Mega Garchomp
Japanese Name: MegaGaburisu
Height: 1.9m
Weight: 95.0kg
Classification: Mach Pokemon
Ability: Sand Force
Revealed: Mega Garchomp was revealed on the 11th of September 2013 as part of the CoroCoro leak, alongside Mega Mewtwo X, Quilladin, Braixen, Frogadier, Meowstic, Furfrou , Amaura and Tyrunt . It was later revealed internationally on Sept. 13th.
Mega Garchomp's most notable stat increases are to its Attack and Special Attack stats, but it also receives boosts in Defense and Special Defense. As a trade-off, its Speed stat is slightly reduced compared to Garchomp's.
HP: 108
Attack: 170
Defense: 115
Sp. Attack: 120
Sp. Defense: 95
Speed: 92

Mega Stone: Garchompite
X/Y: Victory Road, post-game.
OR/AS: Given by Aarune after attaining Platinum Rank in Super-Secret Base Capture the Flag.
Mega-Evolves from Garchomp.
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