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My Miscellaneous Poems



These are poems about people,places, or things that are in real-life or on a video game.

Kotaro Fuma-Eternal Agony
I feed on the fear in my enemies' eyes.
It is I who decides who lives and who dies.
You shall know suffering, you shall know pain.
In time you will wonder if you are still sane.
You will not see me, nor will you know.
I laugh at the thought of your misery and woe.
With my blood do I seal your fate.
You sahll be shunned, making misery and hate.
In response to Light, I am its bane.
As long as there's chaos, I shall remain.​

If you've played, Samurai Warriors 2, you'll know who I'm talking about and realize how this fits him. If not, then play it.


Absollean-My Sins
A demonic crown of blades,not thorns
that only the truly evil have worn.
With eyes as black as death, yet somehow with more terror.
A lust for killing what is innocent with a powerful ardor.
Wrath that is felt by all that I can reach.
"Take what makes you stronger and abuse its power" are the words I always preach.
The debt all men pay shall be payed in blood, to me.
Everything you know and love shall be the last thing that you see.
A life without love is the life that I lead.
There are no obstacles in my way, and nothing that I need.
A fur as pale as those who've died covers most of what's left.
It has been stained with crimson blood from the heart within your chest.
You look at me and you see hell, but I see a job well done.
As long as I keep up the work, my time will never come.​
Absollean is my avatar.Make the visual connections and for what it can do, just read my fic.
Now THIS is something I can read and truly enjoy! Love it. I've always been obsessed with these kinds of topics. :D
I love the first one! It totally sounds like Blaire from my fic. But hey thats just me.:D Kudos to you and all that good stuff. ^_^ Keep it up, I will be checking back here.
This is for Midnight, aka Blaire ;D
Blaire- Darkness Made Flesh
Stains of blood dot the floor,
I'm a shadow of what I was before.
My allies obey my every command,
as time flows by like wind-swept sand.
I ran away from my enemies,
but now see they were afraid of me.
Murder is as natural as drawing a breath,
and death is the sweet smell that comes next.
No force do I fear, not even death.
I'm slowly completing my goals, as darkness made flesh.
Power is all that I know need.
Within my dark garden do I sow my seeds.
Yet now I'm running again, and once more am scared.
I will not turn back and look, I do not dare.
What will now happen? Will I be killed?
I know that my adversary has too much skill.
Now has my fear refreshed,
but will I still be darkness made flesh?​

I'll edit it if you need/want me to.
Houndrane-Tour Through Hell
Blazing infernos wherever you turn,
souls suffering, with the boss having no concern.
Sweat becomes replaced with blood,
our punishment for what we've done.
Skeletons are littered all across the floor,
we relive our mistakes and nothing more.
Darkness closes in around those who succumb.
To everything but pain, we are numb.
We are blind, and can't see a single thing.
It's obvious why the caged bird sings.
It's an empty wasteland, just hot and bare,
we're stuck down here, and nobody cares.
Evil laughing fills the entire space,
its our fault for being here in the first place.
Everything we know doesn't matter anymore,
our spirits are broken with the pain and the gore.​
Darth Maul-Bloodfin
Like a shark that rushes madly towards life,
I kill all good and remove my master's strife.
Death, Strife, Famine, War,
all have I dealt with before.
Blood spills from the heart,
darkness gets a fresh start.
Darkness resonates within me,
my power and aura hide me from those who see.
Black lightning pales in comparison to my speed,
I gather strength from corruption and greed.
All hail the Dark Side, it is the stronger.
Turn to it now, or live no longer.
The Light shall now be your greatest foe.
Abandon your faith and all that you own.​
Way up here I hide,
the last one of my kind.
I cannot clean the slate,
and erase what I did create.
They'll turn against me soon,
there's nothing I can do.
My power's infinite,
but I can't use it yet.
The others have forgotten me,
by hiding me away so none can see.
Soon I will return more powerful than death,
and the unfaithful shall feel my wrath.​
Lu Bu-Peerless Might
Will there ever be
a challenge worthy of me?
A fighter who actually can
for more than three seconds stand?
Blade-to-blade combat, free and pure,
with someone who can battle, for sure.
This age is ending fast,
but will my interest even last?
I am a man of peerless might,
in a world with nobody to fight.​

Lu Bu-Dynasty Warriors/Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Play/read.
Oh my god Shocari. Those sound like some of my characters. (In stories, only two are actually in RPs. But really. They do) So uncanny o.o
Starting right now, I am now accepting requests for poems. I'd edit the title, but I can't, so bear with me.

Here is the request format:
1. Title
2. Mood of poem(you know, dark, happy, etc)
3. Type of poem(sonnet, analogy, ABC, prowse, freerhyme, etc.)

Take note that I do hold the right to deny requests, out of me not liking it or you didn't follow the request format. Keep in mind that I ONLY do poems that are video-game related, real life, or some character on a TVshow/movie/fanfic/rp.

Nobunaga Oda- Desire
I seek to rule Japan, according to my desire.
This goal burns brightly in me like eternal fire.
Some consider me as cruel,
but it is the job that I must do.
All opposition shall exist no longer.
With support from my retainers, I will always be the stronger.
But there is something strange about Mitsuhide,
its as though he can't decide whether to stay.
Ieyasu is still as loyal as they come.
Without him, most of these battles couldn't have been won.
No is still the jewel of the whole collection,
for on me she has left an everlasting impression.
The Hojo, Azai, and Asakura have all turned against me.
And I, the Demon King, have been their final enemy.​

For Chibi:
Scum of the Universe- Decepticons
By nature, we thrive in war.
Our weapons are powerful and deadly.
We are embodiments of evil, whole and pure.
Watch as they obliterate everything entirely.
Evil shall triumph over good, once and for all.
Our Christmas is a massacre of innocents.
With our combined power the Autobots will fall.
How we laugh at ruination and distress.
We are the scum of the universe!
For our victory, it will not take long.
We are the damned, the malicious, the cursed.
Fear the army of the Decepticons!​
*has his ribs broken* At least its not my hands!

For myself:
Cao Pi- Me, Myself, and I
Now that I have inherited the land,
I will keep it as long as I can.
Everything has changed, except Sima Yi.
Can't he see my father's ambitions mean nothing to me?
I fight for myself, and only for myself,
conquering more lands and gaining their wealth.
The blue flag of Wei shall soon reign supreme,
unlike what Zhuge Liang had so dreamed.
Wu and Shu are better off dead,
and I wil annihilate them before the end.​

Yes, he is another Dynasty Warriors/Romance of the Three Kingdoms character, and one of my favorites. Flame him and die!
Nagamasa Azai-Torn In Half
Torn between both honor and love.
In this matter,I have nothing to speak of.
My love, Oichi, tries to help me,
but her brother, Nobunaga Oda, is my enemy.
Once was an ally, but I have betrayed
for attacking another ally that I did save.
Should I attack my family,
or stay with Oichi?
The decision has left me torn in half,
but she wants to stay with me while Nobunaga laughs.
How to decide? What to do?
Oichi would know were she in my shoes.
Her advice and her love has turned me to the right direction:
I can kill my brother and keep Oichi's affection.​

How many Samurai Warriors and/or Dynasty Warriors poems will I post? As many as there are characters I like. I just played Nagamasa's story mode, and it's very sad. I cried.
Nagamasa Azai-Broken Love
My darling Oichi, I love you dearly,
But I am withheld by my honor and duty.
The Asakura have been betrayed by your brother, our ally as well.
No matter what I decide though, I will have failed.
Your counsel has always bee wise on this matter,
But Nobunagta will soon see me as his attacker.
At Anegawa did he first turn,
And saving the Asakura was my first concern.
But at Kanegasaki did I start to see,
That honor to family was what mattered most to me.
But there are still doubts in my head,
And the punishments for treachery fill me with dread.
But your love fro me is still stronger than ever,
And to me you are like the purest of flowers.
One conflict still looms ahead:
Nobunaga'a attack here at Odani shall decide who is best.
I have turned on him, for he is corrupt,
And as your love guides me, I will not succumb.
For your safety do I send you to his side,
You shouldn't be with me as I will most likely die.
The battle is over, Odani has fallen,
But the sacrifices I made were not for nothing.
You have taught me that I can have both honor and love,
But that doesn't matter, for you sake I care only of.
Nobunaga has won, and also has captured me,
But I'll take my own life so he has no true victory.

This is my favorite poem that I wrote half an hour ago. It deeply moves me and saddens me every time I think of Nagamasa and Oichi's tragic story. For more info, just Google Nagamasa Azai or Oichi.
For Aura:

Living Pain
What can I say, what can I do?
I am all alone, for I had only you.
I live with this pain, the pain is eternal,
but your death reminds me that we are all mortal.
And for that reason do I seek revenge,
destroying what's responsible for the loss of my friend.
Yet careful planning is needed for it,
so all through the waiting, I cannot quit.
It must be perfect, there can be no flaws,
and if it fails, then the battle I have lost.
I must persevere, day by day,
its all I can do when I'm living with the pain.​
Why do I keep hearing this voice?
In this matter, I have no choice.
It just keeps talking, all the time,
it stops me from having peace of mind.
The voice is so loud, its hard to ignore,
but I don't want to see what it has in store.
I find I'm always looking over my back to see
something that's not there, it must have been me.
The voice keeps telling me all of these lies,
and that all of them just need to die:
All who I care about, all who I love.
Too bad that I can't pick "none of the above".
With a voice not my own, its hard to be me,
I gotta drive it out before it controls me entirely.​
When its Rain

Large amounts of grief fill me,
Their cold air instantly chilling.
But I have found an escape of this pain,
It always comes in the form of rain.
When its rain, the sun comes out.
When its rain, I have no doubts.
When its rain, I'm filled with cheer.
When its rain, I know that you're here.​

Short, yes. But happy!

Your face keeps taunting me,
Invading all my dreams.
Your face keeps haunting me.
What pain your beauty brings.

Your beauty speaks such lies,
Aided further by your eyes.
And even when you cry,
Your beauty kills me inside.

It makes me feel ashamed,
like I'm the one to blame.
At me its wrath is aimed,
my heart has now been maimed.

Your face keeps taunting me,
Invading all my dreams.
Your face keeps haunting me.
What pain your beauty brings.

Your beauty's meant to excite,
I look and then don't feel alright.
I won't get through the night,
I won't get through the night.
This is for Middy's birthday. Enjoy. She did.

Midnight Shadows

I am forever merged with the dark;
Absorbing its power like fish to a shark.
The hour I am strongest is at midnight,
When I gain the power that is mine by birthright.
At the slightest thought, I can be cloaked by shadow.
My malice can turn black the hearts of many, but no,
Its never enough, I feel no sense of reward.
Even with my servants, I'm as alone as a graveyard.
But I still have the darkness, my strongest ally.
The fools who fight me, they can only try.​
So cuuuute! It does in fact, fit Middy. All the others are cool too. ([size=3pt]This is not a three sentence post. ;;>>[/size])
The Heart of Darkness
Behind silent faces
the grief can be heard.
The dawn's in eternal eclipse;
My screams can't be heard.

Death all around me,
My vision's obscured by tears.
The pain, how it blinds me,
They've confirmed my fear.

Bleeding from the inside,
Drowning in the nightmare.
It comes to life so as to guide
To torture those that are here.

The spinal cord distorts,
Everything turns to black.
There's nothing of the sort,
We cannot go back.

I speak with a gasp,
To say my last words.
The pain will not pass,
From my wounds the blood spurts.

My scars open up,
The pain is revived.
They drink my blood from a cup,
Hallucinations intertwine.

The innocent-looking girls try to help,
But I can see through their disguise.
Everyone is by themselves;
Behind pretty eyes lurks the demon inside.​
My Last Wish
As I lay dying
I see the end of my life,
Those that I know,
and the girl that I love.

Amidst all her crying
I feel through the strife
That her pain is too true,
but her love is enough.

I see mostly black
which leaves the rest dim.
If her tears would stop,
This wouldn't be so bad.

Death comes to attack
and I don't try to stop him.
My soul starts to drop
but her love for me isn't dead.

It lifts me straight up
and refreshes my being.
I take myself back
to stay with her as long as I can.​

Affecting my mind like a drug used for too long
Makes me see what's not there, and increases what is.
Out of all of the times that I have wrong
I am hit by the salvo of truth within this.

Yet, my thoughts are becoming more than my own,
And contains what seems like several of others'.
The seeds of self-doubt have already been sown;
And relate to the thoughts like brothers.

In a dimming light with a forming fog
Does everything start to black out.
As I open the center and make clear the bog,
Rapture then doth compel me to shout.

For I see that of which I had already known,
But had never sought too believe.
This...emotion I feel that has been so alone
With my love for you allows me to see.​