Loving the Vanipucchi joke. I would so buy that!
Really liking what you're doing here; working with MS paint can be so evil sometimes... okay, most of the time. Mainly because you don't have the freedom that you have if you have a program that can use layers. After flicking through your art a bit (Whoo Salamence Ballooonz!), I've noticed that you have Anti-Analyis (or however the hell you spell it) on. If you don't know what it is, well look at that picture of your Vespiqueen. Look at the black stripes. Do you see those annoying whitish pixels around the edge? Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. I really can't stand them. This isn't a fault of yours, because I'm pretty sure in MS paint, you don't have the choice whether it's on or not.
The way I can think to get around in on MS paint is to first put in your lines for the picture in a colour that you know you won't be using in the picture you're drawing; I normally go with a fluro pink or something like that. Something that stands out. Once you're happy with the linework, do all your colouring in now, but don't use the fill tool, use a normal paintbrush. It does take longer, but it helps get rid of those lines. Then, after you're happy with that, go over the lines again in your final colour (black I'm assuming). Then just get rid of any of the draft lines that you can see, do a bit of a touch up if you need it and that should get rid of it. It is a bit more work to do but it should make your artwork look better, more professional. But if you want to leave it there, then that's just fine too. Your artworks awesome regardless.