (60% Paralysis rate!!)
- Wish (Works nicely with U-Turn)

Saw this set on Smogon, and really liked it - needs a little work though, and the nature... does not help the set in particular, even though it's Atk is still higher than Sp Atk...

Lucario - "AuraLuke"
Lonely Nature (+Atk, -Def) (I know, not the greatest, but it's my favorite nature, and I really see a lonely Lucario)
- Close Combat
- Crunch
- ExtremeSpeed
- Swords Dance

The beast. My physical sweeper, and quite fun, although could use work. Respect the nature, plese.

Infernape - "RisingSon" - Life Orb
Rash (+Sp Atk, - Sp Def) (Opposite of Lucario, and with this set, it's been working great.)
- Flamethrower
- Grass Knot
- Nasty Plot
- Close Combat

The Wall-smasher!! Absolutely destroys walls, esp. the Skarm/Bliss combo.

Starmie - "Midnight" (Read it's DP deex entry)
Naive (+Spd, -Sp Def)
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Recover/Thunderbolt (Can't decide...)
- Rapid Spin

This is very important, being the spinner, sp sweeper, and Garchomp slayer. Really don't know whether I want Bolt or Recover... Help?

Gliscor - "Hook"
Impish (+Def, -Sp Atk)
- Earthquake (Need the TM)
- Ice Fang
- Knock Off
- Roost

The physical tank - and the needed ground counter. I haven't tested him yet, so.. yeah - any tips!

I really need item help, and a few minor moveset alterations. My only real problem with them right now is half the team is weak to ground, but alas - if any ideas could be given in that matter, that would be great!Thanks for all the help, and you guys are awesome!

Since I haven't done this in while I am a bit rusty so here I go.

Gliscor @Sitrus Berry
252 HP / 126 DEF / 126 SpDEF / 6 ATK

Baton Pass
Sword Dance

So this is a pretty basic tank. Sword Dance and Baton Pass for an ATK boost. Protect for coverage. Swagger for confusing opponent or Earthquake for STAB and an attack.
Personally, Gliscor's Special Defense isn't worth investing EVs into. It'll take massive damage from most Special Attacks that'll come close to taking it down in one hit. Besides, Gliscor is the perfect counter to Heracross and other physical walls, so take advantage of the Evs and put them into Defense.

One key thing. If a wall has a recovery move besides Rest, that move should be in the moveset(For walling anyways, could always go with the fakeout Choice Item Sweeper). Gliscor has access to Roost, a good healing move.

My set I use:

Impish, 252 HP/252 Def/6 Atk
-Ice Fang/Aerial Ace
-Knock Off/Stealth Rock/Taunt

Earthquake and Roost are almost mandatory for walling physical sweepers. EQ gets STAB with a decent base 95 Atk. Roost suits it well to get its HP back, as it does only have a base of 75 in HP.
Ice Fang is for Dragons, while Aerial Ace gets STAB, and will almost always dispatch Heracross in one go.
Knock Off is to mess around with held items, Stealth Rock is for some passive damage, while Taunt can prevent Pokemon from setting up a sweep.

Only thing that Gliscor could go for is Roar or Whirlwind. It has enough speed to force switches ahead of Skarmory and Suicune.

For Starmie, use a Timid or Modest Nature. If Starmie is to get rid of Spikes and the such, Rapid Spin doesn't have to be very powerful.

I also recommend using either a Naive or Hasty nature for Infernape so it can stay ahead of Sweepers that have a Base 100 Spd (Or at least try anyways). However, Rash is okay so it gets a slight extra kick in its attacks.
Nexle - Thanks for this - I've been wrestling for ages with Gliscor as either a passer or a true wall. I ended up thinking on more of the tank lines, although I could still end up switching.

Jet - This is really helpful, and thanks for the nature ideas.

Do you guys have any thoughts on items for the pokes other than Infernape? (Life Orbed)
Since Infernape is leaning towards SpATK, ChoiceSpecs is always an option but it limits you to use only one attack. Another good hold item would be a Salac Berry for a Spd boost.
What about items for Jirachi and Lucario?
I'm thinking Infernape will hold a life orb, Starmie will hold a focus sash, and I'm debating Gliscor or Dusknoir with leftovers, although I need ideas for the other (for item clause).
Lucario - Choice Band: Boosts attack by x1.5 but only use of one attack
Expert Belt: Slightly raises power of Super Effective moves
Muscle Band: Slightly raises power of Physical moves
Razor Claw: Raises chances of landing a Critical Hit

All of these item could work well with Lucario. Choice Band for an ATK boost but with a limit, Expert Belt is self-explanatory, Muscle Band since all of Lucario's attacks are physical moves, and Razor Claw for a chance to land a Critical Hit.
Dusknoir could use Leftovers (as anyone could) to help with tanking. Other option would be anti-Ghost move or Dark move berries. Bright powder can be funny too. Anything to help him tank.
Out of curiosity, is Lax Powder worse than Bright Powder in general? Is the raise to self (Power) more than the lower on your opponent (Incense)?
Thanks for that, I'll probably use either Leftovers or a Colbur berry (dark-lowering berry).
Any other ideas? Expert Belt has been working well on my Starmie, and the Lucario is really good with the Focus Sash. So, Gliscor and Jirachi item help would be great, as well as general advice and ideas.
Also, Some places ban Jirachi (including the Battle Tower! :(), so I need some ideas for a replacement.

Quick Question: Why does the battle tower let people use ubers like Latios, Latias, but not Jirachi or Celebii?
Just plain weird.
Because programmers dont know what their doing >_> but yeah it is wierd. For Jirachi there are a few intresting wish passers you can check out. The eevees for one, tankiest being Umbreon and vaporeon. Since you have starmie already I would suggest Umbreon with a defensive set say: Careful nature, 252 HP / 92 SpD / 164 Spe EVs, Wish, Payback, Taunt / Protect, Toxic / Yawn. Similar job then your Jirachi without being impossible to get in the battle tower.

Items, well most of em are best with Leftovers (thats why I hate item clause) but lets see.

Gliscor could use anti-ice berry or bright powder again. Lax incense if your using bright powder somewhere else (im pretty sure 10% chance to miss is better the 5% evasion). Lum berry is always handy against annoyers. Actually now that I think about it its pretty much the same for Jirachi. Just a change of anti-element berry.
Umbrien is a great idea - and looks like it would have great synergy with the team. The question is, the passer, or the supporter?

So the Powder raises evasion by 10%? Ok, I'll work on getting it.

The item ideas are good. Right now, I'm going with Yache berry on Gliscor (Ice-lower), and Lum on Jirachi.
For Starmie, the Bolt/Beam combo is priceless, so you might want to ditch Rapidspin so you can still have recover. If not, try Surf, Thunderbolt, Recover, Rapid Spin because it has more type coverage than if you replaced Thunder bolt with Ice Beam.

For Infernape, youmight want to go with Timid or Modest and replace Close Combat with Focus Blast. It benefits with Modest's Spe. Atk boost, doesn't lower Def. and can lower the opponents Spe. Def.
Focus Blast does only have 70 Accuracy. Anywho, Infernape can't survive hits that well anyway. Close Combat is also Infernape's way of not getting shut down by Blissey. The set is fine as it is, aside from the minor nature change to ensure out-speeding (Assuming perfect IVs) that I mentioned earlier.
Yeah, the problem with Recover is that Starmie can't take more that a hit or two, so it's goal is just to be fist, and destoy things.

Infernape, as Jet said, is my well smasher, smashing mainly Skarmory and Blissey, as well as Bronzong.