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Zach shuddered and sprang out of bed; the damned nightmares had got to him again. He glanced at the clock; still only 5:40 in the morning. He cursed himself, stumbling in the dark for the light switch. He made his way slowly into the kitchen and grabbed a can of pop and a package of powdered donuts, and shuffled into the living room where his homework lay unfinished. He ate and worked lazily on his walk to the school campus, cursing himself for every wrong answer.
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Camille rolled over in her bed and ignored her mother's attempts to wake her up, which was the norm, but sprang out of bed at the threat of ice water. Again, this wasn't unusual. She dressed herself, then went downstairs and grabbed a waffle for breakfast. Saying a quick goodbye to her parents, Camille headed out to school. She jammed her earbuds into her ears and turned on her music. scrolling down her phone through ideas for art. Most of it was stuff she'd downloaded from other people; her gallery was littered with other people's OCs that she wanted to use little parts from for her own artwork. A certain hairstyle, or a color palette she thought blended well.

Trevor was beginning his morning routine of trying to use his power to transform into his cat. So far, he'd been able to maintain its form partially for a few seconds before having an unusual craving for sushi or reverting partially back to his normal appearance. He concentrated and felt his limbs begin to grow smaller and bend to fit the form of his cat, then opened his eyes and found that he was almost eye-level with the floor. Trevor padded around for a couple of minutes before he felt himself changing. No! he thought, but it was too late. Within a couple of seconds, he was back to being the white-haired, black-eyed teenage look that he often wore. Except... You've got to be kidding me, Trevor thought to himself, and looked over his shoulder. A tail tickled his nose. "God damn it!" He shouted, then changed into a pair of pants into which he had cut a circle in case he got partially stuck. The bright ginger tail certainly contrasted with his normal black-and-white look. Glancing at his clock, Trevor grabbed his backpack, slung it over his shoulder, and left for school.
Aika snapped her eyes open and quickly changed into her school uniform, "Why do they make the skirts so short?" She muttered as she grabbed a bagel and ran out the door. "Perhaps one day I'll face off against my parents." She said softly, sprinting to the high school.


Previously Manu456Alola
Manuel slowly woke up, by himself for once. "Let's go!" He let out, and got out from bed. He quickly changed himself into his school uniform, and decided to quickly test out his powers and created a small ball of electricity. "Everything seems fine." He said. Then he went downstairs, grabbed a sandwich quickly for breakfast, put his backpack on his back, and left for school. He put on his earbuds on his ears, started playing some music on his phone, and started running, excited.
Camille looked up from her phone to make sure she wouldn't get hit by a car while crossing the road when she saw Aika. "Hey! Aika!" she said, waving and running over to her. "What's up?" she asked upon reaching her friend.
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Camille laughed. "Where else would I be headed?" she joked. Her parents would kill her if she skipped school, though if she was being completely honest, the thought had crossed her mind a few times. Then she realized what Aika had meant. "OH! Duh," she said, bouncing her hand off of her forehead. She looked back at her. "Not much, really."
Two miles south from the school lay an old grey building with the sign 'Blackout Boxing' posted above the front door. Erin White was exiting the front doors when Exo: The Bone Hero, jumped over him, chasing what seemed to be a three legged man running at a high speed down the street away from the two.
"Hey kid, best not stick around!" He yelled, looking back at Erin.
"Whoa! Get em' Exo! Your awesome!" He yelled back as one of his favorite heroes disappeared in the distance. He stopped and stared for a moment with a wide smile on his face.
"Yeah, im gonna be like him someday..." The young boy thought to himself as he continued towards his school, excitement and anticipation building inside him with every step.
Zach glanced at the duo walking across the middle of the street and sighed. His eyes went dark momentarily, and he shoved his earbuds into his ears, played his edgy teen music playlist, and walked briskly past them, body fully tense and anxiety levels rising immensely.
Camille watched Zach pass by and felt a small wave of sadness, a result of his emotions affecting her. Most people wouldn't have noticed a pang that small, but Camille was good at that aspect of her power. She frowned. "Hey, I think I'm gonna do it," she said to Aika. Ever since she saw Zach and how he generally stayed away from people and thus had virtually no friends, she'd talked about trying to interact with him but could never muster up the courage. She didn't want to make him feel any more awkward than he already did. Camille caught up with him, a bit of a spring in her step. She tended to have that when she was doing something she was nervous about. "Hey," she said, then realized he had his earbuds in. She stepped into what she presumed would be his field of vision and waved, smiling.
Zach’s eyes glanced up and he noticed Camille, someone he had payed close attention to in the entrance exams, waving at him. He shoved his glasses over his eyes, afraid his depression might show, and his body automatically tensed further. He stopped about five feet away from her and straightened, gaining at least half a foot in height due to his hunched walking, back cracking audibly.
“What’s up?” He asked, as though he were just another perfectly normal student.
Aika watched her friend talk to a fellow student, "I wonder how she can talk to people easily." She pondered to herself quietly before she headed over to Camille, not wanting to walk in alone. "Hello." She mumbled, giving a small wave to Zach, noticing immediately he was an introverted person like herself.
With another person entering the conversation, Zach visibly tensed. His veins and eyes began to glow a faintly visible, dull yellow. Despite his anxiety, however, his voice was unusually calm. “Hey,” he responded gently.
Camille didn't notice the glowing, but she did notice the anxiety. "I saw you walking alone and figured I'd say hi. Y'know, you don't seem to talk to many people, and everyone could use a friend!" She tried to keep her voice down, so she didn't shout and cause him to freak out. Deciding to move on to a different topic, Camille asked about his quirk. "So, your quirk boosts your adrenaline's affects, right? Like, you can run faster and have better reaction time?" She thought. "Aren't there negatives to that, though?"
Aika stood by the two, not wanting to interrupt she remained silent, deciding to just listen to the conversation. She noticed the faint glow in the boy's eyes. "I'm gonna get to class." She told them quietly as she checked her phone for the time, then waved as she went into the school building.
Zach waved back, and turned to Camille. "Kind of. My quirk doesn't really boost my adrenaline, it alters my DNA to make special adrenaline. Negative side is that it's still adrenaline, and it's only released when I'm anxious or angry; feeling threatened a great deal, really." The glow slightly intensified, and Zach flexed his arm to try to release some of the overwhelming tension.
"Your quirk lets you read minds, right? I've heard of quirks like that before." He was trying desperately to change the topic, yet trying just as desperately to not make it that obvious.
Camille now noticed the glow, which came with more anxiety from him. She offered a smile. "Yeah, but I'm not too great at it. I can tell what people around me are feeling, too. And -- I'm really not good at all at this though -- I can control people. Not like mind control or something, but...I could make them walk or something, I dunno." She thought for a second. "It'd be really cool in combat, huh?" she asked, envisioning the battle. Whenever she saw something with her mind's eye, she saw it as an animated type of battle. The kind that talented people made and posted online, where everything looked so much cooler than in real life.

Trevor flicked his tail in annoyance as he walked on. Camille really thought she could help Zach, didn't she? He entered the building, stopped to put his bag into his locker and headed directly to the library. Trevor would always look for animals in books to transform into sometime, writing down information on them so he could see them in reality. After all, his quirk wouldn't let him turn into anything if he just saw it online or in a book. Then again, his quirk wasn't exactly letting him turn into anything he had seen by now either.
"Yeah..." Zach muttered. His mind was beginning to lose it's grip on his body. He felt a chill crawl up his spine, remembering the incident at the entrance exams. "Are you excited to be taught by All-Might?" He asked, instantly regretting taking the conversation into a longer ordeal.
Aika went into class 1-A and took a seat towards the back, not really wanting to be noticed. "At least this way people won't talk to me." She mumbled as she pulled a sweatshirt over her and put the hood up to cover her horns. 'I wonder when our teacher will arrive.' She thought to herself.
Ken's mother walked into Ken's room to wake him up. "Hey Ken, its time for school." She said before walking to his bed and pulling over the cover. What she found was a not saying "Left for school early, by mom." Ken's mom smiled. "I would never have imagined my son to be this excited about anything." She said to herself.
Ken ran to U.A and stopped right outside the building. "Alright." He said to himself before walking in. Ken made his way to class 1-A and walked in. He looked around and saw a girl wearing a hoodie sitting in at the back of the class. He took the seat in front of her. "Hey, you look like you're trying not to be noticed." He said with a humorous tone.
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Clara walked along the pathway beside the street sometimes twitching as she walked, Clara looked around her to see most of the passersby's looking at her like she was some sort of alien "no surprise about that" Clara thought to herself as she continued to walk down the path to end up out the front of U.A "I never thought I would actually end up here" Clara thought before looking around at the other people around who were still staring at her, Clara turned away and walked through the gates and into the building. Clara walked through the building until she reached class 1-A "there's just one thing that I won't like about being here," Clara continued to think as she walked into the room and walked to a desk in the back corner of the room and sat down "stary eyed wanna be heroes..." Clara finished her sentence in her head
Footsteps pattered against the cement of the sidewalk as Norou jogged toward the school building, his jacket hood pulled up over his head. He increased the pace and gradually picked up speed, until he saw a girl and a boy walking towards the building together and skidded to a stop. Norou blinked twice and walked briskly to catch up with them and joined them next to Zach, but not in the middle. He smiled at the two and shoved his hands in the pockets of his jacket. "Hey! I'm Norou." Hopefully the two would show a friendly attitude toward Norou, considering he had no friends in his school yet.
Halt walked into the school and looked around. Watching the many students walk around, he looked down at his schedule. It said A-1 was his first class. Steak sauce is my first period room. Taking a turn, he looked around to find the room, and soon located it. Walking inside, Halt took a seat not to far away from ither students, but close enough for then not to point him out.
Zach’s veins flashed a neon yellow momentarily, his spine going rigid. He resisted every urge to whip around and attack whoever was behind him. He slowly turned to see another student walking next to him. “Hi.” Zach said, unable to hide a touch of venom in his voice.
Camille looked over. "Hi," she said, friendlier than Zach. She looked back to him to answer his question. "I like being taught by him," she said. "He reminds me of a hockey coach I had last year." There was a slightly wistful tone to her voice, remembering that time. She missed her friends and teammates, but at the same time knew that she would make new friends too.
Erin stepped into the classroom to see students slowly start trickling in behind him. He glanced around the room, surveying who had already shown up. His gaze slowed as he caught sight of a rather promiscuous boy he'd come to know as Ken talking with one of the quiet girls. Erin smirked at the thought of the girl smacking him in response to whatever he was saying, but truth be told, Erin actually respected Ken a bit. He'd proven he has a powerful quirk, but and not only that, he knew how to use it better than most first years.
"Ken.....we'll fight someday." Erin thought to himself as he took a seat, pondering what challenges he would face today, after all, you can never expect a 'normal' day in class at this school. As the motto says, they really do 'Go Beyond, Plus Ultra'.
"So I must as well." He mumbled at the end of of his thought.


Previously Manu456Alola
Manuel entered the school building, and started looking around. After looking at his schedule and walking around for a minute or two, he finally located classroom 1-A. Manuel stepped into the classroom, and noticed that a few people had already showed up. "At least I'm not the last one to get here." He thought to himself. He decided to take a seat in the front row of the class, not because he wanted to be noticed, but rather because of his height.
Watch out, Mr. Manuel. Here comes Kyuti, at a stunning 4’4. She comes in rather extravagantly, throwing glitter upwards as she enters the classroom. She is also carrying a noticeably bright colored pink purse. She opens it, and a weak and slightly unexplainable gravitional vacuum sucks the glitter into said bag.
“Hello, my peers! I hope this will be a wonderful year for us all!”
‘Gee, what wrecks.’ She thought.
Monsuta sat in the front row as well.
Halt groaned at the new girl's entrance. Not another fancy pants guy. He rolled his eyes as the glitter was thrown. "Keep the glitter to yourself. Nobody wants it." He says.
“...The exact reason I brought this here bag! You see,”
She was about to begin a speech about all the neatness of her wonderful purse, but began scanning the rest of he class and stopped herself.
‘Some impressions these people are giving off.’
Halt threw his arms up at that comment. "So why bother in the first place?" He said aghast. He hit the pencil at the lead causing it to flip around into his hand, pointing right at Kyuit. "Who do you think you are?"
“Erm...do you want my name or something? It really would be a shame to make grudges on my first day, Mr. Hostile.”
She put on a fake frown, and began twirling her hair.
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Zach shrugged, an action that looked more like a nervous twitch than anything. “I guess he’s the first teacher who’s enthusiastic about teaching me. Nobody car-“ he paused, eyes flashing neon yellow. He stopped. “Nevermind. Let’s just... let’s just get to class.”
Camille nodded. "Alright, I need to stop by my locker and drop some stuff off," she said, and went to do that. She deposited her bag and pulled out the things she needed.

Trevor entered the classroom carrying a hefty book on animals native to South America. He sat down in his desk with, in irony, the silence of a cat. Trevor shifted around, trying to account for the new tail. Some of the other kids snickered at him, but he gave them a glare and they shut up.
Zach shuffled into the classroom and shoved himself into a chair in the back corner of the classroom. It didn’t seem like class would be starting for a little while, so he put in his earbuds and cranked up his music.
Norou felt a wave of darkness emanate from Zach when he said hi, but paid no mind. He headed to his classroom, 1-A, and sat at a random seat around the center of the classroom. He sighed as he leaned back and stared at the ceiling.
Aika blinked and looked at the boy in front of her, "Of course that's what I'm trying to do, now if you'll excuse me, you are drawing attention to be." She mumbled and laid her head on her desk, hoping he would get the hint to leave her be.
Suddenly, the bell rang. At the instant it started ringing, in through the door blasted All-Might in all of his glory.
I AM HERE!” He bellowed in his full form, proudly puffing out his chest. “Who in this class is ready to learn!?” He rumbled, noting the boy in the corner who was nearly crushing his metal desk and whose veins and eyes were glowing a faint neon yellow.
Erin had the chair in front of him flipped around so he could rest his feet on it, all the while balancing on the two back legs of his own chair. A loud crack could be heard, which caused the boys head to spin around.
"Oh....that guy. Yeah...." He thought to himself whilst staring at Zach, only for a moment as his eyes slowly trailed to the floor where a screw lay. It was split in half from the force Zach was putting out on the desk. Erin turned back around in his seat and looked up towards All-Might, but his mind wonder elsewhere.
"Id been hoping to challenge you as well someday, but with a quirk like that, your a loose cannon." He mumbled through his teeth as he began chewing on the end of his pencil.
Camille grinned. She was excited for this, but when you were Camille, what weren't you excited for? I am! she thought, almost saying it out loud. Fortunately, she caught herself before making a complete idiot out of herself.