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Movie 10: Opinions

Okay, yesterday on Cartoon Network at 6:00PM, Sunday evening, the tenth Pokemon Movie was seen by US eyes. I and my little bro watched it along with many loyal fans to the movies.

And so I ask those of you who have seen it:
  • What's your opinion on the movie?
  • What's your Fav/least fav part?
  • And what would you have changed?

To be honest, I loved the movie. It is the first 4th gen movie yet, and it was Sha-weet! My favorite part must have been when Palkia and Dialga were fighting. Any part when they did that. My least favorite, however, was when Darkrai was thought to be dead. And to change something... probably how much damage Darkrai took. Ridiculous!

AL has Inquired!
GAH Spoilers... :[

But I already watched the movie.

As far as Pokemon movies go, I think it was so-so. I'm not a particular fan of long-winding battles (an aspect most, if not all of the movies shared), and since I don't particularly like Dialga or Palkia, my mind often wandered throughout their battles.

The ending was...Fantastic. Final Fantastic. Giant building sprouting wings of light, built by an old man simply because he had nightmares about 2 warring Pokemon? Riiiiiiiight...And don't get me started on the Batman parodies...

Still, I did like the music. I've been trying to find a copy of the soundtrack just to listen to the Oracion and Darkrai's theme. The opening sequence was also pretty cool, with Pikachu, Croagunk (it blocked an ancient power meteor with poison jab oh shi-) and Piplup taking on Torterra (bitchslapped!) Infernape and Empoleon respectively.

There were some fairly amusing moments as well, so all in all, considering it is a Pokemon movie, it was alright.
As usual. It had its lovely amusing Pokemon themed moments. Yet I was getting quite annoyed with the long going battle of Palkia and Diagla. That whole fight is just a blur to me. It seemed to be fifteen minutes of the exact same thing over and over. Yet the ending was amazing. Like wow. I just starred like this, "O____O" at the screen xD. Then my brother threw a pillow at me and I was awaken from my Pokemon nerd moment. Yet other then that. I really liked it. I didn't see the first forty-five minutes of it. Though luckely for my Tivo, I can watch it whenever I want xD. So yea me!

So in conclusion for the first fourth generation movie. It was up to my expectations. Yet it would have been nice for just a little more of something xD. I am not sure what. Just something. Though the ending. Wow. xD. Sorry I am still going on about that xD.

So yea. It was a good well-rounded movie.
I liked it, and so did my friends (my sisters on the other hand...ah well). I think it served its purpose, and that's fine with me. Though, I loved the animation, especially the landscapes and the Space and Time Towers. My favorite part was when Darkrai risked his life to save everyone towards the end (it added to his character of "not being all bad"). The part I didn't like was the beginning; I think it moved some-what slowly at first. I would have changed this scene a bit and made it more interesting.
It was awesome. The opening sequence with the song was cool. But the part were Baron Antonio turned into Baron "Lickylicky"(sp?) (as Jessie called him) was funny. But the best part was wear Croagunk stopped that Meteor thing with one Poison Jab.... and why is it that every girl in cartoons with the name Alice have to be blonde?! Can't there a black-haired Alice? (Oh, my gramps said he like "the dude with the flamin' butt" (aKa Chimchar. LOL)

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
That was kind of a lost-in-translation pun. The Baron's original name was Alberto, and Lickylicky's original name is Beroberto. Much lols ensue.

Movie 10 on the whole was... interesting. It had its multiple moments of awesome, and it rather quickly became one of my favorite Pok
Yeah, the Baron turning into a Lickilicky was hilarious. Thanks to the movie I think Lickilicky is the most absurd looking Pokemon with the most absurd sounding name but I really like it now.

Overall the movie was good and I loved the animation. I've always known that the anime has Pokemon size inconstistencies but Infernape size stuck out to me. In the game, it is 3'11 but it was much taller in the movie. I prefer the taller Infernape but that just came to my attention.
The movie was pretty sweet. I liked it. There where alot of cute parts, 'specially when Buneary made an Ice stairs and when Pikachu complimented it, it was all blushy blushy. :3 I also loved all the pretty art and scenery.

I also liked that clip where croagunk and infernape where hand-to-hand combatting, throwing swift punches at each other and whotnot.

The only thing that kinda got on my nerves was the pronounciation of Oracion.(or however they spell it in the movie)

It took me a while to realize it was actually spanish for Prayer.

I know, not most people can pronounce it perfectly, but just to make it clear, its pronounced O-ra-si-own. (dont forget to roll the R's. :3)

Actually, now that I think about it, there where a few spanish influances in the movie. (not a whole lot though.)

All in all, it made it to my top 3 favotite pokemon movies. and Now, Darkrai is one of my top 5 favorite pokemon as well. ^ ^