Today marked the day the anime special Pokémon Origins aired in Japan, and surprisingly enough it brought with it the reveal of a brand new Mega Evolution. During Pokémon Origins we were treated to the sight of a brand new Mega Evolution for Charizard, which was officially revealed worldwide directly after the anime special.
The new Mega Evolution has been revealed as Mega Charizard X, and as the name suggests is exclusive to Pokémon X. To turn Charizard into this form then you need it to be holding the Charizardite X. One of the most exciting changes to Charizard with this evolution however is the fact the Pokémon becomes a Fire and Dragon type, while Mega Charizard Y kept the original Fire and Flying type of Charizard. Mega Charizard X also gains a new ability known as Tough Claws which raises the power of moves which make direct contact.
A trailer showing off Mega Charizard was also released, you can watch that below:
A trailer showing off Mega Charizard was also released, you can watch that below: