Mega Mewtwo X
Japanese Name: MegaMewtwo X
Height: 2.3m
Weight: 127.0kg
Classification: Genetic Pokémon
Ability: Steadfast
Revealed: Mega Mewtwo X was first revealed within October CoroCoro leaks on September 11th, 2013 along with Mega Garchomp, Quilladin, Braixen, Frogadier, Meowstic, Furfrou , Amaura and Tyrunt . It was later revealed internationally on Sept. 13th.
Additional Info: Mewtwo's Mega Form is dependent on which version of the game you have, Mega Mewtwo X for Pokemon X and Mega Mewtwo Y for Pokemon Y.
Mega Mewtwo X's most notable stat boost is to its Attack but it also receives minor boosts in both Defense stats.
HP: 106
Attack: 190
Defense: 100
Sp. Attack: 154
Sp. Defense: 100
Speed: 130
Mega Stone: Mewtwonite X
X/Y: Pokémon Village's Unknown Dungeon. Mega Stone is exclusive to Pokémon X.
OR/AS: Littleroot Town (Following Primal Kyogre/Groudon narrative).
Mega-Evolves from Mewtwo.
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