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Open Mankai, Sange: A Yuki Yuna Is A Hero RP

"Indeed." Yosuki said, on the inside though, he knew he may have to again. Yosuki turned to see Maria being tickled by Kai, he chuckled a bit. Before getting up and leaving as well
Rin nodded, promising silently that she'd fight better, now that she had a new fairy, and a new weapon, one which could help her pull in enemies from a short distance away. She would not offer her body to the gods again, not when the cost of her mankai had been so high already.
"Yeah! That would be great!" Maria said, her eyes closed as a small smile came to her face.

She loved hanging out with her friends, and maybe she could finally tell them about her parents.
Maria hadn't really thought about it, and she blushed a little when he started to smile.

"Oh, uh, well...Maybe a restaurant? I've never been out to eat." she said, with a sheepish smile, sweat dropping.
"Oh, thanks." Maria said, before waving.

She then looked at the time, realizing that she had missed, and made everyone else miss, Food Tech. Mary was a bit mad at herself for doing such, so she looked at her schedule, figuring out which class she had next.
"The udon shop around here is the best!" Rin said dreamily, "Man, I really want some kitsune udon--No, curry udon, now! Or maybe I should go for tsukimi udon? Gah, I can't decide!"

And Rin went into a long tangent, about the various different kinds of udon, until she realised the time.

"Me and my big mouth! If we don't get going soon, we'll be late for hero training!"
"Ah, hero training is next. I didn't notice." Maria said, folding her schedule back up, and putting it away.

Mary then decided to follow the blind girl to class, which was a little odd to do. But Rin knew her way around the school. And Maria didn't, since it was only her second day.
Rin followed the familiar path, downstairs to the large room, which, today, had a crash mat, and ball cannons. on opposite ends of the room. Miss Aki, the heroes' instructor, was stood on the crash mat.

"Today's assignment will be simple," she announced, "Mary, since you have a long ranged weapon, you will be standing by the ball cannon. Rin, since you have a mid-ranged weapon, your assignment will be to help Yosuki get to the crash mat without being hit by any of the balls."

"That's all well and good, Miss, but what's this teaching us?" Rin enquired.

Miss Aki shook her head. "You will be dealing with vertexes who are able to give birth to smaller vertexes, or stardusts, on command, in the coming battles, who can be deployed to stop you attacking the slower vertexes," she explained, "This exercise will train you for that."
"Oh fun. I have to try to not get hit by balls. Story of my life right there." Yosuki said. "Do I get to use my weapon or am I just dodging?" He asked as he looked at the length from where he stood to the crash mats.
"You'll need to transform, and use your weapons for this," Miss Aki answered, "Those of you who have used mankai, will of course, have access to more weapons."

She glanced at Rin, who was already feeling about for the transformation icon on her phone, "Which I see has already happened for some of you."

One transformation later, Rin appeared, in her hero outfit, only this time, she had two white ribbons hanging from her neck.
Yosuki pulled out his phone and pressed the icon. He transformed. His normal outfit was put on him, with the exception of one thing. on his back was a katana, and sitting next to Yosuki, was his new fairy, ( http://i.imgur.com/pMecC1h.png ). The fairy did a little yap before falling asleep. "Oh, a puppy." Yosuki said looking down to his new fairy.
Tsuchi and Nezu both appeared at Rin's side, each presenting her with their respective weapons.

"I'll take my kusarigama, for now," she told them, "I need to get used to using it, since I'm already used to my sword."

Nezu nodded, deciding that he would be Rin's shield, for now.

(@UnovaTrainerGlacier )
"Guess I'll use this then" Yosuki said pulling the long katana out from it's sheathe. The length of the blade alone was from his left shoulder to the fingertips on his right hand. It was long and would take some getting used to, but at least he wouldn't have to miss half of the knives he threw.
Maria had gotten into her hero suit, and took out her bow, ready for whatever was to come. Then Kai crawled back into the phone, scared once again about what was to go down.
Miss Aki glanced at Mary. "You will be assigned to protecting both Rin and Yosuki, and you'll need to shoot down any balls that approach them, as well as yourself."

She turned her attention to all three heroes. "Should any of you be hit, we will begin the exercise again."

"Got it," Rin said affirmatively, feeling for the end of her kusarigama. Her father had been a hero in his youth, and he'd been given the exact same weapon, so she at least had some idea of how to use it..

"We begin... Now!"

Rin heard shots being fired left and right, though it was a matter of thinking about where the balls were landing, before she struck...

Eventually, she threw her kusarigama to the right, snaring a ball, before pulling it toward her, and shredding it with the scythe end.
The ball crashed straight into Yosuki's face, resulting in a sharp whistleblow from Miss Aki.

"Out! Back to the beginning, all three of you!"

"Damn it, Yosuki," Rin cursed aloud, "You owe me a bowl of curry udon for that! Oh, and Mary a bowl of...Whatever udon she likes!"
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"Well, let's not make that same mistake," Rin said snipply, "Back to it!"

And Rin got straight back into it with her kusarigama, only to get hit when she didn't hear a ball coming toward her from the side.

Yosuki stiffled a chuckle before going to his daggers. "Okay... One, two," he lunged forward into action dodging and any balls as he could. He touched the ending before collapsing on the ground. "Please tell me that counts" he said
//If you have kik we can just rp there
Yosuki stepped off the mat and waited on the sidelines, watching Rin work. 'It's amazing how she can work without sight' Yosuki thought to himself
(IKR? I don't know anybody IRL who's even watched this anime!)

Though she couldn't see the oncoming balls, she could still hear them. Rin had had to quickly learn that sight wasn't everything, when it came to fighting, or on rolling the dice with mankai. She could only pray that if she used it again, she wouldn't lose her ears...Or her hands.
//but yeah, if you have kik i can probably keep up faster.
"That's it Rin!" Yosuki cheered as she watched her get closer and closer to the end. "Come on now, the faster you finish, the faster you get your curry udon!"
(Sorry, I don't...)

"All the motivation I need! Here goes!"

Rin cut down one last ball with her kusarigama, before storming through the gym, and landing on the crash mat. She withdrew her fairies, before transforming back into her uniform.

"How about that curry udon, then?"
Rin scanned the menu with starry eyes. She'd come here dead set on curry udon, but now that she looked at the menu, she seriously wondered if she'd made the right choice...Maybe she'd get kitsune udon, and soak the fried tofu with the broth, or maybe tsukimi udon; the poached egg on top made the noodles so salty when the yolk burst. Or maybe this shop's special okami udon...

"I'll have a curry udon, a tsukimi udon, and an okami udon!" Rin decided.