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DPPt/HGSS Movesets for My team.

Ok, I have a pretty good team, but the moveset is just ok.
anny suggestions?

Thyphlosion lvl. 76 Adamant Nature
Double Edge
Lava Plume

Articuno lvl 80 Mild Nature
Sheer Cold
Ice Beam

Espeon Lvl 74 Jolly Nature
Trump Card
Take Down

Lopunny Lvl 72 Modest Nature
Ice Beam
Grass Knot
Jump Kick

Gallade lvl 75 Hasty Nature
Leaf Blade
Night Slash
Psycho Cut
Close Combat

NidoKing lvl 73 Hardy Nature
Rock Slide
Poison Jab

** I sorta have an off topic question too,
I gave my Rhydon the protector, what do I have to do know for it to evolve?​
I can help with Gallade ^^

Gallade has no business knowing special attacks so Psychic is out.

Night Slash
Psycho Cut
Leaf Blade/Slash/Swords Dance
Close Combat/Brick Break

Night Slash to cover ghosts, Psycho Cut is for STAB, Leaf Blade or Slash for coverage, Swords Dance is to support the rest of the moveset. Close Combat is for STAB; Brick Break is an alternative if you don't like the defense lowering of Close Combat.
It is also a consideration to breed on Shadow Sneak for a priority move instead of Night Slash, and has pretty much the same coverage. (although from what it looks like you don't really care to rebreed)

Nidoking needs help too.

Poison Jab/Brickbreak

Earthquake is a must STAB, Poison Jab works nicely and you get STAB, but I have found Brickbreak to do well also, Megahorn mixes well, and if you are playing Emerald I would say go get Thunderpunch, if not Rockslide will fill nicely.
I didn't know Gallade could even learn Shadow Sneak. That really is a good option (I may even consider it myself). If you do feel like rebreeding, try to get a Jolly or Adamant natured Ralts.
Not exactly. Unless you switch out, Gallade will be left wide open for an attack. Night Slash or Shadow Sneak will be much better because they offer more coverage. Shadow Sneak requires breeding but all you need to do is take a Heart Scale to the move re-learner in Pastoria City to get Night Slash and Leaf Blade for that matter.
You can't even switch after you use Giga Impact.

Now, Gallade also has quite a few support moves, like Will-o-Wisp, Hypnosis, and T-Wave.

Now...reading this topic can help you with some common problems.
Not exactly. Unless you switch out, Gallade will be left wide open for an attack. Night Slash or Shadow Sneak will be much better because they offer more coverage. Shadow Sneak requires breeding but all you need to do is take a Heart Scale to the move re-learner in Pastoria City to get Night Slash and Leaf Blade for that matter.
Now, I didn't even think of that, Ill do that. I have like 50 heartscales from the underground.
So Ill get both those moves and get rid of slash and giga impact.
thanks for the advice on the gallade.
Espeon@Wise Glasses/Choice Specs
Modest Nature
-Shadow Ball
-HP Fighting/Grass Knot
-Calm Mind/Fake Tears/Grass Knot

Psychic for STAB.
Shadow Ball to hit Ghosts.
HP Fighting to give coverage. If you can't get HP Fighting, use Grass Knot instead.
Calm Mind and Fake Tears set up sweeps.
If you do get HP Fighting, add Grass Knot to make it a pure Sweeper with Choice Specs.
Here is my favourite build for typhlosion. This is to be used as an opener.

Item: Choice Scarf
Nature: Mild or Rash
- Eruption
- Focus Punch / Hidden Power: Ice
- Overheat
- Earthquake

Use Overheat when your HP gets too low to just blast away with Blaze boosted overheat :D EVs should be something like 144 Atk / 252 SpA / 112 Spe


Expert FPS Player
Staff member
Here's a suggestion for Articuno:

Articuno @ Leftovers

- Ice Beam
- Water Pulse
- Roost
- Roar/Protect/Haze

Articuno is best played defensively. Ice Beam for STAB, Water Pulse can confuse an opponent, Roost to heal. Roar/Haze will stop opponents from stat boosting - Haze is better than Roar but you need the Articuno from XD to get Haze, whereas Roar can be gotten via TM. Protect is there to make maximum use of Pressure, since the opponent will be wasting 2 PP on a move that will not work.
Espeon@Wise Glasses/Choice Specs
Modest Nature
-Shadow Ball
-HP Fighting/Grass Knot
-Calm Mind/Fake Tears/Grass Knot

Psychic for STAB.
Shadow Ball to hit Ghosts.
HP Fighting to give coverage. If you can't get HP Fighting, use Grass Knot instead.
Calm Mind and Fake Tears set up sweeps.
If you do get HP Fighting, add Grass Knot to make it a pure Sweeper with Choice Specs.
This is an amazing moveset.
The grass moves I am kinda hesitant about though.
maybe something different, do you know if it can learn electric moves?

[quote author=KingOfLucario link=topic=4398.msg61492#msg61492 date=1211889820]
Here's a suggestion for Articuno:

Articuno @ Leftovers

- Ice Beam
- Water Pulse
- Roost
- Roar/Protect/Haze

Articuno is best played defensively. Ice Beam for STAB, Water Pulse can confuse an opponent, Roost to heal. Roar/Haze will stop opponents from stat boosting - Haze is better than Roar but you need the Articuno from XD to get Haze, whereas Roar can be gotten via TM. Protect is there to make maximum use of Pressure, since the opponent will be wasting 2 PP on a move that will not work.

[/quote]well, for my articuno, it has a mild nature,
so +SP attack and -Defense

Clinic Edit Jetters: Edit into one post to reduce SPAM here.
Hey Crashy...how about not double posting? There is an edit button for a reason. Next time, use the edit button. I will edit it together this time, but please try not to double post again.

Now, Espeon can't learn any Electric attacks. Most of the moves I've listed for Espeon are its best moves it will ever learn for now.
Here is a Lopunny I am meaning to try out. Its a rael pest and can screw up some more item dependant pokemon. The nature and EVs are ideal, you should try to get close to that by rebreeding if you want to use this build.

Lopunny with Lagging Tail
EVs: 252 HP / 26 SpD / 232 Spe
Klutz trait
Calm Nature
- Switcheroo
- Toxic
- Mirror Coat
- Healing Wish

So Switcheroo the lagging tail to cripple an opponents pokemon and then do your best to screw them up some more afterwards. Since Lopunny isnt exactly the beefiest of pokemon just do what you can for the few turns it will get. Surprise Mirror Coat can get you a nice kill too :D Oh and Charm is also a move to be considered.


I can advice you about Typhlosion
Typhlosion@(your choice)
Sunny Day
Solar Beam

First be sure that you EV trainhim in all stats.
Sunny Day:for flamthrower and solar beam.
Solar beam :kill water and ground types.
EQ:a nice addition.
If you have Earthquake and Flamethrower on the same set...the nature would have to be way different. Focus Blast is just as good instead of Earthquake. Or Hidden Power Ice/Dragon.