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Ask to Join Luna~Sun High School (Roleplay)

Dead account

Previously Super Lazy Man
Samuel had heard the yell and came back "Hey! Leave him alone!" He told the gang members, determined to help Asher "i dont know who you are but im sure you are not supposed to press your palm on his mouth" he continued ready to be attacked at any moment
Asher managed a sigh of relief as he recognized the boy’s voice. He had come back! Feeling more confident than ever, especially now that all of the vampire’s gazes were turned back toward the boy, he began to reach up and behind him, searching out Victor’s face. Those flesh wounds had looked recent. They still had to hurt him, right? If he could manage to reach him...

Suddenly Victor’s hand connected with his and he violently twisted it. Asher heard a loud crack followed by a pain so unbearable he wished he had blacked out right then. He had never broken a bone before in his life, but it was unfortunate that it had to happen under these circumstances. The other two vampires kept their gaze on the boy while their leader tossed Asher to the ground, eyeing him in mock sympathy.

The half blood didnt even scream. He couldnt. It felt like all the air had been taken out of his lungs. He clutched his wrist, too afraid to touch his broken hand, and hid it underneath his body. Tears streamed down his face and his mouth gaped in a silent scream. Victor then shifted his gaze to the boy.

“Tell me your name,” he said politely, as if nothing had happened at all between him and Asher, “I am Victor. They,” he gestured towards his friends, “are Kate and Milo. It’s really a pleasure.” He said slyly, although to anyone it sounded very insincere.

Dead account

Previously Super Lazy Man
Seeing asher on the ground rage came in, but he didnt let it out "i am Samuel" he awsnered "but listen here, i am not here to do buddy-buddies with you, you are going to let this guy go." He told them "or else..." he then muttered
Victor shook his head slowly.

“Who said anything about “being buddies”? I dont like you just as much as you clearly dont like me. Now listen, brat. I dont know why youre trying to be the hero for this half blood, but now really isnt a good time,” the vampire growled threateningly, “but if you insist on being involved, then I suppose I must oblige.”

With that, Kate and Milo rushed at Samuel, not in an attempt to hurt him, although that very much seemed to be the case. Their eyes were filled with rage, bordering on insanity, as they locked onto their target.

Dead account

Previously Super Lazy Man
As two of the vampires rushed at him he dodged them , knowing they would chase after him "really now? Are you gonna send them to just run at me?" He said before going behind Victor letting them run to him and taking Asher to the nurse as fast as he can since he knew he cant beat them
Asher felt himself being lifted, but he didnt check to see who or what it was. At this point he didnt care. His hand was throbbing, the pain searing up his arm. The sudden movement did not help. Fortunately he had caught his breath, but it was coming out uneven and ragged.

Now he was just a blubbering mess. The pain had pushed his pride away, so he wasnt too concerned about crying in front of the vampires. He could hear the hard thrumming of the feet below him, and others that were behind them.

“Stop,” Victor called out to the two vampires who were in hot pursuit. Despite the minor loss, he stood nonchalantly, staring after Asher and Samuel, “let them be. Its better to understand your opponent before making the first move... I believe we’ve learned a lot about the two of them, have we not?”

Dead account

Previously Super Lazy Man
After getting to the nurse , he helped her put him on the bed "okay, now dont move and tell me .. what was that?!" He asked Asher before sitting down on anearby chair "man, people really get in trouble sometimes" he continued
Everything seemed to go by so fast. Literally and in his head. The pain made everything almost hazy for the redhead, but he was aware of being carried by a vampire. After a few seconds of running, they had stopped in a room that was very...white. It looked like a hospital.. He felt himself being set gently on something soft and someone picking up his hand. He hissed in pain and retracted his arm quickly, but got scolded by an older woman.

"Yes, I know it hurts darling, but you must sit still or this will only get worse for you, I assure you that." He felt the women grab his arm again and it took all of his will power to not scream. He barely noticed Samuel speaking to him as all of his concentration was being put towards not passing out, but he was forced to speak when he realized it might be the only thing to take his mind off of things. Turning his head slightly, his grey eyes rested on the boy who had helped him.

"I-mm...I'm Asher. My si- my sister...Ann. They're looking for her." He huffed out through pained gasps. He couldnt answer more than that because the nurse was now talking about putting his bones back into place before putting him in a cast. His eyes widened in fear of more pain. He began to shake his head in protest, but the grumpy lady wouldnt listen to him. She grabbed his hand..

"One, two, three!" Another crack, though this one was significantly less loud. Still, it hurt like hell and Asher, this time, managed to let out a strangled scream. His eyes began to grow hot with tears again, but this time he turned away from Samuel. His pride was beginning to take hold again, and he refused to look weak. Although now it probably didnt matter... suddenly his vision grew fuzzy, and a creeping blackness appeared in the corners of his vision. In less than a second, Asher passed out.

Dead account

Previously Super Lazy Man
After Asher passed out Samuel tough about what he said " they're looking for her' ? What does thay mean.?" He tough before going to his dorm and laying on his bed ,after a day like that, he fell asleep almost immediately
Aster nodded, but otherwise remained silent. He would not contest the girl's words, if she truly felt she could hold her own, then he would throw his confience behind her. Worst come to worst, he'd just follow her around for a couple days to make sure she was actually okay. Crossing his arms, he leaned back, his expression loosening, taking on a more casual look. "Be that as it may, there's no use to fretting over the inevitable. As they say; Never worry about a problem! If you can do something about it, then don't worry because you'll be capable of handling it. If you can't do anything about it, then still don't worry, since there's nothing you can do anyway!"

The Rakshasa was of the mind to begin solving his own problems, and first and foremost on that list was - "By the way, what club are you in? I'd been looking for you earlier but...a directionless search is a fruitless endeavor. I haven't joined a club yet, just in case you were wondering." It'd make future endeavors far easier if the Vampire know where to head next time he wanted to catch a glimpse of the petite red-head.
Smiling at the Rakshasa, she felt herself relax. She hadn't thought about it that way, and it certainly made sense to her! Finally nodding, she slid her grey eyes up to his, but quickly looked away as his gaze made her stomach feel funny. Why was she prolonging this? Why couldn't she just...tell him? Suddenly images flashed in her mind. A boy. Then another, and another. They were surrounding her, taunting her in that alleyway. He was someone she thought she could trust.

Damn him.. She thought bitterly in her mind before snapping back to the present, realizing what Aster had just said. For some reason his comment made her giggle.

"Of course you're not in a club. Anyway, my brother and I spend our time in the art room," Ann tilted her head and asked, "you know where that is, right? Sounds like you got pretty lost!" She started to laugh but quickly covered her mouth when she realized that she really had no room to talk.

" I can show you if you would like, although it's gotten late. Everyone is already in bed!" This made her feel even more jittery about being with him. It felt so much more intimate like this... this feeling finally let her make up her mind. This was something she could do something about, and there was no way she was going to let that incident from so long ago ruin a moment like this for her. Suddenly, and without warning, she reached up on her tiptoes and brought her lips to Aster's cheek. It was just a slight peck, nothing over the top. She didn't want to scare him, but she had to be sure that it was what she wanted. What she was ready for.

When she bounced back lightly on her heels, she could feel the butterflies in her stomach turn into what felt more like a zoo than anything else. But despite that, her lips grew into a wide grin, because this was definitely what she wanted. Searching Aster's face shyly and a bit uncertain, she hoped to see acceptance that this was what he wanted as well. But then she began to grow nervous and decided to change the subject, although she was sure it wasn't going to do any good.

"Uh...I have a surprise for you.. It's in my..um.. It's in my dorm. I can give it to you tomorrow, if you'd like?"
Aster hadn't quite been surprised at Ann's display as he had been utterly flabbergasted and shellshocked, not for any dislike of the act mind you, but instead because it had all happened so quickly that he'd barely had any time to react. One minute he'd been carefully trying to recall the location of the Art Room (He had the artistic talent of one with 5 big toes for fingers, and as such avoided the art room and any associated embarassment that could befall him.), and scoffing at her comment (Vampires were often called Lords of the Night! What was this sleep she spoke of!?), but the next minute he was staring, mouth agape, at the delightfully bashful expression of the girl before, the faint moisture and heat of her lips already fading from his cheeks before he'd even gotten the opportunity to savor them. The self-proclaimed Lord of the Night was floored.

Her subsequent words thus completely bypassed any rational processing that his brain might've been prompted to put them through, as his mind was instead scrambling to piece together a more vivid recollection of the past 5 seconds. He however, hastily nodded to consent to...whatever she'd just said, hoping that it would be the correct answer. At this point, if she'd just said 'I need you to get me England's crown jewels', he would've agreed without a second thought and moved onto commit and internationally acclaimed heist. Errr, hopefully she'd not asked him to do anything of the sort.

Clearing his throat slightly, an expression of shameless innocence on his face, Aster leaned forward slightly and presented his cheek to Ann again. "Sorry...my mind blanked for a bit, could you repeat that one more time?"
The redheaded vampire studied Aster’s face carefully again. There was another long pause after she had asked, and she was feeling a bit uncomfortable, so the only thing she had left to do was focus back on the Rakshasa’s expression to what had just happened. She wasnt quite sure what he was thinking, as he looked kind of like a deer caught in headlights. Despite her nervousness, she couldnt keep a small grin from appearing on her otherwise worried face.

When she had first met Aster, he had seemed very poised and important, but now he just looked vulnerable. There was something endearing about it, and it made Ann feel warm inside. She wondered for a moment if anyone else had ever seen him this way. Suddenly he leaned toward her, slightly tilting his cheek in her direction.

Sorry...my mind blanked for a bit, could you repeat that one more time?”

Ann’s grey eyes widened in surprise and she felt a bit confused before finally realizing that this probably meant he was ok with it! Her small smile turned into a fanged grin, and she put on an air of confidence even though her insides still felt queezy from nervousness. She didnt want that expression of his to go away. She wanted to keep it locked inside her mind forever. Although it was a short lived moment, it had made her feel important. Special even.

“I said that I’m going to have a surprise for you tomorrow,” Ann repeated softly, her eyes appraising the taller vampire with what one could only decribe as love, “so you’d better be watching for me!” Suddenly Ann’s happiness had begun to melt away. The warmness had quickly been replaced with a sudden feeling of worry, and her mind automatically shifted over to thoughts of her brother. Something was wrong...

“Aster, I have to go alright? I’ll be looking for you tomorrow. I’m really sorry...” She felt so torn between staying with him and going to find her brother.. but the nagging feeling in her gut told her to hurry and look for Asher.
Amidst the bubbly emotions of budding affection and anticipation came the sinking feeling of utter dread as, against his wildest beliefs, Ann misinterpreted his words. Aster's facial muscles stiffened as the girl repeated her words instead of her actions...hadn't she heard that actions spoke louder than words? Wasn't presenting his cheek again enough of a hint?

Utterly distraught by the blow, Aster stood blankly as any whipped around and scampered off taking any hopes of another kiss with her.

At the very least, the silver lining to these stormy grey clouds was that he'd had something in store for him on the morrow, and as far as the Rakshasa was concerned, those words implied a date. Something he was all too happy to oblige with.

Casting a glance in the direction Ann had left in, Aster frowned slightly. Her sudden change in tone had concerned him, but he couldn't quite put his finger on what had rubbed him the wrong way. Eventually, he simply decided to head to his dorms. It wasn't like he could follow her around all night, right?
The small vampire wasnt exactly sure where she was going.. she knew she had to find her brother...something bad had happened. Suddenly Ann stopped, a feeling a pure dread washing over her. The vampires from earlier... had they already gotten to him..? Looking around wildly as if she would somehow spot her brother standing in the middle of a random hallway, she realized it had begun to get lighter outside. It was already morning. Had her and Aster really stayed out of their dorms so late?

Before she had time to continue further with her investigation, she heard someone clear their throat behind her. Turning, assuming Aster had followed her or something, she sighed, getting ready to apologize but stopped as she recognized a different face.

“Well hello there Ann. I dont think I properly introduced myself from before? You know, when you mauled my face.. I’m Victor. Now before you say something pathetic like ‘what have you done with my brother you monster?!’,” Victor mocked, raising his voice higher for affect, “I’ll tell you right now I havent killed him or anything. He’s in the emergency wing right now... passed out. I have a couple of friends watching him, so dont worry.”

Ann just stared at the vampire, not really surprised at his sudden appearance, but not feeling relaxed by him either. She watched him nervously, not daring to make a move. Something about him was much different than the first time she had seen him (besides his face of course).

“So what now? I’m assuming you’ve been looking for me and somehow tried to get my brother to tell me where I was.. so what do you want?” She asked quietly. Victor shrugged.

“I want you to suffer. Its the only way for vampires like you to understand. Ive run into your kind before... the ones who think humans and vampires can live in harmony,” he spat the last word in distaste, “believing we can all be friends? The humans were put on this God foresaken earth for us Ann. Thats what we do! Thats a vampire’s nature.. we hunt them.” He spoke calmly, also not making a move toward her.

The redhead gave a small laugh. “You mean harassing another student in a school hallway is hunting? You and I certainly have a very different definition...” Victor just growled at this, but refused to say anymore. Without warning he was in front of Ann. She hadnt even blinked before he appeared, towering over her small figure. She raised her hand to attack him but he saw it coming this time. He grabbed her hand, picked her up quite easily, and slung her into a nearby wall. Her head made a loud thud against the brick, and she hit the floor. Gasping in pain, she attempted to get up and fight, but the older vampire had grabbed her again. He walked her over to a door that led out into a small garden, the morning sunlight beaming into the trees and flowers.

Ann began to stuggle against him, knowing full well his intention was to burn her.

I dont regret saving rain, I dont regret saving Rain.
Rain had slept soundly, oblivious to Ann's waking nightmare. She brushed her white teeth and headed off to her morning class. She'd told Otis uncertainly that yesterday was a good day, but overnight the statement hardened into a conviction. For the first time she picked her eyes off the floor and carried herself with confidence.

Relieved of yesterday's pressure, Rain breezed through the morning lecture. She'd finally made a friend, and the thought tugged at the corners of her mouth like waters at a gently rocking boat as she sailed the hallway's sea of red stares to the class they shared.

"Hey Asher, how's-"

But Asher was nowhere to be found.
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Previously OtisRolePlays
She heard a bang on a wall, which woke her up. Otis rubbed her eyes, trying to refresh herself. But she simply let out a yawn and trudged over to the bathroom. She splashed some water in her face, which was definitely a wake up call. Otis smiled, and started her usual morning routine. After that, she finally got her stuff for class and left the dorm.

But before she went to class, Otis was walking towards a door that lead to a garden, in which it was one of her favorite places to be at in the morning. But what stopped her right in her tracks was the sight of someone dragging someone else outside, against their own will by what it looked like. Otis froze and accidentally dropped all her stuff. “H-Hey! What are you doing to her?!”

Dead account

Previously Super Lazy Man
Samuel woke up after some time "uuggh ...time for class now.... i might give up that first class...i wanna take animation classes right now.." he told himself as walked to his bag and grabbed it "what can i do today?"
" Oh crap what day is it!?" Screamed Pierre frantically. He had just arrived back home from his training in the mountains. " Woah. For a dude that comes from a family of hunters i sure am irresponsible."

Seeing as how the first day of school had already passed Pierre decided that it really wouldn't matter if he was late. Instead he got up from his soft bed where he had slept what was probably the best night of his life. He then dropped himself back on the bed when sadly realized that he would have to leave have the hotel. He knew that he would miss the maids, room service, and especially the beds. But when it came to being Pierre this was not out of the norm.

Being a vampire hunter meant that he would always have to move around to do his job. Then again that all ended today, well it was supposed to a couple of days ago. Pierre finally resolved himself to get himself up, get dressed for his first day of school, and start his new life as a student.

As he walked carefully along the dark alley way he noticed a figure closing in on him. " If you're a real vampire why don't you stop trying to be sneaky and kill me? Are you that scared?" Pierre was using an intimidation tactic to draw the vampire out. " Huh. You've got some balls for a lowly human. I guess you can have it your way."

Pierre then calmly and carefully tie back his long curly hair into a bun and like always a lone curl hang out one side of his glasses. He then opened his violin case, took his sword out and drew its silver blade. Within the blink of an eye Pierre had already dismembered one of the vampires arms. Then like always his mind got to.

First I need to switch to the Suwari No Tori No Kamae swords stance to block his first attack and then side step to stab him from behind.
Pierre then carried his plan out flawlessly and the vampire ended up with a deadly silver blade through his spine.

" Aaah! You're a hunter aren't you!" He screamed furiously. " What are you going to do, kill me?" Pierre gave a cold hard gaze that seemed to stop time itself. " No. I have a better idea." Using a potion he got as a gift from a witch, Pierre reduced the vampire to a cat. " I always wanted a pet." He smiled as the cat once vampire looked at his fur with a horrified look.
Ten minutes later Pierre was standing in front of the school he would be going to from now on wearing a white dress shirt un-tucked with a loose black tie in a pair of jeans and dress shoes. He then flicked his curl behind his ear and tightened his grip on hi violin case and walked to the front desk Vlad his new pet cat trailing behind hi while sobbing.

" Hello miss i got into a couple of problems on my to this school and am kinda late because that so sorry but can i get y room key?" He flashed a nervous grin while playing with his curl. " Name please?"
" Pierre Jean-basquat"

( btw i'm new so i'll try my best to catch up.)

Dead account

Previously Super Lazy Man
While Samuel was walking towards the cooking club he noticed a new guy "huh.. he wasnt here yesterday, hes new! " he told himself before going to see him "Hello! My name is Samuel, whats your name?" He asked the hunter wich he didnt know he was "how ya doing?"
As Pierre made his way towards his room he noticed someone walking up to him. Something was off about him though. "Hello! My name is Samuel, whats your name?" Ignoring Samuel's question for a second Pierre eyed him carefully. Black hair brown eyes but pale skin. A vampire. As the thought crossed his mind he remembered that this was a school for vampires and humans. So he relaxed himself. " Uh hi i'm Pierre or you could call me Jean! Nice to meet you! I was on my way to my room but would it bother you to give me a tour of the school and introduce me to some of the other students?"

It would be good to start the year off by making friends.

Dead account

Previously Super Lazy Man
"Sure!" Samuel responded to Jean , as they walked, "over there theres the dorms for the boys, and over there the classes, " he said pointing to the places " cafeteria is there and the clubs are there" still pointing the places "that went fast," he said "well, i gotta go cook some food, in the cooking club, See you!"