Rin followed the familiar path, downstairs to the large room, which, today, had a crash mat, and ball cannons. on opposite ends of the room. Miss Aki, the heroes' instructor, was stood on the crash mat.
"Today's assignment will be simple," she announced, "Mary, since you have a long ranged weapon, you will be standing by the ball cannon. Rin, since you have a mid-ranged weapon, your assignment will be to help Yosuki get to the crash mat without being hit by any of the balls."
"That's all well and good, Miss, but what's this teaching us?" Rin enquired.
Miss Aki shook her head. "You will be dealing with vertexes who are able to give birth to smaller vertexes, or stardusts, on command, in the coming battles, who can be deployed to stop you attacking the slower vertexes," she explained, "This exercise will train you for that."