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DPPt/HGSS My idea for a new gym leader :D


cross poison
night slash
poison spikes (two times at the very begining)

super luck
night slash
psycho cut
swords dance

early bird
shadow ball
dark pulse

rough skin
skull bash
ice fang
night slash

sand stream
brick break
giga impact

early bird
sludge bomb
dark pulse

as far as how the team is going...
I'm more of a "think it up" guy
you put it together >_<
i still need shrifty and houndoom :p
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Bearded Trout Warrior
I'm not so sure about Tyranitar... maybe if it is the last one to come out...

and I need someone to tell me what stacking Toxic Spikes does... Doesn't it badly poison from the start? or is that what stacking them does?

I've also never seen great use for skull bash except with Blastoise/Squirtle.
yea stacking poison spikes badly poisons from the begining, but the only drawback is it doesn't work if
*they switch in a poison type (it takes the spikes away)
*the pokemon is a steel type or flying type

and i was considering teaching the tyranitar aerial ace
just to get rid of that x4 fighting type menace :p


Bearded Trout Warrior
I'd pick Aerial Ace over Giga Impact pretty quick...
Tyranitar has no Rock STAB

also... the Sharpedo has no STAB for water... Waterfall maybe?

Shiftry has no Grass STAB...

Just things I've noticed after looking closer
Stab, or same type attack bonus, means that the Pokemon's attack gets a boost if it is the same type as the Pokemon using it.

I would also suggest putting Earthquake on Sharpedo to replace Skull Bash and cover electric types. I got EQed by a Sharpedo in the Battle Tower and I never saw it coming...my poor Lucario.

And is there a reason why Tyrannitar doesn't know Crunch or are you going for something different? The main "thing" with Tyrannitar is going to be that pesky Sandstream ability. I think that's why Ruko was wondering if it should be sent out last. It can really make a difference in a battle and not always in your favor. Do you have way to change the weather or have another Pokemon you wouldn't mind using?

Otherwise I really like this team. It's my favorite type :)
To explain STAB in a bit more detail than Carmen Lopez said, stab boots the moves power by 1.5. So take Drapions Night Slash for example. It base power is 70 (excluding items), but since it has STAB it power becomes 105.
STAB only boosts a move by 1.5 if the Pokemon is a pure type.
Double types get a 1.25 boost per type.
Dugtrio w/ Earthquake, base power becomes 150
Rhydon w/ Earthquake, base power becomes 125
STAB only boosts a move by 1.5 if the Pokemon is a pure type.
Double types get a 1.25 boost per type.
Dugtrio w/ Earthquake, base power becomes 150
Rhydon w/ Earthquake, base power becomes 125
This is what I thought it was, but everywhere on any forum it says the former. What is it exactly? Sorrry for Spam.