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Gonna use this to store all my little folks :]



<--- shitty doodle of he (design might change!)[ATTACH=full]946635[/ATTACH]

Name: Barron "Bear" Hale

Gender: Male

Hometown: Canalave City

Age: 28

Height: 5'8''

Weight: 134 lbs

Hair: Dark red, curvy, keeps it relatively short but has bangs

Eyes: Blue, very vibrant

Clothing: His favorite cap is a black newsboy's hat, sporting a blue brim and a yellow front. It's decorated with buttons of different colors and sizes, he seems to always be collecting more from where ever he travels. If he doesn't know what set of buttons to put on it, he'll often use ones based off the members of his team. The one's visible on his picture are, from left to right: Magnemite, Mudsdale, and Eelektross!

He'll often wear an off-white button-up shirt, the collar often messy and upturned. Overtop it he wears his own thick work jacket, primarily black with yellow stripes and a blue hood. It's long enough to reach just above his knees and is made of mostly polyester. He almost never puts its hood up, unless it's storming. When working, he'll put on black gloves as well, the palms of which are blue.

The jeans he prefers are dark blue, nearly black, and he'll usually tuck them into his work/travel boots. Said rubber boots are yet again primarily black, having blue bands around the top and bottom. Two seams running across the span of the blacker parts are colored yellow.

Identifying Marks: Burn scarring from the left side of his neck to his left shoulder, not shown in pic!

Musculature: Appears very thin and weak, actually quite toned! Doesn't help he wears a bulky jacket most of the time

Personality: Barron is a very relaxed individual, not wanting to be held down by anything or anyone. He values his own individual freedom first and foremost. If he sets a goal for himself, he'll often not be deterred until it's finished. He prefers not to take anything serious, usually joking around due to his own inability to open up.

Skills: Experienced with electrical engineering (primary job), seasoned trainer, great at repairing things and manual labor

Past: Bear grew up in Sinnoh with his dad, not seeing his mother much. The two were divorced two years after he was born, and his mother never seemed to care much for her relation with her only son. His father taught him how to battle and sparked his interest in it, soon dead set on taking on Sinnoh's league with his father's full support. Barron trained every day he could until he felt ready enough to go out and travel, challenging the gyms in which ever order he pleased at 17 years old.

He only ever obtained four badges: the Mine Badge, the Beacon Badge, the Icicle Badge, and the Coal Badge.

At 18, Barron's father had fallen gravely ill due to old age. He paused his own journey in an attempt to help better his dad's health. Unfortunately, Bear's efforts were in vain and his father passed away one year later. With his father died his dreams as a trainer, now the young boy wasn't sure of what to do with himself. He began studying electrical engineering, deciding to travel to other regions as he did so. There was nothing tying him to Sinnoh anymore, and he'd rather be anywhere but there. To support himself he'd often take up electrical or manual labor work, doing the odd job here and there for some money.

He typically refuses a battle nowadays, but perhaps if one was close enough he'd give it a shot.

Family: Nathan Hale (Father, deceased), Mollie Bolton (Mother, 74)

Love Relationships?: None! yet?


Fission (Mudsdale) ♂

Ability: Stamina

Hidden Power: Fighting

Bio: Gifted to Barron as his first Pokémon, Fission never leaves his party. Being the primary reason he got as far as he did in his league journey, Fission is trusted with many tasks both in and out of battle. He serves as a fine workhorse and companion, never wanting to leave his trainer's side. He'll often serve as Bear's transport.

Fritz (Empoleon) ♂

Ability: Defiant

Hidden Power: Ghost

Bio: Fritz belonged to Bear's father, coming under his care when his father fell too ill to use the Empoleon. He felt it best for his prized Pokémon to belong with a trainer that would use it for its full battle potential.  Fritz, alongside Fission, is Barron's most trusted Pokémon and the last reminder of his father.

Blackout (Rotom)

Ability: Levitate

Hidden Power: Flying

Bio: Barron encountered Blackout at the Old Chateau, having gone there out of pure curiosity. After a series of pranks, Blackout was eventually flushed out of hiding and caught by Bear, becoming a permanent member of the team. Due to its forms and careless nature, repairing the items Blackout used to transform granted Barron his ability to fix nearly anything as long as he can get his hands on it.

Fuse (Garchomp) ♀

Ability: Rough Skin

Hidden Power: Poison

Bio: Fuse was caught during Barron's journey, having found her in Wayward Cave as a Gible. She's very battle-hungry, not shying away from a fight even if it's against Bear's wishes. This has gotten her into trouble with her trainer more times than anyone can count. Despite this, she has her moments where she proves to be a valuable asset to his team.

Volt (Eelektross) ♂

Ability: Levitate

Hidden Power: Grass

Bio: Volt was caught during Bear's first visit to Unova in Chargestone Cave, his first Pokémon since he quit battling. Being quite the skittish 'mon, even if Barron were to battle Volt would most likely sit out. The Eelektross is more needed in areas of electrical work where Blackout or Surge can't help, being the most trained out of the three to aid Bear.

Surge (Magneton) ✧

Ability: Sturdy

Hidden Power: Rock

Bio: Surge is the last addition to Barron's team, caught primarily due to their unique coloration. Initially Barron was content with his team of five, until he stumbled upon Surge wandering about Johto's Route 38. Soon Surge became more than just a shiny Pokémon worth some big price. With their joyful nature, they make a deadly duo with Barron's own personality. Alongside being great emotional support, they help with Bear's work from time to time.

