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Make your own Elite Four Champion

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So, i made a post about this awhile ago with MEMBERS of the elite four. Some people posted champions, so I thought i'd make a specific post. So, here's mine:


His name is SOL. Here's is team.

Type: Rock/Psychic

Solrock lvl 67

Lunatone lvl 73

Lunatone lvl 78

Solrock lvl 77

Solrock lvl 73

Lunatone lvl 78

A somewhat mysterious character who says nothing exept "Follow me" after you beat him. He says nothing about his past and the only known thing about him is that he is 14 years old.
This is the one I posted on the other board but I'll post it here to.

Name: ABC
Type: Unown
Age: ??
Gender: ??
Team: Unown A-F Lv. 65.
(Rematch 1) Unown G-L Lv. 85
(Rematch 2) Unown M-R Lv. 90
(Rematch 3) Unown S-X Lv. 92
(Rematch 4) Unown Y and Z Lv. 100
(Rematch 5+) Unown U, N, O, W, N Lv. 95

Really, this champion is suppose to be hidden so I myself don't know how he caught Unown that fast at that high. Really tough champion. He's in my region I call 'Grudge Luck' (Japanese 呪怨運 Curse) and I guess he caught them on Route 1,050 at the hidden Unknown Ruins.

EDIT: Here is a Gaia avatar sprite of it:
Name: Nim
Type: Steel

Magnezone Lvl 70
Bronzong Lvl 68
Skarmory Lvl 68
Empoleon Lvl 66
Metagross Lvl 66
Aggron Lvl 66
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Name: Kyra (not Lyra)

Type: Water
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Region: Sinnoh
Blastoise Lv. 68
Feraligatr Lv. 65
Swampert Lv. 66
Empoleon lv. 67
Gyradose Lv. 64
Lapras Lv. 62
Rematch Team:
Blastoise Lv. 88
Feraligatr Lv. 85
Swampert Lv. 86
Empoleon Lv.87
Gyradose Lv. 84
Lapras Lv. 82
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I will give it a go!

Name: Gilligan
Type: Variety


Rhydonlv61, Moves: Sandstorm, ScaryFace, StoneEdge, DoubleTeam
Hariyamalv63, Moves: BulkUp, FocusPunch, Substitute, SandAttack
Skarmorylv63, Moves: Attract, AirSlash, FlashCannon, DoubleTeam
Flareonlv61, Moves: Will-o-Wisp, Flamethrower, Smog, HiddenPower
Galladelv65, Moves: PsychoCut, CalmMind, Psychic, Thunderbolt
Raichulv63, Moves: QuickAttack, Thunderbolt, ThunderWave, Charge
Well, this will be my first post since the re-built of PokeCharms. ^^ (Old account=Gone forever)
But this looks like fun. :D I think I got one...


Name: Yorick Sorokaste
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Region: Johto
Type: Eeveelutions

Eevee lv. 70
Jolteon lv. 68
Vaporeon lv. 64
Flareon lv. 64
Umbreon lv. 67
Espeon lv. 66

(Yep, there's no Glaceon or Leafeon here. I partly chosed Johto so that I would have a reason to not include them, since I'm not very fond of them both... ^^;)
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I'll give it a go.


Name: Corbin Morge
Gender: Male
Age: 36
Region: Orre (yeah yeah I know "no gyms", but still)
Type: Mix

Rhyperior lv. 88
Mantine lv. 87
Exploud lv. 86
Dragonite lv. 89
Infernape lv. 88
Jolteon lv. 90
Name : Kylie
Type : Ice

First Match
Snover LV.40
Snover LV.43
Frosslass LV.55
Snorunt LV.46
Piloswine LV.56

Rematch Match
Abomasnow LV.48
Frosslass LV.57
Mamoswine LV.64
Glalie LV.50
Glalie LV.50
Articuno LV.65
This one's pretty cool.

Name: James Sorichan

Region: Ion ( the region for my fake Pokemon game )

Type: Mix

Age: 14

Pokemon: First Match

Typhlosion L\/: 66

Espeon L\/: 69

Magcargo L\/: 64

Musharna L\/: 65

Red Gyarados L\/: 68

Tsutaaja L\/: 62

2nd match:

Espeon L\/: 79

Musharna L\/: 78

2nd Tsutaaja's evo L\/: 76

Magcargo L\/: 79

Steelix L\/: 78

Ampharos L\/: 76


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Here is the champ for a Fakemon region called Kyua from my RP...


Name: Ky
Age: 22
Type: Mixed
Tyranitar, Lv. 72
Blastoise, Lv. 68
Dragonite, Lv. 71
Arcanine, Lv. 73
Tangrowth, Lv. 69
Metagross, Lv. 74

Other: He is the quiet type. When you are about to battle him, all he says is, "Let us battle," and when you win, all he says is "Come," and leads you to the room where you record your pokemon, then says "Place your Poke Balls on the machine."
Name: Kurtis

not really a theme, I mean, no offense, but i dont think a team of solrock/lunatone can beat all of the elite 4. lol sorry, I'm not trying to be rude, just saying it wouldnt really make sense...
Anyways heres the team:

Kangaskhan lv. 68
Espeon lv. 70
Scizor lv.72
Hitmontop lv. 73
Tyranitar lv. 71
Charizard lv. 75
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Type: Mixed

Jolteon Lv 61: Charge Beam, Thunder wave, Thunder bolt, Hidden Power Ice.
Machamp LV 63: Dynamic Punch, Payback, Stone edge, Substitute
Scizor LV 62: Sword Dance, Bullet Punch, Brick Break, Roost
Salamance LV62: Flame thrower, Wish, Protect, Dragon Claw
Gardevior LV 63: Focus Blast, Psychic, Calm Mind, Will-o-Wisp
Swampert LV 65: Curse, Earth Quake, Avalanche, Waterfall
Yes, I will do this.

This is my champion for my Fakemon region, Eldaro. He's a loner, except for his team, and is very prideful, but takes defeat very well.
Name: Jason Wolfe
Type: Dark
Mightyena lvl 60
Absol lvl 61
Crawdaunt lvl 61
Houndoom lvl 62
Shiftry lvl 63
Spiritomb lvl 64
Speech (before battle): I'm surprised you made it this far. But it looks as if you'd make a worthy opponent. Alright, I'll take you on. But I will win, and I'll have no regrets.
Last Pokemon: It seems that my luck is running out. But you won't win!
If you lose: Ha, I win. It's no surprise, but you seemed good enough to battle. Evidently, I was wrong.
If you win:.. I lost... That's unbelievable... But you deserve it. You have the makings of a true Champion. Come with me to the Hall of Fame.
Feraligatr:lv 88
Infernape:lv 76
Empoleon lv 86
crobat lv 89
torterra lv 91
jirachi lv 100
team:starter (5) legendary(1)

Name: Luther Calvis
Type: Mix (and sophisticated)
Region: Darco

Glalie lv. 80
Kingdra lv. 82
Gardevoir lv. 84
Arcanine lv. 86
Rhyperior lv. 88
Lucario lv. 90

Speech before battle: Hmm... This makes you challenger number five-hundred-23 (523). I should know because that's how many faces I've made weep. I, unlike others, am not held back by mere emotions, therefore I can battle without worrying about my team. I don't see the bond between people and Pokemon, so I think it's pointless........ You say you're here to defeat me? Fine. Entertain me while I chalk up another win.

Last Pokemom: I.....won't.....LOOOSE!!!!!!

If you lose (without defeating at least 3 pokemon): You weren't even worth the effort.

If you lose (after defeating 3 or 4): It seems I underestimated you, but you still lost.

If you lose (defeated 5): Huff... huff.... I almost lost my cool.

If you win: W-what!? But how!? How could a child defeat me!? I am the champion! HOW!?!...... Fine, I lost. Now you're the one who has to carry the burden. I...I have to admit.... I haven't been the best trainer to my Pokemon... The bonding seems to work for you, so If I bond with mine...Well, you better keep training. Now, step into the Hall of Fame, that way we can remove the cobwebs from it.
empoleon lvl 100
infernape lvl 100
metagros lvl 86
charizard lvl 82
gliscor lvl 97
typhlosion lvl 100[/color]
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Name: Isaac
Type: Ground
Flygon Level 65
Golem Level 68
Donphan Level 68
Tyranitar Level 70
Ryhdon Level 72
Swampert: Level 75

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Name: J

Honchkrow Level 58
Aggron Level 60
Gyarados Level 59
Garchomp Level 61
Infernape Lv 63
Meganium Level 65

Rematch Team:
Honchkrow Level 76
Aggron Level 78
Gyarados Level 77
Garchomp Level 80
Infernape Level 82
Meganium Level 85
Name: Kimi

Kyogre lv. 93
Empoleon lv.98
Haunter lv. 99
Sceptile lv.100
Charizard lv. 100
Giratina lv. 100

Yeah this is also my current HG team except they are all lv.100 I replaced arceus with haunter

Name: Amzaar Gyarou
Age: 16
Type: Bug//Ghost
Region: Sinnoh//Johto

Gengar lv. 90
Kricketune lv. 84
Banette lv. 86
Shedinja lv. 82
Armaldo//Mothim lv. 88
Duskull lv. 82

Speech before battle: So you've beaten the Elite Four, huh? Well, I guess you must've to be standing here in front of me~ I am the Champion, and I never hold back, even against cute little challengers such as yourself. But I bet you're tough to have come this far! Don't worry; my Pokemon will knock you down a peg! Bring it on~

Last Pokemon: Until the end! Let's do it, (_______)!! *insert Pokemon name here*

If you win: Wow! You're really good!! Nice work, for defeating me, the Champion, so I guess it's your turn to carry the title, kiddo~ My Pokemon were finally beaten, albeit with difficulty. I can see, the bond between you and your Pokemon is strong. I'm not sad I lost to you (______) *Your Name*
Come with me and we'll record your name down in history in the Hall Of Fame.
Name: Kayne
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Type: Flying and Psychic
Region: Kanto
Pokemon Team:
Dodrio lv. 56
Pidgeot lv. 51
Hypno lv. 53
Alakazam lv. 54
Mr. Mime lv. 50
Fearow lv. 55
Battle Quote: (Beginning)
"I have been waiting for you , trainer . Getting past the Elite 4 proves that you are great .
But nothing proves that you are the best until you beat me ! Brace yourself trainer, for I am Kayne , the Champion!"

Battle Quote: (Ending/Losing)
"I have lost.... Congratulations, trainer, you are the new Champion of Kanto! Throughout the battle I sensed your
Determination. Your honesty. And that strong connection you have with your Pokemon. I've been waiting for someone
Like you my whole life, that one person who would come up and beat me, the one who would leave the biggest impression.
I'm somewhat proud of you, -name-. Once again , I congratulate you!"
My champion speech:Hello! Allow me to introduce myself.My name is FILIP! I am the Chmapion of this Region.The Elite 4 was hard,but you made to the last room! Now! Let's forget about talking and start battling!
My PKMN Team as a Champion:-A LV.70-Infernape-Close Combat,Blast Burn,U-Turn and Calm Mind.
-A LV.70-Dragonite-Dragon Dance,Dragon Claw,Fly and Brick Break.
-A LV.70-Luxray-Discharge,Crunch,Iron Tail and Fire Fang.
-A LV.70-Mismagius-Power Gem,Shadow Ball,Dark Pulse and Toxic.
-A LV.70-Milotic-Ice Beam,Surf,Dragon Tail and Iron Tail.
-A LV.70-Shiftry-Rock Slide-X-Scissor,Energy Ball and Aerial Ace.
My speach when defeated:I-I can't beleive it..........I lost...........
My speach when in Hall of Fame:Welcome to the Hall of Fame! This is where the Champions are registreated with their Pokemon.Now,put your Pokemon in the machine and let me register you,Champion!

My PKMN Team on the rematch:-LV.100 Charizard:Blast Burn,Fly,OutRage and Flamethrower.
-LV.100 Weawile:Ice Punch,Shadow Ball,Slash and X-Scissor.
-LV.100 Roserade:Energy Ball,Sludge Bomb,Giga Imapct and GrassWisthle.
-LV.100 Kabutops:X-Scissor,Surf,Slash and Brick Break.
-LV.100 Heracross:Close Combat,MegaHorn,Stone Edge and Earthquake.
-LV.100 Jolteon:Thunder,Double Kick,Pin Missile and Rain Dance.
Speach after defeated again:Defeated again......by the same kid.....Congratulations............
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FILIP said:
My champion speech:Hello! Allow me to introduce myself.My name is FILIP! I am the Champion of this Region.The Elite 4 was hard,but you made to the last room! Everyone who dares to challenge me,end up..........DEFEATED!
My PKMN Team as a Champion:-A LV.70-Infernape-Close Combat,Blast Burn,U-Turn and Calm Mind.
-A LV.70-Dragonite-Dragon Dance,Dragon Claw,Fly and Brick Break.
-A LV.70-Luxray-Discharge,Crunch,Iron Tail and Fire Fang.
-A LV.70-Mismagius-Power Gem,Shadow Ball,Dark Pulse and Toxic.
-A LV.70-Milotic-Ice Beam,Surf,Dragon Tail and Iron Tail.
-A LV.70-Shiftry-Rock Slide-X-Scissor,Energy Ball and Aerial Ace.
My speach when defeated:I-I can't beleive it..........I lost...........
My speach when in Hall of Fame:Welcome to the Hall of Fame! This is where the Champions are registreated with their Pokemon.Now,put your Pokemon in the machine and let me register you,Champion!

My PKMN Team on the rematch:-LV.100 Charizard:Blast Burn,Fly,OutRage and Flamethrower.
-LV.100 Weawile:Ice Punch,Shadow Ball,Slash and X-Scissor.
-LV.100 Roserade:Energy Ball,Sludge Bomb,Giga Imapct and GrassWisthle.
-LV.100 Kabutops:X-Scissor,Surf,Slash and Brick Break.
-LV.100 Heracross:Close Combat,MegaHorn,Stone Edge and Earthquake.
-LV.100 Jolteon:Thunder,Double Kick,Pin Missile and Rain Dance.
Speach after defeated again:Defeated again......by the same kid.....Congratulations............
Speach on the last POKEMON:You have no chance against my (______)! YOU WON'T WIN!
Speach when come in the Champion room second time:I see you have beaten the Elite Four again! Werry well! I shall use my FULL strength against you!


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The guy in my avatar.
Age: 14
Gender: Male

-Shiny Jumpluff
Nickname: Autumn

-Shiny Chimecho
Nickname: Chime

Nickname: Prince

Nickname: Fluffy

Nickname: Crystal

-Shiny Shubarugo
Nickname: King

Speech before battle: Hello, [Insert Name Here]. I see you have come far in your journey. You have encountered tough foes, made valuable friendships, and climbed the ladder of destiny up high... But it all ends here. Prepare, challenger, for your final battle!

Last Pokemon: Ah, you have defeated five of my little friends. But alas, you shall not win! Let us end this, [Insert Pokemon name here]!!

If you win: ...Congratulations! That was a grand battle! You have defeated me and my Pokemon. You have climbed to the top and are now officially the new champion! Now let my Chimecho and me lead you to the Hall Of Fame...
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Name: Dan
Age: 18
Gender: Male...

Darmanitan lv65
Zoroark lv65
Gigalith lv65
Bronzong lv65
Mamoswine lv65
Tyranitar lv70
I'll give this a try C:

Name: Eric Alder
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Region: Foral (my fakemon region(although his team will consist only of existing Pokemon For now...))

Intro speech:Welcome, [insert name]! I've heard a lot about you from Jessica. I don't believe we've been properly introduced. My name is Eric Alder. I am the Pokemon Champion, but also Jessica's husband. Surprised? Jessica and I are a great team. She'd stay at home, in the lab, while I'd be out in the field, gathering information. You learn to battle pretty well when you live in the outdoors for that long. I challenged a few trainers, sometimes even Gyms, and suddenly I found myself here. Just like you. [insert name]. You and your Pokemon have traveled far. You've learned important lessons, and you've befriended each other. I want you to gather up all of that knowledge, all of those emotions, and strike me as hard as you can. Do you want to know why? Because I am the strongest trainer in all of Foral!

Toxicroak, lv. 62
Gigalith, lv. 63
Ariados, lv. 60
Sceptile, lv. 67
Kingler, lv. 63
Aggron, lv. 70

Loss (3 or fewer Pokemon defeated): I expected a bit more. I think you need to bond tighter with your friends. Come back when you have.

Loss (more than 3, less than 6 Pokemon defeated): Whew! That was close! I won this time, but if you take a little more time to train the tables might turn. I'll be waiting!

Last Pokemon: I haven't felt this hyped in ages! This is where battles get interesting!

Victory: What? I lost? Hah, it's been too long since last time. That's probably why I look so surprised!

After Battle: Congratulations [insert name]! My wife was definately not exaggerating when she told me aboout you. You and your Pokemon share a bond that roars stronger than a forest fire! I thought I was the best, but it seems I still have much to learn. I was foolish not to see that there is always room for development. I thought I had reached perfection, but I should have known that there is no such thing. Hah, I definately deserved to be knocked off my high seat! Thank you for that, [insert name]. Now I can finally go home! But first, you must follow me into the last room, the Hall of Fame, where Champions are honored along with their loyal partners!
Name: Allan Tweeder
Type: Mixed
Region: Hoenn
Camerupt lv 60
Vileplume lv 62
Swalot lv 62
Altaria lv 64
Walrein lv 64
Raichu lv 65
Speech (before battle): And they lived happily ever after... That's how almost every story ends. At least, that's how mine ended. Let's see how your's will end!
After half team is fainted: You may have made it this far, but your fortune ends here!
Last pokémon: Perhaps it's time to go all out! I choose you, Raichu!
If you lose: It seems like you just don't have what it takes to be Champion... How sad...
If you win: In some way, I actually feel happy for losing. Congratulations... Now, you and I are going to enter the Hall of Fame!
here's my champion:

Name: Lui
Age: 18
Region: Kanto
Hometown: Celadon City

Characteristics: He's a very funny and having a happy disposition.He never hesitates to do things that he know he's right.Whenever someone needs his help,he never hesitates to help them,no matter how hard it is.

Pokemon Team:
Venusaur: Frenzy Plant Razor Leaf Synthesis Seed Bomb
Azumarill: Water Pulse Iron Tail Ice Beam Hydro Pump
Magcargo: Flamethrower SolarBeam Earth Power Gyro Ball
Raichu: Thunderbolt Iron Tail Charge Beam Light Screen
Fearow: Drill Peck Fly Giga Impact Drill Liner
Granbull: Thunder Fang Focus Blast Earthquake Fire Blast

that's my champion!!
hope you like it!! :D


Name:(Salamence) Commander Tyler
Hometown:New Bark Town

Salamence:Draco meteor ,Dragon claw ,Fire blast ,Fly
Gengar:Destiny bond ,Shadow ball ,Curse ,Dark pulse
Roserade:Bullet Seed ,Pedal Dance ,Sludge bomb ,Toxic
Milotic:Ice Beam ,Aqua Ring ,Hydro Pump ,Recover
Froslass:Blizzard ,Ice Beam ,Shadow Ball ,Perish Song
Blaziken:Blaze kick ,Mirror Move ,Aura Sphere ,Mega kick

He doesn't say anything at all.
Name: Ludwig
Appearance: Wild Silver hair, black trench coat in the style of a classical composer, black trousers and black trainers.
-Escavelier lv75
-Druddigon lv75
-Hydreigon lv75
-Eelektross lv75
-Archeops lv75
-Volcarona lv77

That would be somewhat challenging imo. Adeku is milked and weird for me, but his party is decent.
Name: Phanes
(gonna name him after the Primordial God of Light and Pro-creation)

Age: 24
Type: Mixed Bird like
Altaria, Lv. 71
Braviary, Lv. 75
Xatu, Lv. 72
Swanna, Lv. 72
Skarmory, Lv. 70
Barujina, Lv. 71

Altaria: Dragon Dance, Sky Attack, Fly, Cotton Guard
Braviary: Crush Claw, Superpower, Brave Bird, Aerial Ace
Xatu: Confuse Ray, Psychic, Calm Mind, Psycho Shock
Swanna: Gale, Brave Bird, Aqua Ring, Boiling Water
Skarmory: Earthquake, Sky Drop, Aerial Ace, Swords Dance
Barujina: Mirror Move, Brave Bird, Bone Rush, Dark Pulse

Other: He is the calm and collected type. He won't threaten or brag, upon entering the room, you get to the middle of the room and wait approximately 5 seconds as he appears and approaches you from the back room. He'll apologize to you because he has been lost in meditation upon your arrival. He'll go off on how many champions have come and gone throughout history and each one held something unique about them. He is the 23rd champion of this region and held his reign the longest in comparison than every other champion. He brings up the spark he sees in your eye and senses the power and purity in your heart and soul. He'll pause for a bit as he looks off to the side, then stands right in front of you instead of the two panels where he stopped, "Show me that power and purity that you have, show confidence and give me everything possible
Upon battle you'll see him standing there as above and all the lazy sprite animators will make him do is lift the staff up a bit, slam it on the ground as he smirks bigger. Battle will begin and depending on your type he'll use the best possible moves on them.

Upon defeat, his stance above will show up (still in battle scene) "WELL! That didn't go accordingly on my behalf..." Black out, it phases into the overworld view and he congrats you in the below speech:
"Well done! Finally a new champion reigns in this region! I can finally retire after years of holding this spot, congratulations, champion! Now, in order for you to possess the title..." he gazes to the room, "follow me, I'll bring you to the back room."
Both characters walk in line into the back room as we see a bunch of computer monitors and several consoles to reveal all different champions through time. Each monitor and console are color coordinated. "Now as we see around the room is the legacy of this stadium, the list of all champions throughout time, we will finally place you in the list, go ahead and place your pokemon in the console in front of you." He'll step aside and face you as your character automatically approaches the console and starts to insert.
Name: Salem
(Sabrina's little brother, if she had one)
Age: 18
Type: Psychic
Region: Kanto, Champion of Hoenn
Hometown: Saffron City
Battle Style: 2v2
Bronzong Lv.75 Psychic, Curse, Gyro Ball, Heavy Bomber
Claydol Lv.75 Psychic, Earthquake, Sandstrom, Calm Mind
Gallade Lv.76 Assist Power, X-Scissor, Bulk Up, Close Combat
Gardevoir Lv.77 Dream Eater, Assist Power, Calm Mind, Hypnosis
Espeon Lv. 78 Psycho Shock, Thunder Wave, Helping Hand, Shadow Ball
Alakazam(Kazam) Lv.80 Psychic, Sleep Talk, Rest, Psycho Boost

Speech (Before battle): So.....[Insert trainers name] you finally made it. Hahaha....my sister envisioned a so called powerful trainer, whose friendship with his Pokémon would end my reign, and what do I get? A child!!! Sabrina is really losing her touch, but unlike her my visions are clearer and always favor me! Not only will we break you down mentally but physically as well , for I have envisioned......my victory and your demise!!! FEEL MY PSYCHIC WRATH!!!!

After 2 Pokémon have fainted: ........... Is that the best you can do?
Final 2 Pokèmon: She couldn't possibly mean you!! Kazam obliterate him/her!!!

Defeated by Champion: Hahaha told you it would end this way....[teleports you out]

If you win: It can't be, she was right!! She warned me and I refused to listen. I was delusional and believed I could twist fate, my fate and your destiny. I'm not angry about my defeat but relieved, to have lost to a trainer of your magnitude!! I take that back , I believe its Champion and no longer trainer!!

Hall of Fame: Congratulations....[Insert trainer name] this here is the Hall of Fame where we recognize trainers for their accomplishments!! [Insert trainer name] you and your team will be forever known. Congratulations and thank you Champion of Hoenn!!!!!

Well that's my champ pretty messed in the head but I love Sabrina and Psychic Pokèmon hope yall enjoyed it :D
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Former Moderator
Time for a shameless self-insert.


Name: Yoshimitsu
Age: 19
Type: Varied
Region: Sinnoh

Gardevoir (Shiny) @ Sitrus Berry
Level 84
Psychic, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Calm Mind

Charizard @ Charcoal
Level 82
Flamethrower, Air Slash, Dragon Pulse, Fly

Flygon @ Sitrus Berry
Level 82
Dragon Claw, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Fly

Umbreon @ Sitrus Berry
Level 84
Wish, Toxic, Double Team, Mean Look

Armaldo @ Expert Belt
Battle Armour (or is it Shell? whatever)
Level 82
X-Scissor, Rock Slide, Earthquake, Swords Dance

Weavile @ Sitrus Berry
Level 82
Ice Shard, Night Slash, Pursuit, Slash

Speech before battle: Hey. It's been a while since I saw someone like you. Someone with that drive to win, with that fire in their eyes. None of them beat me, though. All just another faceless challenger who couldn't cut it in the end. [a beat while Yoshimitsu turns away, then back again] Me? I don't play for competition, though. Let's just have some fun with this!

Loss, with more than three pokemon remaining: That was a good match, but you just couldn't cut it.

Loss, with two or three pokemon remaining: You're pretty good. Come back after training some more.

Loss, with one pokemon remaining: You're tough. I thought I was gonna lose for a minute there!

Last Pokemon: Haha, you're good. Let's show him/her what we've got, _____!(current Pokemon on the field)

If you win: Not bad, it's been a while since I was beaten. You're really something. It was a fun match, and I'm glad we battled. I guess that makes you the new Champion, eh? Congratulations. Let's go to the Hall of Fame. Mind the dust, though.
Name : SenShane
Type : Ice
Age : 16
Island : Frozen Island

Monster :

- Glaceon lvl 56 : Ice beam , acid armor , quick attack , blizzard
- Cryogonal : Lvl 57 : Ice Beam , Slash , Light screen , toxic
- Vanilluxe : lvl 55 : blizzard , acid armor , mirror shoot , ice beam
- Froslass : Lvl 56 : Shadow ball , ice beam , protect , hypnosis
- Cloyster : Lvl 56 : Surf , protect , Ice beam , toxic
- Lapras : Lvl 58 : Hydro Pump , Ice beam , Earthquake , Thunderbolt

Alright, here goes nothing...

Name: Saimon
Type: Electric
Age: 19

Electrivire Lvl. 61
Magnezone Lvl. 63
Rhyperior Lvl. 65
Machamp Lvl. 60
Salamence Lvl. 62
Hydreigon Lvl. 66 (Ace)
Rematch Team:
Electrivire Lvl. 81
Magnezone Lvl. 83
Rhyperior Lvl. 85
Lucario Lvl. 82
Salamence Lvl. 82
Hydreigon Lvl. 86 (Still Ace)

I don't have a sprite, sorry.
Ok.. Heres My Character. :p
Name :
Tracy, Veteran Trainer

Type : All-Around

Age : 17

Team :

Emboar Level 88

Simisage Level 85

Braviary Level 83

Infernape Level 87

Rypherior Level 80

Dragonite Level 82
Name MAJ. Voltage
Type Electric
Ampharos LvL 63
Magneton LvL 62
Riachu LvL 68
Jolteon LvL 65
Lanturn LvL 65
ElectabuzzLvL 70
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