Mega Heracross
Japanese Name: MegaHerakrosu
Height: 1.7m / 5'07''
Weight: 62.5kg / 137.8 lbs.
Classification: Singlehorn Pokemon
Ability: Skill Link
Revealed: Mega Heracross was officially revealed by following the release of X & Y.
Mega Heracross has greatly boosted Attack and Defense stats with a minor boosts to its Special Defense. Its Speed stat has a slight decrease.
HP: 80
Attack: 185
Defense: 115
Sp. Attack: 40
Sp. Defense: 105
Speed: 75

Mega Stone: Heracronite
X/Y: Santalune Forest, post-game. Mega Stone is exclusive to Pokémon Y.
OR/AS: Route 127.
Mega-Evolves from Heracross.
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