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Most Anticipated Releases for Q4


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
I abuse these types of topics, lol.

So, what are people looking forward to buying/playing this fall/Christmas season? I know in my case there's loads of games I'm interested in, just not sure if I'll be able to purchase them all.

For Wii, I can't wait to play Tales of Symphonia 2 or Animal Crossing: City Folk. I've been dying to play the new ToS ever since it was announced, and I'm an Animal Crossing fanwhore so that purchase goes without saying.

For 360, I'm very happy to see that the new Banjo-Kazooie game is coming out next month. I can only hope that it's anything like the original B-K game, because I loved that thing to pieces. Other than that, looking forward to trying out Fable 2 and Sonic Unleashed. Sonic I'm always iffy with these days, but I'll at least rent it.

On PSP, Star Ocean: First Departure just caught my eye. I've been wanting to play Star Ocean 2 for years now but never had access to it, so seeing that the remake of the original is actually getting a North American release gives me hope that Star Ocean 2 will see one as well. Either way, this should be a nice buy.

DS has me excited for the re-release of Chrono Trigger (this time with no ungodly load times! :D), and I'll probably pick up the new Pokemon Ranger just because. It sounds like it plays better than the original, which makes me happy. Other than those two, I still want to buy Final Fantasy Tactics A2 and Sonic Chronicles at some point...

And that's it I guess, aside from one other game that's already been released but I've yet to pick up (me wants to play Spore on my computar machine).
I have been seriously looking at the new Tales of Symphonia game too. Looks fairly decent. And I finally get to play Chrono Trigger! Can't wait for that one. I am also considering the Ranger game just to see how they play (I didn't play the original one).

And with regards to the new Banjo-Kazooie game, it isn't really along the same lines as the original, it is more vehicle-centric where you build crazy contraptions and then drive/fly them around with only a little bit of the original style gameplay in there.

And I know this is kind of late, but has anyone gotten Force Unleashed on the Wii? I have heard mixed reviews for the releases on the other consoles, but haven't really heard much feedback about the Wii version. I know it is less robust considering the Wii doesn't have the same horsepower that both the 360 and PS3 have, but it still looked to be a fairly good game.
Sonic Unleashed and/or Sonic and the Dark Knight for the Wii. That and Rock Band 2.

For the DS, Sonic Chronicles. I still have to get it. I just need to not lazy. >_>

And for my PS3...well Rock Band 2 would be nice.

Virtual Console: Mega Man 9. Win right there, cause original 8-bit can't be beat.

Psycho Monkey

Member of the Literary Elite Four
Released in NA on December 2, 2008: Kingdom Hearts ReChain of Memories ;D ;D. As a big Kingdom Hearts fan this is a must get for my collection. I've even started a new KH1 file just so when I beat it I'll be good and ready to pick up where I left off. Gah I so excited!


Virtual Duck Enthusiast
Staff member
Mirror's Edge. It looks frelling awesome, even if us PC gamers have to wait an extra month or two for it. It'll make a nice change from the run-of-the-mill shooters people are churning out.
for me it is pokemon myster dungeon 2, and pokemon ranger 2 when it comes out in the usa (hopefully will get it off of ebay) Sonic Chronicles, thats it for the ds i think. for my wii i want Sonic and the Dark Knight and a wii club card so i ca n buy stuff from the wii shopping channel.

Doctor Oak

Staff member
Fable II and Sonic Unleashed.

I might not actually play any other games this year at all.

Actually, that's a complete fucking lie as I'm rather guaranteed to have both Rock Band (1) and Guitar Hero World Tour by the end of this year, and thus I'll be playing the ever-loving shit out of both.

BUT, until then, Fable II and Sonic Unleashed will suck me in massively.

Anyone that hasn't/doesn't list Fable II in this topic is wrong, FYI.


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
The only thing I'm thinking about is the new Ranger for DS, though I'm not even sure about that. I never played the original, and until recently I'd never played any Pokemon Spin-off games. I've surprisingly enjoyed Mystery Dungeon, so I'm a little more open to trying the new Ranger... however I'm not sure if I'd like the restriction on who I can have traveling with me as a partner. The Pokemon listed aren't exactly my favourites, aside from Gible. If I could find something that told me I could have Floatzel walking with me then I'd grab it like a shot.

All in all, I have some deciding to do ::)
The only game I'm looking forward to is Animal Crossing:City Folk for the Wii. Sorry, Alex, no 360.

I've been an Animal Crossing nut since I played the GC one, and I'm not going to skip out on the Wii.
I'm looking forward to a couple of things. For the Wii, Animal Crossing: City Folk, Nights, and one other I can't remember the name of. I can't miss the AC:CF one, if I do, I'll go nuts. And for the DS, I'm hoping for Ranger 2, Sonic Chronicles, and Drawn to Life: Spongebob Squarepants edition (or whatever it's called). I know, sad really, but I just can't stay away form the chipper sea sponge.  :>

I guess that's about it. I know Night's already out, for a while, but that doesn't mean I don't want it.