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Private/Closed MHA: The New 1-A (Discussion)

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My character feels sort of.. boring..

Can I change her powers?

Here’s the new one:
Outfit and costume is also changed
Name: Nova Colt
Hero Name: Star Sailor
Age (Year): 15
Appearance: Nova has blonde hair with purple highlights and shading like a galaxy. She also has purple eyes, and a slim body. Fair white skin.
Clothing: She usually wears a crop hoodie which has the pattern of a galaxy and a black bear face outline. She has black denim shorts, ripped at the bottom. She has black sneakers and transparent black tights.
Hero Costume: A black body-suit like top. She has a purple feather-like skirt and black roller skate boots with purple wheels so that she can skate around fast.
Personality: This girl has a rainbow coloured personality, and loves to be friends with everyone. She has a bit of intellegence, and just prefers working as a team with people.

Quirk (Type): Paranormal. (Emitter, I guess?)
Explanation: She has paranormal - like powers, this means she can just about temper with anything. Think of ghost powers in movies, for example. She can also make portals, like teleporting. They are purple with a quiet pulse sound. She is even able to levitate as she wishes.
Setback: She can’t temper with everything at once, and she has to be witty to defeat most people with this quirk.
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My character feels sort of.. boring..

Can I change her powers?

Here’s the new one:
Outfit and costume is also changed
Name: Nova Colt
Hero Name: Star Sailor
Age (Year): 15
Appearance: Nova has blonde hair with purple highlights and shading like a galaxy. She also has purple eyes, and a slim body. Fair white skin.
Clothing: She usually wears a crop hoodie which has the pattern of a galaxy and a black bear face outline. She has black denim shorts, ripped at the bottom. She has black sneakers and transparent black tights.
Hero Costume: A black body-suit like top. She has a purple feather-like skirt and black roller skate boots with purple wheels so that she can skate around fast.
Personality: This girl has a rainbow coloured personality, and loves to be friends with everyone. She has a bit of intellegence, and just prefers working as a team with people.

Quirk (Type): Paranormal. (Emitter, I guess?)
Explanation: She has paranormal - like powers, this means she can just about temper with anything. Think of ghost powers in movies, for example. She can also make portals, like teleporting. They are purple with a quiet pulse sound. She is even able to levitate as she wishes.
Setback: She can’t temper with everything at once, and she has to be witty to defeat most people with this quirk.
I’m happy for you to change your powers but I’m not so sure about the new powers you have suggested
I’m happy for you to change your powers but I’m not so sure about the new powers you have suggested
Those are the powers I use in my other roleplay, and did in Deg’s, I’m not changing again, I literally have no other ideas, I literally just copied Bill Cipher’s powers, xD (but on a wayyyyy less extreme level)
Those are the powers I use in my other roleplay, and did in Deg’s, I’m not changing again, I literally have no other ideas, I literally just copied Bill Cipher’s powers, xD (but on a wayyyyy less extreme level)

I have a couple things to say about this
1. Why would your character’s powers in other rp’s effect this one, this isn’t your rp and it isn’t Deg’s.

2. Given that teleporting alone is the extremely powerful quirk of a major villain, I’m not ok with Nova having that on top of what I assume you mean are psychokinetic powers. Pick one or the other
Side note: I think the word you were looking for in your updated bio was ‘Tamper’ not ‘temper’

3. On top of all this the length of your post, in which you used your new character before I had even had a chance to view and approve the new bio, is significantly shorter than it needs to be in order to act as your initial introduction. Take a look at some of the other first posts in that thread for pointers
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Damn, I missed a lot while I was busy.

Also, I'm thinking on what to post for when Tamaki arrives to do the training. I also feel like he'd be better at the speed challenge as he could change his gravity a little bit to make the ground beneath him seem like he was running down a hill. As the the strength one, I feel like he might have problems with a couple of them as his gravity can only work on living beings, although he could create his own gravity around him that could help him lift better.