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Most Memorable Vacation...

I remember going on a cruise to all the Islands of Hawaii. it was amazing getting to see amzing places, going on wonderful beaches, and exploring the seas (and volcanoes, too). I, saddly, also remember getting sick and throwing up after eating three peices of cheesecake and a bowl of ice cream one night before we got ready to go. Cruises are fun but my advise for when you do...Make sure you don't eat too much, and you won't end up in the same situation :-\.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
I'd love to go there at some point, but there are about a handful of other locations I'd aim to hit first. XD

But to give a bit of imput, my most memorable vacation wasn't strictly a vacation at all. It was the journey to meet/adopt my new little sister in China. We hit Beijing and Kunming, and both places held their memorable attractions. The most memorable event though - beyond actually meeting my sister for the first time - was walking on the Great Wall of China. We hit it coincidentally on my birthday, and I ended up buying a small plaque that was dated with our visit. It was an awesome experience in general (the scenery was gorgeous), but the fact that it happened on my b-day was just a nice little bonus.


Feathered Overseer
Staff member
That's such a nice sounding experience, Linkachu! I'd love to walk on the Great Wall of China, I bet the views are just so beautiful. It' on my list for sure.

Florida is without doubt my most memorable holiday, just because it was so different to any European holiday I'd ever had.
I'll always remember getting off the plane (Feeling very travel sick and tired I might add), and seeing an Osprey flying above. Now, to most that probably isn't a big deal, but I adore birds of prey, and Ospreys are one of my favourites. They're very, very rare in Britain, and I'd never seen a real one 'face to face'. It was a magical start to the holiday, and even though I dehydrated and was pretty much out of it for the rest of that day, I remember it fondly.

Ospreys hunted for fish right outside where I was staying (next to a large lake), and other birds like Grackles and Cardinals came to eat seed below where I sat. Truly, I was in heaven ^^

Aside from the beautiful wildlife, the size and magnitude of the place blew me away. Seeing everything like Busch Gardens, Sea World and Universal Studios Orlando was magical and without doubt one of the best experiences of my life. The rides were like nothing I'd ever experienced and the animals were just... awesome.

The only bad memory I had is only bad because of embarrassment - which involved the vertical slide at Wet and Wild. I burn like there's no tomorrow so in pools I keep a shirt on. However, at the very top of the slide (the climb itself had nearly killed me), the man told me I wasn't able to go down the slide with the shirt on because of safety. I wasn't climbing back down, so I went down in just my bra. It was the people watching at the bottom that made it worse XD

I also swam with the Manatees in Crystal River, which was amazing.

I should also mention Portugal, for the sole reason that I swam with Dolphins. Now there's a memory I'll never forget!