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Open MHA: New Horizons (Discussion Thread)

U.A. High, the #1 ranked high school for heroics, and its many successful graduates, is inspiring other nations to create their own hero training programs, especially those who are unremarkable on a global scale. The Philippine government, dealing with political and economic struggles, decides to establish a new hero school in the heart of Cebu in collaboration with private sponsors, all of them shrouded in mystery. They hope this new project can serve to train their youth, and improve their society.

Bayani Academy.

But rumors are circulating about the school’s mysterious origins—rumors of an unknown benefactor and the unique students that roam its halls stir both excitement and suspicion. It quickly becomes a name worldwide, and an international hotspot, often taking in students with lots of potential that no other schools are willing to accept.

Amid training, friendships, and rivalries, the students must band together to protect one another and prove their worth. But as they uncover the truth, they face a critical question: Is the academy truly a beacon of hope, or is it part of a larger, more dangerous conspiracy?

We're on Pokecharms. Follow Pokecharms rules.

No god-like powers, so that nobody is overpowered.

Keep things PG.

Don’t make your posts too short, so no one-liners.

The important rule is to have a ton of fun.

Put Bayani in your bio to be accepted. It’s just to make sure people read the rules.

Age: (15-16)
Hero Name/Hero Costume:

And here's my character, and he's quite the fragile boy.

Name: Ezra Ortega P. Valdez

Age: 15

Nationality: Filipino

Birthday: August 4

Gender: Male (He/They)

Sexuality: Bisexual



He has vertebrae-like protrusions on his back, coming out directly from the spine, which extends into his skeletal tail. It resembles a stegosaurus, complete with thagomizer on the end. His eyes are the most unsettling of all, two empty sockets filled with a pulsing teal energy that can change shape and form with his emotions.

Personality: On the surface, Ezra is a showboat, full of flair, charisma, and charm. He’s quite social, always wanting to chat with someone to pass the time, and wants to make friends. While he isn’t a spoiled brat, he can come off as incredibly bold, blunt, and brash, made worse by his impulsive nature.

But all that pompous nonsense is just an act. Deep down, Ezra is an intelligent kid with a heart of gold, who’s compassionate and empathetic. They alway want to give a helping hand, even if he has no idea what he’s doing. He is quite brave when he needs to be, especially when it comes to his friends.

The only reason he bothers acting like this theatrical showman, is simply because he doesn’t want to be forgotten…

Background: Born into a wealthy family, Ezra has lived a life of luxury and was surrounded by success. But as the middle child, he was left in the background and had to constantly remind his cold and somewhat neglectful parents of his existence.

His father is an important figure in the community, being a senator and having done lots of things for the community. Ezra has two older sisters, one of them being a newly licensed Pro Hero, who has become the golden child of the family. She also shares some of their… more problematic beliefs. She was never nice to them when they were kids, often too self-absorbed in her own fame and glory. There are even rumors that she is only a hero due to nepotism, though this is unconfirmed.

Ezra’s other sister was born quirkless and was shunned at birth. She has now become an activist for both quirkless citizens, heteromorphs, and all other minorities, especially her heteromorph girlfriend. The rest of his family sees her as a rebel, a stain on their good name, but she was always the better sister to Ezra. While she was always busy with her own problems, at the very least she had the decency to spend some time with him.

His younger brother is kind of a spoiled brat, but Ezra has seen some empathy and genuine kindness in his little brother. As a whole, Ezra felt unremarkable, a neutral player in his family’s internal conflict, one the world never saw.

It’s the reason he developed his “showboat” personality, as a coping mechanism to deal with his loneliness. He didn’t want to be rebellious and lose all his privileges, but he also didn’t believe in their discriminatory ideals. He felt split down the middle, unsure of what side to take, or even who he really was.

That’s when he developed his quirk, and finally made some friends. The spirits he summoned understood him better than his family ever would, and over time Ezra would truly bond with his prehistoric souls. They acted as mentors, peers, and parents to the growing boy.

Eventually, that all culminated in him going to Bayani Academy, after saving several people from a dangerous band of villains. He did this to finally stand out, make a name for himself, and to find out who he truly is meant to be. Most of all, they want to put on a good show.

Quirk: Paleomancy

It’s an Emitter-type quirk that allows the user to summon the spirits of extinct creatures to aid him. These spirits appear undead, made of spectral teal energy, with parts of their skeletons sometimes being visible. When using his power, this energy will erupt and envelop his skeletal hands, slightly resembling translucent fire. While the extinct specters usually behave like savage animals, these spirits seem to have a connection to Ezra. He can understand them, command them, and according to him, they have their own personalities.

It takes energy to summon these spirits, especially the larger creatures. Calling upon large creatures like theropods, sauropods, and megafauna costs an immense amount of stamina and calories. It is why he prefers to call upon smaller creatures, and is kind of a glutton. In addition, this quirk has altered his skin into pure bone, as well as his tail and eyes. His joints often click and rattle as he moves, and the quirk has increased his metabolism greatly.

Hero Name/Hero Costume: Ezra's hero name is “Sigbin: The Fossilized Hero”. His costume resembles voodoo doctors, with bones and skulls galore. He doesn’t really need the mask since they already looks like a skeleton. Ezra has teal accents on his outfit, especially on the chest in a ribcage pattern.

Likes: Paleontology and zoology, singing (He’s actually really good at it), Luxury items (mostly perfumes), musicals, iced tea, good food video games, and late evenings.

Dislikes: Lack of social stimulation, boredom, being humiliated or shown up, normal tea (the stuff you boil in a teapot), being lonely or mistreated, early mornings, and bullies.

Others: He has a piebald python for a pet, which they lovingly named Wraith.
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Name: Ueda Atsuko
Age: 15
Nationality: Japanese
Birthday: December 31st
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Appearance: Atsuko is 6'1" with shoulder length black hair tied back and out of the way. Her eyes are a metallic grey that turn red when her quirk is active. She's on a athletic, yet slightly curvaceous frame. There are scars from attempted attacks after a villain found out who was her father.

Her sleep clothing is a red shirt with a Japanese pro Hero on it. There are shorts under the shirt as the shirt is long.

Her typical, non-uniform outfit is mix of various outfits based on the season of the year.

Personality: Atsuko is someone who is typically level-headed, and able to keep calm in even the most "Oh, Crap!" Situations. This does not mean she is emotionless, however due to how her Quirk works, she is actually quite emotional. If she does get close to someone, she will protect them as best she can, even to the bitter end. As such, do not mess with her friends, or civilians. It won't look pretty when that happens.

Background: Ueda Atsuko is the daughter of a Japanese Pro Hero and a Marketing agent. The Pro Hero in question is in fact the one on her sleepwear shirt. Her father has a Strength boosting quirk, where as her mother could turn to metal and manipulate a similar radius around her when turned to metal. Her childhood was spent with her mother, discovering her quirk when she was 2. During this time, her mother called in someone to help. It was the Pro Hero in question, and the two trained when she was not studying and at school. Around 8 years old, a villain attempted to attack her, leaving small scars across her body.

When she turned 12, her mother moved to the Phillipines after the Pro Hero was killed in action alongside three other people. It was at that time her mother revealed the truth, her father was the Pro Hero. For the last three years, she has been going to school in the Phillipines, and eventually was accepted into Bayani academy. Now, she awaits what's ahead as she prepares to study and become a hero in the Philippines.

Quirk: My Strength is Metal (Type: Emitter/Transformation)

Atsuko can use the metal around her to increase her physical abilities. Her strength increase based on the metal in a certain Radius.

Her current radius is 10 meters (32.8 ft) and her multipliers are based on the metal's density. Her current sustainable limit is 20 minutes. After that, it starts to degrade over the course of half the sustainable limit.

Current values are half the Metal's Metal. She takes the metal with the highest density into account when her strength, endurance, durability, and speed are enhanced.

For example, a room with a non-working hard drive as it's main source of metal would have a Multiplier of 9.66 due to the small amounts of gold in said Hard drive.

Hero Name/Hero Costume: The Metallic Hero: Aurum.
Her costume is a gold shirt that clings to her frame, with similar colored and propertied pants. There is a belt for Support items, and a pouch for holding metals. Her boots are Reinforced, alongside her gloves, which are red.

Likes: Metals, Studying, Training, Music (weirdly enough), Calming things, Otters, making friends.
Dislikes: Getting ambushed, knives, Injuring herself, Boredom, getting lost.
Others: She has slight PTSD from her attack when she was 8. Her mother has explained it.
Name: Ueda Atsuko
Age: 15
Nationality: Japanese
Birthday: December 31st
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Appearance: Atsuko is 6'1" with shoulder length black hair tied back and out of the way. Her eyes are a metallic grey that turn red when her quirk is active. She's on a athletic, yet slightly curvaceous frame. There are scars from attempted attacks after a villain found out who was her father.

Her sleep clothing is a red shirt with a Japanese pro Hero on it. There are shorts under the shirt as the shirt is long.

Her typical, non-uniform outfit is mix of various outfits based on the season of the year.

Personality: Atsuko is someone who is typically level-headed, and able to keep calm in even the most "Oh, Crap!" Situations. This does not mean she is emotionless, however due to how her Quirk works, she is actually quite emotional. If she does get close to someone, she will protect them as best she can, even to the bitter end. As such, do not mess with her friends, or civilians. It won't look pretty when that happens.

Background: Ueda Atsuko is the daughter of a Japanese Pro Hero and a Marketing agent. The Pro Hero in question is in fact the one on her sleepwear shirt. Her father has a Strength boosting quirk, where as her mother could turn to metal and manipulate a similar radius around her when turned to metal. Her childhood was spent with her mother, discovering her quirk when she was 2. During this time, her mother called in someone to help. It was the Pro Hero in question, and the two trained when she was not studying and at school. Around 8 years old, a villain attempted to attack her, leaving small scars across her body.

When she turned 12, her mother moved to the Phillipines after the Pro Hero was killed in action alongside three other people. It was at that time her mother revealed the truth, her father was the Pro Hero. For the last three years, she has been going to school in the Phillipines, and eventually was accepted into Bayani academy. Now, she awaits what's ahead as she prepares to study and become a hero in the Philippines.

Quirk: My Strength is Metal (Type: Emitter/Transformation)

Atsuko can use the metal around her to increase her physical abilities. Her strength increase based on the metal in a certain Radius.

Her current radius is 10 meters (32.8 ft) and her multipliers are based on the metal's density. Her current sustainable limit is 20 minutes. After that, it starts to degrade over the course of half the sustainable limit.

Current values are half the Metal's Metal. She takes the metal with the highest density into account when her strength, endurance, durability, and speed are enhanced.

For example, a room with a non-working hard drive as it's main source of metal would have a Multiplier of 9.66 due to the small amounts of gold in said Hard drive.

Hero Name/Hero Costume: The Metallic Hero: Aurum.
Her costume is a gold shirt that clings to her frame, with similar colored and propertied pants. There is a belt for Support items, and a pouch for holding metals. Her boots are Reinforced, alongside her gloves, which are red.

Likes: Metals, Studying, Training, Music (weirdly enough), Calming things, Otters, making friends.
Dislikes: Getting ambushed, knives, Injuring herself, Boredom, getting lost.
Others: She has slight PTSD from her attack when she was 8. Her mother has explained it.

@Cmeriwether, your character is accepted! I like this unique take on metal-based quirk, and she’s even got some classic trauma.
Seems interesting. I think I'll make a character bio at some point, especially since this is my last full week of school and after next week I have 6 weeks off school and I can do a lot in 6 weeks aaaaaand I'm talking too much again.

Edit: typo
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Name: Leigh Jones
Age: 15
9 January
generated image

Leigh is kind, caring, thoughtful, understanding and generally a nice person to be around. She usually has the moral high ground, but isn't afraid to get her hands dirty if it's necessary.
Leigh was born to Quirkless parents. Her Quirk manifested pretty much immediately, as unexplainable things seemed to happen around her. By the time she was 12, she was feared as a "goddess of chaos", even though she had next to no control over the details of the clearly unexplainable things happening and she wasn't a goddess, but that's not the point. She didn't have many friends growing up and, after nagging her parents for a solid 6 weeks, she was finally enrolled in Bayani Academy.
"Trick or Treat". A very unfitting name, since there are no treats whatsoever. This Quirk causes unexplainable things to happen whenever she wants, but she has no control over exactly what happens.
Hero Name:
Chaos Hero, Omni-Breaker
Fun, people, tea (to any real-life Brits here, I unfortunately had to put this), comedy movies, video games, heroes
Judgemental people, guns, British food, impractically small swords, religion, horror movies
Leigh has ADHD. Understandable, considering her Quirk.
Name: Leigh Jones
Age: 15
Nationality: British
Birthday: 9 January
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Demisexual
generated image

Leigh is kind, caring, thoughtful, understanding and generally a nice person to be around. She usually has the moral high ground, but isn't afraid to get her hands dirty if it's necessary.
Background: Leigh was born to Quirkless parents. Her Quirk manifested pretty much immediately, as unexplainable things seemed to happen around her. By the time she was 12, she was feared as a "goddess of chaos", even though she had next to no control over the details of the clearly unexplainable things happening and she wasn't a goddess, but that's not the point. She didn't have many friends growing up and, after nagging her parents for a solid 6 weeks, she was finally enrolled in Bayani Academy.
Quirk: "Trick or Treat". A very unfitting name, since there are no treats whatsoever. This Quirk causes unexplainable things to happen whenever she wants, but she has no control over exactly what happens.
Hero Name: Chaos Hero, Omni-Breaker
Likes: Fun, people, tea (to any real-life Brits here, I unfortunately had to put this), comedy movies, video games, heroes
Dislikes: Judgemental people, guns, British food, impractically small swords, religion, horror movies
Others: Leigh has ADHD. Understandable, considering her Quirk.

Accepted, and this character reminds me of Milo Murphy from Milo Murphy's Law. Her quirk definitely works as a plot device.
Well I didn’t know that, but Ezra is pretty frail so most of the nutrients went towards his height. Maybe I should make them shorter, what do you think?

Also Ezra probably has some sort of antique on him made of some dense metal. Like a ring or bracelet that they are wearing.
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Well I didn’t know that, but Ezra is pretty frail so most of the nutrients went towards his height. Maybe I should make them shorter, what do you think?

Also Ezra probably has some sort of antique on him made of some dense metal. Like a ring or bracelet.
He's good, I'm trying not to have the tallest character in this RP.

That Antique could do something in terms of Activating Atsuko's Quirk.


Previously Shadow_Pup
Sure let's give this a whirl
Name: Anastasia Vasiliev
Age: 16
Nationality: Russian
Birthday: 14th December
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Appearance: She is a very short and petite girl standing at 4'11" with blue eyes, pale skin and ice white hair, she has dyed some of her hair pink. She has a mess of freckles on her face and shoulders.

Personality: Due to her Quirk Anastasia can be quite a serious and cold girl with a slight resting mean face and a tendancy to get very angry at people. She slips into Russian when ever she is annoyed or sometimes just to mess with people. But she can also be quite jolly particularly when singing or doing other things she enjoys. She works hard in school but hates homework. She hates any sort of comments on her height.
Background: Anastasia comes from a rich and powerful russian family known for their strong ice quirks. They have successfull endeavors in multiple industries. Anastasia was raised to be the best and took up singing and gumnastics at a young age. She became very skilled at both and also excelled at her studies. She has competed in and won multiple gymnastics competitions. She grew bored with her life style and decided she wanted to become a hero and give back to the world rather than benefit off of it. She enrolled and moved to the Philippines having plenty of money.
Quirk Name:
Ice Queen
Quirk Type: Mutant/Emitter
Quirk Description: Anastasia's internal body temperature is always below zero. This results in her being unable to naturally get warm. Her internal body temp allows her to generate ice using the moisture in the air, as well as freeze things she touches. She is also able to breath out a misty substance that instantly drops the nearby air temperature to freezing. Her Quirk does require moisture to work and it renders her very susceptible to high heat. In extreme heat conditions she goes into a hibernation like state.
Hero Name/Hero Costume: Queen Tundra - Her hero costume consists of a gymnastics style leotard that is a dark blue with white and gold detailing in the form of diamond and crystal shapes in a flowing pattern. She also includes a dark coloured leather jacket with an ice crown on the back.
Likes: Snow, ice cream, bears, singing gymnastics and blankets.
Dislikes: Fire, summer, spicy food, loud people and homework.
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Sure let's give this a whirl
Name: Anastasia Vasiliev
Age: 16
14th December
She is a very short and petite girl standing at 4'11" with blue eyes, pale skin and ice white hair, she has dyed some of her hair pink. She has a mess of freckles on her face and shoulders.
View attachment 948098
Personality: Due to her Quirk Anastasia can be quite a serious and cold girl with a slight resting mean face and a tendancy to get very angry at people. She slips into Russian when ever she is annoyed or sometimes just to mess with people. But she can also be quite jolly particularly when singing or doing other things she enjoys. She works hard in school but hates homework. She hates any sort of comments on her height.
Anastasia comes from a rich and powerful russian family known for their strong ice quirks. They have successfull endeavors in multiple industries. Anastasia was raised to be the best and took up singing and gumnastics at a young age. She became very skilled at both and also excelled at her studies. She has competed in and won multiple gymnastics competitions. She grew bored with her life style and decided she wanted to become a hero and give back to the world rather than benefit off of it. She enrolled and moved to the Philippines having plenty of money.
Quirk Name:
Ice Queen
Quirk Type: Mutant/Emitter
Quirk Description: Anastasia's internal body temperature is always below zero. This results in her being unable to naturally get warm. Her internal body temp allows her to generate ice using the moisture in the air, as well as freeze things she touches. She is also able to breath out a misty substance that instantly drops the nearby air temperature to freezing. Her Quirk does require moisture to work and it renders her very susceptible to high heat. In extreme heat conditions she goes into a hibernation like state.
Hero Name/Hero Costume: Queen Tundra - Her hero costume consists of a gymnastics style leotard that is a dark blue with white and gold detailing in the form or diamond and crystal shapes in allowing pattern. She also includes a dark coloured leather jacket with an ice crown on the back.
Snow, ice cream, bears, singing gymnastics and blankets.
Fire, summer, spicy food, loud people and homework.

Accepted! Glad to have a resident ice queen, and I’m curious to see how she interacts with Ezra. Since they are both rich kids and all.
Whew, been a while. I should be able to update somewhat consistently sooooooo
Name: Damien Restine
Age: 15
Nationality: American
Birthday: October 14
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Aro-Ace
He is very much on the shorter side (5'3") and rather pale due to the lack of sunlight. His black Hair is short and trimmed. His clothing usually consists of generally more formal clothes, usually button-downs, polos or in rarer cases vests. Slightly below formal dinner and slightly above everyday wear to make an approximation.
In short, a very timid boy. Not necessarily closed off or dislikes people, but anxiety will do that to you. Currently selectively mute, and loves spending time with his stuffed animals. He can be a bit of a worrywart, and tends to be a bit of a people pleaser in an attempt to not stand out, but is a genuine caring person who wants to help other people when he can. He tries his best in everything he does, but his mental blocks can be a blt with cheese.
Damien was a...unique child. He was lucky enough to be raised by his parents who were co-owners of a support item company. Because of this, Damien spent lots of time wanting to go into the Support Course business himself studying and learning just how he could contribute. Unfortunately when Damien was young enough age to be life-changing, but an old enough age to remember vividly, Damien's house burned down and he was only saved by an American Pro-Hero. Despite being traumatized to the point where he couldn't really speak anymore, he still greatly looked up to the hero that saved him and was able to work with his mom and dad to create his very own custom support item: A moderately sized stuffed Bear named Cocoa. Cocoa has since became Damien's best friend and main form of speech (due to the previously mentioned mute thing). Damien then decided to travel to Cebu due to him really gelling well with the school, and his parent's company having connections.
Puppeteer - Damien can essentially "give life" to an inanimate object and to some extent give commands to their movements via thought. The more complex/lifelike the item he chooses, the more intelligent it is. (ex, if he gives a door life, it may be able to open itself, to move slightly, but it's not gonna be thinking for itself and solving equations or anything like that. Meanwhile, things like dolls or mannequins are going to be able to move around much more and carry out more complex commands.) The larger the object, the more energy and focus it will take, and his limit is about 3 objects at the same time.)
Hero Name/Hero Costume: The Handicraft Hero: Anima (
A light brown trenchcoat with a white button down shirt and black pants with brown boots. His trenchcoat pockets full of carrying various tools (whittling tools or sewing equipment) or miniature dolls when needed to animate something on the fly. over that is a longer coat with a harness on the back for Cocoa to ride in.
Alone Time, Bears, Sweets, Art
Noise, Attention, Bugs
Cocoa is one of the few Puppets Damien has that actually has it's own personality. It's a bit vulgar and a loudmouth and has rather sharp retractable claws. As much as it loves to tease Damien, it loves him like a brother and will do anything (with its retractable claws) to protect him if necessary.
Whew, been a while. I should be able to update somewhat consistently sooooooo
Name: Damien Restine
Age: 15
Nationality: American
Birthday: October 14
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Aro-Ace
He is very much on the shorter side (5'3") and rather pale due to the lack of sunlight. His black Hair is short and trimmed. His clothing usually consists of generally more formal clothes, usually button-downs, polos or in rarer cases vests. Slightly below formal dinner and slightly above everyday wear to make an approximation.
In short, a very timid boy. Not necessarily closed off or dislikes people, but anxiety will do that to you. Currently selectively mute, and loves spending time with his stuffed animals. He can be a bit of a worrywart, and tends to be a bit of a people pleaser in an attempt to not stand out, but is a genuine caring person who wants to help other people when he can. He tries his best in everything he does, but his mental blocks can be a blt with cheese.
Damien was a...unique child. He was lucky enough to be raised by his parents who were co-owners of a support item company. Because of this, Damien spent lots of time wanting to go into the Support Course business himself studying and learning just how he could contribute. Unfortunately when Damien was young enough age to be life-changing, but an old enough age to remember vividly, Damien's house burned down and he was only saved by an American Pro-Hero. Despite being traumatized to the point where he couldn't really speak anymore, he still greatly looked up to the hero that saved him and was able to work with his mom and dad to create his very own custom support item: A moderately sized stuffed Bear named Cocoa. Cocoa has since became Damien's best friend and main form of speech (due to the previously mentioned mute thing). Damien then decided to travel to Cebu due to him really gelling well with the school, and his parent's company having connections.
Puppeteer - Damien can essentially "give life" to an inanimate object and to some extent give commands to their movements via thought. The more complex/lifelike the item he chooses, the more intelligent it is. (ex, if he gives a door life, it may be able to open itself, to move slightly, but it's not gonna be thinking for itself and solving equations or anything like that. Meanwhile, things like dolls or mannequins are going to be able to move around much more and carry out more complex commands.) The larger the object, the more energy and focus it will take, and his limit is about 3 objects at the same time.)
Hero Name/Hero Costume: The Handicraft Hero: Anima (
A light brown trenchcoat with a white button down shirt and black pants with brown boots. His trenchcoat pockets full of carrying various tools (whittling tools or sewing equipment) or miniature dolls when needed to animate something on the fly. over that is a longer coat with a harness on the back for Cocoa to ride in.
Alone Time, Bears, Sweets, Art
Noise, Attention, Bugs
Cocoa is one of the few Puppets Damien has that actually has it's own personality. It's a bit vulgar and a loudmouth and has rather sharp retractable claws. As much as it loves to tease Damien, it loves him like a brother and will do anything (with its retractable claws) to protect him if necessary.

Accepted! I love the details on this one. Has he considered getting into ventriloquism?