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Ask to Join Mall of the dead

" Where did you get the flame thrower." James said. ' They sell a lot of weird shit here but never a flamethrowe' He looked at the man. " Anyways this could help with what my plan of surviving is. In the meanwhile let's just get the equipment and hope that bear man and Link wannabe are still alive."
"It's more of a blow torch and I had it in my basement at my house" he said as he put his hoodie over his head "and by the way don't insult link fans link is the best" he said way to sirously
Cory ran around the mall being chased by a horde of zombies yelling "Fuck!" he was cornered in a restraurant, he yelled for help, but then he thought "no one will hear me in a big mall like this, well at least ill be with my parents"
Raymond heard the scream for help and looked at Mitch and James. They seemed ready to go and with the flamethrower, they should be unstoppable. "Yeah, let's go kick some zombie ass!" He exclaimed before heading towards the scream's direction.
James moved toward the sound of the scream. "Alright guys. Let's go quick and let's go silently." He said as he ran towards the scream. He saw a boy being chased by the beasts. He clenched the bat in his hand as swung it at the one of the Zombie's head. " And it's out of the park." He said. ' that was cheesy as fuck.' he thought. He swings at another one.
" Come with me if you want to live." James said as he. ' what the hell is wrong with me today?' he thought.
Cory thought "out of all the people why couldnt it have been someone cool?" He then looked james, and said "that sounds very familiar, anyway thanks for the save now lets get out of here"
" We need to get to the security office." James said. "The other's are there. after words we'll come up with a plan." He said as he started to walk to the security office. "I'm James by the way. What's your name?' He asked.
" I really don't know." James said as he was walking. " For some reason that just seemed to fit perfectly." He wondered what happened to Mitch and Raymond. "So kid what are you doing here?" He said. It was obvious the boy didn't have a job so he couldn't start a conversation that way.
Mitch was jumping around the lights on the mall when heard what happened to Cory parents he "hey James other kid up here" he said down to them "kid my wife went down she told me to help everyone I could so that what I'll do" he said as a tear rolled down his cheek
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"Wow, so your wife and kid died? That's fucking brutal. What about you guys, did your families die off?" Raymond asked James and Cory. He had been walking behind them to make sure no zombies had been tailing them.
" I don't know." He said as he continued to walk. " My ex took our daughter to Sacramento a few months ago." he said as he continued to walk. He made it back to the security office. He opened the door for the other three. "Make yourselves at home." He said.
Cory replied "my parents died protecting me" he then went inside the security office, and sat down he felt relieved that he was finally not running from zombies, he asked "so are we safe in here?"
Raymond walked into the security office still holding the bat. "Spare we just going to camp in here till it's all over. If so, I'm going to need a tv and some food." He said as he looked around the office.
Eve slid around a corner and immediately slammed her weapon into the heads of two zombies. She slowed down and stretched, looking around this side of the mall. She was scoping the area and made it into the outdoor supply store, grabbing a cart and blocking the door before grabbing what she needed.
"I actually have an idea." James said.He pointed at a map. "There are fifteen sections to this mall. He said pointing at the map. "If we can clear out one section per day. well have this place zombie proof in fifteen days. there are restaurants with their own freezers and generators here. So we could probably live here indefinitely."
"Sounds good to me. So do we start now or do we start tomorrow?" He asked. "I think we should start now and clear out one of the food sections so we could have some food atleast."
After having collected everything she whistled and strolled back over to her little home. A small platform that made up a ceiling scaffold had been made into a small nest. She had put up obstacles for zombies to get stuck in and started to build her little gardening section. Looking up at the skylight above her home, she made sure that it would give enough light for her plants.
James shook his head. he circled the section they were at. " This is where we are. we call this area section one. there's a sea food restaurant on the south side of this section." He marked the area with an X. Sea food isn't my thing but we don't have any other options. we'll stick together while we do this. "
Eve planted the seeds she had got the and grabbed her staff. With a lopsided grin she examined her work and started on her way up to the roof, wanting to check it over and maybe use it for something. She continued along it, happy that she had found this open walkway.
"I don't mind seafood, but as long as it's not a squid or something, I'll eat it." He stated as he looked at the marks James made on the map. "Yeah, we should stay together. We should have a plan of attack if they're zombies there. Someone should stand watch while the rest take the food."
"It's alright." He said . He then looked at the map. "first thing we should do is seal this section off. there's a button right here" he pointed at the map. "that'll bring the gate down." we do that and we'll be able to pick off the zombies in this area. "
James looked at the video feed. He saw someone walking towards the roof. 'weird' He thought.
Eve made it to the roof and over looked the city. It was strangely quiet so she just sat down and started to make a note of how many zombies were around the building.
"Any one who wants to help fallow me." He said. "Anyone who doesn't your more than welcome to stay here." He relaxed his grip on the bat as he walked out of the security office. " First thing's first. I have to get back in the sporting good store and get some protection." He said to no one unparticular."
James nodded as he saw the guy." Alright first we'll head to the sporting good store and get protection." He said then we'll close this section off then make our way to the seafood restaurant." He said. James never seemed like a leader but now he had to lead this group of misfits.
Mitch ran out with his baseball bat and blow torch "I'm coming with you guys" he said quite enough that the zombies wouldn't hear but loud enough that the other two would
James heard the boy and stopped to wait for him. " Alright guys. when we get to the store we get in and get out quickly. grab what protection you can. afterword's we'll be heading to that open area right there. He pointed his bat at it. " We'll hit a button and wait for it to close. Any objections." He said.
Eve counted the number of corpses that were littering around the building and turned to go back inside. She had cleared out her section of the mall and sighed happily at her job well done, planning to do a raid on the stores around to mall so she didn't exhaust the resources it gave her.
Eve sat back up in her nest. She was working on making a comfortable bed, having raided a bed store earlier for blankets and pillows. She reinforced the supports and walls of the fort and smiled.
James made it to the sporting good store. He looked around and found it weird that another store was barricaded. ' I'll have to check that out later. He looked at his group of misfits and waited for them to get there.
Raymon caught up to James. He saw him look at the barricaded store. 'I wonder what that's about?' He asked himself. "So do we go in now?" Raymond asked as he scanned the area for any zombies.
" We go in." He said as he looked around. " We go quick, and we go quietly." He then looked at Ray. " Are you ready?" he asked.
Eve sighed happily and curled up in her up high bunker. She grabbed her gun and checked the bullets, cleaned it, and then readied it. She looked over the side of her little tree house type home and looked down at her steadily growing garden.