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DPPt/HGSS Mono-Normal Team for Shoddy Battle, UU tier.

Wow its been ages since I posted an actual topic here. I figured i should show you guys my mono type normal team that I use on Shoddy battle often. Anything at all is changeable if you have any ideas since its all "fake" and mostly to experiment.

Persian a.k.a. Meowthfull
@ Silk Scarf
Technician trait
Jolly nature
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe

- Fake Out
- Fury Swipes
- Hypnosis
- Bite

Yes thats right fury swipes, thanks to Ruko I have found a fun Substitute counter in UU ^_^ with technician and silk scarf it boosts it enough to get rid of most starter subs apart from Drifblim which goes without saying. But for the gas bag I got Bite ready and Hynosis as well.

Kecleon a.k.a. Ruroro?
@ Focus Sash
Color Change Trait
Jolly Nature
252 Atk / 252 Speed / 6 HP

- Counter
- Shadow Sneak
- Protect
- Sucker Punch

I cant tell you how many times this lil guy changed. You should all know by now that I love Kecleons lol so I just had to put him in. This is the latest version of him that works around counter and some priority moves. Protect is for when i predict a status.

Miltank a.k.a. Mooby
Scrappy trait
Impish nature
252 HP / 136 Def / 120 SpD

- Curse
- Milk Drink
- Body Slam
- Heal Bell

I know this is quite standard but it works sooooo well I couldn't resist it. so this is Mooby my physical tank, with curse she doubles as a physical sweeper to anything not too resistant as well. So shes a tank, a healer and a sweeper ^_^ oh the fun!

Dunsparce a.k.a. Oddball
Serene Grace trait
Modest nature
100 HP/50 Def/252 SpA/108 Speed.

-Charge Beam
-Ice Beam
-Water Pulse
-Ancient Power

Special sweeper and annoyance of choice, this guy is there to dish out the status mostly.
Protect on Swellow if you use it as a lead. Watch out that your switch isn't a bad one. Otherwise poor Swellow will be biting the dust quite quickly. If they switch when Swellow comes out, it works out for you. Otherwise giving it Choice Band and switching into a Toxic or Will-o-Wisp works too. 472.5 Base Power Facade for the win.

Shadow Ball is an option for Dunsparce, if Gengar and his crew really annoy you. And Flamethrower for Mr. Steel that come in and try to wall you . *Glances in the direction of Brongzong.*

Otherwise, the moves look fine.

And I'm quite flattered, naming the Swellow after me.


Bearded Trout Warrior
Shadow Ball is an option for Dunsparce, if Gengar and his crew really annoy you. And Flamethrower for Mr. Steel that come in and try to wall you . *Glances in the direction of Brongzong.*
Neither Gengar nor Bronzong are UU, and are thus not a threat XP
But I do have to point out that Shadow Ball is a 20% chance before Serene Grace, and is a great special wall breaker with it XD

I almost pointed out that Miltank was walled by a drifblim XD
This is why posting abilities helps XP

Not that it's really something to be helped... but you only have one special attacker, and it's the only one with anything super-effective on rock types. With nothing but normal types, there aren't many special attackers to choose from. Jet may suggest a Furret for you.