All right, first time I'm doing this, helped by this and here goes literally nothing. By the way, the Final Boss section explains the final battle.
Starter Town
Rubyswept Town is a human settlement. It is primarily inhabited by Starly and Pidgey. Additionally, Milcery, Grimer and Klink can also be found here. And very occasionally, you may run into a Burmy. This town is home to many stray Purrloin that will lure in passersby with their cuteness before stealing their money.
Starly will follow peacefully for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, and may even assist the trainer. They will sometimes flee if attacked.
Pidgey will not respond normally, but will likely react if the trainer acts unpredictably. They will always flee if attacked.
Milcery will keep their distance from the trainer. They will always flee if attacked.
Grimer will follow curiously for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, non-aggressively. They will sometimes fight if attacked.
Klink will not react to the trainer unless directly attacked. They will either fight or flee if attacked.
Burmy will attempt to hide upon noticing the trainer and will react quickly if approached, even from far away. They will always flee if attacked.
First Area
Hazeland Glade is a field where Pokémon often appear. This glade is primarily inhabited by Patrat and Fletchling. In addition, Oricorio, Cutiefly, and Vulpix can be found here as well. Occasionally, one may even run into a Hawlucha! This glade is home to many growing Budew and Roselia, and is protected by a guardian Roserade.
Patrat will attempt to hide upon noticing the trainer and will react if approached. They will always flee if attacked.
Fletchling will not respond normally, but will likely assist the trainer if given food. They will sometimes fight if attacked.
Oricorio will follow peacefully for a short distance upon noticing the trainer, and may even assist the trainer. They will either fight or flee if attacked.
Cutiefly will follow peacefully for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, and may even assist the trainer. They will always flee if attacked.
Vulpix will attempt to hide upon noticing the trainer and will react if approached. They will either fight or flee if attacked.
Hawlucha will follow on sight aggressively from far away, and chase for a short distance. They will always fight if attacked.
Second Area
Sunstring Seep is a pond where Water-types will often gather. This seep is primarily inhabited by Goldeen. In addition, Chewtle, Surskit, and Ducklett can be found here as well. Occasionally, one may even run into a Squirtle! This seep is choked with weeds, but is lively with the dancing of energetic Ludicolo.
Goldeen will not react to the trainer unless directly attacked. They will sometimes fight if attacked.
Chewtle will follow on sight aggressively from far away, and chase for a long distance. They will always fight if attacked.
Surskit will not react to the trainer unless directly attacked. They will sometimes flee if attacked.
Ducklett will not respond normally, but may assist the trainer if given food. They will always flee if attacked.
Squirtle will follow curiously for a short distance upon noticing the trainer, non-aggressively. They will sometimes flee if attacked.
Power Plant
Close to the second area.
This power plant is primarily inhabited by Grubbin. In addition, Dedenne, Pikachu, and Joltik can be found here as well. Occasionally, one may even run into a Klinklang! This power plant has been made a nest by a giant Vikavolt and its Charjabug allies.
Grubbin will keep their distance from the trainer. They will always flee if attacked.
Dedenne will keep their distance from the trainer, but may be coaxed out with food and may assist the trainer. They will always flee if attacked.
Pikachu will keep their distance from the trainer. They will sometimes flee if attacked.
Joltik will not react to the trainer unless directly attacked. They will always flee if attacked.
Klinklang will not respond normally, but will likely assist the trainer if given food. They will always fight if attacked.
First City
Quietroad City is a human settlement where Pokémon often gather. This city is primarily inhabited by Fletchling and Pidgey. In addition, Grimer, Milcery, and Glameow can be found here as well. Occasionally, one may even run into a Gothita! This city is the site of an annual Herdier training competition!
Fletchling will not respond normally, but will likely assist the trainer if given food. They will sometimes fight if attacked.
Pidgey will not respond normally, but will likely react if the trainer acts unpredictably. They will always flee if attacked.
Grimer will follow curiously for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, non-aggressively. They will sometimes fight if attacked.
Milcery will keep their distance from the trainer. They will always flee if attacked.
Glameow will follow curiously for a short distance upon noticing the trainer, non-aggressively. They will either fight or flee if attacked.
Gothita will not react to the trainer unless directly attacked. They will sometimes flee if attacked.
Third Area
Violetwhine Graveyard is a pretty scary place, if you ask me. This graveyard is primarily inhabited by Gastly. In addition, Munna, Honedge, and Bronzor can be found here as well. Occasionally, one may even run into a Spiritomb! This graveyard is absolutely teeming with Gastly that delight in terrorizing explorers.
Gastly will follow on sight aggressively from far away, and chase for a short distance. They will always flee if attacked.
Munna will attempt to hide upon noticing the trainer and will react quickly if approached, even from far away. They will always flee if attacked.
Honedge will not respond normally, but will likely assist the trainer if given food. They will always fight if attacked.
Bronzor will not react to the trainer unless directly attacked. They will either fight or flee if attacked.
Spiritomb will follow on sight aggressively from far away, and chase for a long distance. They will always fight if attacked.
Cave 14
Crimsonmaw Tunnel is a cave codenamed "Cave 14". This tunnel is primarily inhabited by Machop and Zubat. In addition, Ferroseed, Shuckle, and Onix can be found here as well. Occasionally, one may even run into a Duraludon! This tunnel is mysteriously full of clinking Bronzor and clanging Bronzong, perhaps indicating it was a site of some importance in ancient times. A Pokémon here seems to be colored differently than usual...
Bronzor and Bronzong are extremely rare and usually shiny.
Machop will follow peacefully for a short distance upon noticing the trainer, and may even assist the trainer. They will always fight if attacked.
Zubat will follow aggressively on sight from a short distance, and chase for a long distance. They will either fight or flee if attacked.
Ferroseed will not respond normally, but will likely assist the trainer if given food. They will either fight or flee if attacked.
Shuckle will attempt to hide upon noticing the trainer and will react if approached. They will always flee if attacked.
Onix will keep their distance from the trainer and will react if approached. They will sometimes fight if attacked.
Duraludon will follow on sight aggressively from far away, and chase for a long distance. They will always fight if attacked.
Fourth Area
Buzzblown Forest is a forest that hasn't had a tree chopped down once. This temperate forest is primarily inhabited by Spinarak and Yungoos. In addition, Rockruff, Jigglypuff, and Venonat can be found here as well. Occasionally, one may even run into a Pikachu! This temperate forest is home to a territorial herd of Sawsbuck, whose leader has enormous horns.
Spinarak will not react to the trainer unless directly attacked. They will sometimes fight if attacked.
Yungoos will follow on sight aggressively from far away, and chase for a long distance. They will either fight or flee if attacked.
Rockruff will follow peacefully for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, and may even assist the trainer. They will always fight if attacked.
Jigglypuff will not respond normally, but may react if the trainer acts unpredictably. They will either fight or flee if attacked.
Venonat will follow peacefully for a short distance upon noticing the trainer, and may even assist the trainer. They will always flee if attacked.
Pikachu will keep their distance from the trainer. They will sometimes flee if attacked.
Second City
Dawnblow City is a booming city with a massive population. This city is primarily inhabited by Starly and Pidove. In addition, Gastly, Swablu, and Milcery can be found here as well. Occasionally, one may even run into a Ditto! This city is currently so thick with a giant flock of Pidove that you cannot see the sky!
Starly will follow peacefully for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, and may even assist the trainer. They will sometimes flee if attacked.
Pidove will not respond normally, but may react if the trainer acts unpredictably. They will always flee if attacked.
Gastly will follow on sight aggressively from far away, and chase for a short distance. They will always flee if attacked.
Swablu will keep their distance from the trainer, but may be coaxed out with food and may assist the trainer. They will always flee if attacked.
Milcery will keep their distance from the trainer. They will always flee if attacked.
Ditto will not react to the trainer unless directly attacked. They will either fight or flee if attacked.
Dawnblow Factory
Located in the second city.
This factory is primarily inhabited by Klink. In addition, Electabuzz, Togedemaru, and Pachirisu can be found here as well. Occasionally, one may even run into a Vikavolt! This factory has been taken over by pairs of playful Plusle and Minun.
Klink will not react to the trainer unless directly attacked. They will either fight or flee if attacked.
Electabuzz will follow on sight aggressively from far away, and chase for a long distance. They will always fight if attacked.
Togedemaru will keep their distance from the trainer. They will always flee if attacked.
Pachirisu will follow peacefully for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, and may even assist the trainer. They will sometimes flee if attacked.
Vikavolt will follow on sight aggressively from far away, and chase for a long distance. They will always fight if attacked.
Fifth Area
Razorbrink Crater is a very hot area. Water-types are weakened here. This crater is primarily inhabited by Slugma. In addition, Vulpix, Drifloon, and Sizzlipede can be found here as well. Occasionally, one may even run into a Larvesta! This crater is defended by a territorial Typhlosion.
Slugma will not react to the trainer unless directly attacked. They will always flee if attacked.
Vulpix will attempt to hide upon noticing the trainer and will react if approached. They will either fight or flee if attacked.
Drifloon will follow curiously for a short distance upon noticing the trainer, non-aggressively. They will always flee if attacked.
Sizzlipede will keep their distance from the trainer and will react if approached. They will either fight or flee if attacked.
Larvesta will attempt to hide upon noticing the trainer. They will always flee if attacked.
Sixth Area
Smokeland Summit is the smallest mountain in the region. This summit is primarily inhabited by Timburr and Geodude. In addition, Minccino, Rhyhorn, and Bunnelby can be found here as well. Occasionally, one may even run into a Jangmo-o! This summit is where Mienshao instruct Mienfoo in order to hone their fighting styles.
Timburr will follow peacefully for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, and will likely assist the trainer. They will always fight if attacked.
Geodude will not react to the trainer unless directly attacked. They will sometimes flee if attacked.
Minccino will attempt to hide upon noticing the trainer. They will always flee if attacked.
Rhyhorn will follow on sight aggressively from far away, and chase for a long distance. They will always fight if attacked.
Bunnelby will keep their distance from the trainer. They will either fight or flee if attacked.
Jangmo-o will follow on sight aggressively from far away, and chase for a short distance. They will always fight if attacked.
Third City
Goldsweep is a metropolis and the most populated city in the region. This metropolis is primarily inhabited by Pidove and Pidgey. In addition, Cutiefly, Joltik, and Swirlix can be found here as well. Occasionally, one may even run into a Munchlax! This metropolis has terrible air quality, and accordingly is filled with Koffing and Weezing.
Pidove will not respond normally, but may react if the trainer acts unpredictably. They will always flee if attacked.
Pidgey will not respond normally, but will likely react if the trainer acts unpredictably. They will always flee if attacked.
Cutiefly will follow peacefully for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, and may even assist the trainer. They will always flee if attacked.
Joltik will not react to the trainer unless directly attacked. They will always flee if attacked.
Swirlix will follow peacefully for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, and will likely assist the trainer. They will sometimes flee if attacked.
Munchlax will follow peacefully for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, and may even assist the trainer. They will always flee if attacked.
Fourth City
Moonstripe is a similar city to Goldsweep, minus the air pollution. This burg is primarily inhabited by Rattata and Pidove. In addition, Plusle & Minun, Meowth, and Lillipup can be found here as well. Occasionally, one may even run into a Corviknight! This burg is currently hosting an art exhibition, with hundreds of Smeargle present for the occasion.
Rattata will keep their distance from the trainer. They will always flee if attacked.
Pidove will not respond normally, but may react if the trainer acts unpredictably. They will always flee if attacked.
Plusle will follow peacefully for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, and will likely assist the trainer. They will sometimes flee if attacked.
Meowth will follow peacefully for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, and will likely assist the trainer. They will sometimes flee if attacked.
Lillipup will follow peacefully for a short distance upon noticing the trainer, and will likely assist the trainer. They will sometimes fight if attacked.
Minun will follow peacefully for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, and will likely assist the trainer. They will sometimes flee if attacked.
Corviknight will follow curiously for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, non-aggressively. They will always fight if attacked.
Firstslab Warehouse
Located near the fourth city.
This warehouse is primarily inhabited by Grubbin. In addition, Plusle & Minun, Togedemaru, and Pikachu can be found here as well. Occasionally, one may even run into a Klinklang! This warehouse has been hijacked by a mysterious Magnezone for an unknown reason.
Grubbin will keep their distance from the trainer. They will always flee if attacked.
Plusle will follow peacefully for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, and will likely assist the trainer. They will sometimes flee if attacked.
Togedemaru will keep their distance from the trainer. They will always flee if attacked.
Pikachu will keep their distance from the trainer. They will sometimes flee if attacked.
Minun will follow peacefully for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, and will likely assist the trainer. They will sometimes flee if attacked.
Klinklang will not respond normally, but will likely assist the trainer if given food. They will always fight if attacked.
Seventh Area
Mildsteel Temple is a place of mystery. This temple is primarily inhabited by Natu. In addition, Musharna, Xatu, and Darmanitan can be found here as well. Occasionally, one may even run into a Spiritomb! This temple is said to be the home of a mysterious Pokémon...
Tapu Lele can be found here.
Natu will follow curiously for a short distance upon noticing the trainer, non-aggressively. They will always flee if attacked.
Musharna will attempt to hide upon noticing the trainer and will react quickly if approached, even from far away. They will always flee if attacked.
Xatu will not react to the trainer unless directly attacked. They will either fight or flee if attacked.
Darmanitan will follow curiously for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, non-aggressively. They will always fight if attacked.
Spiritomb will follow on sight aggressively from far away, and chase for a long distance. They will always fight if attacked.
Eighth Area
An unnamed shrine located far from the warehouse. This shrine is primarily inhabited by Natu. In addition, Bronzong, Golurk, and Sigilyph can be found here as well. Occasionally, one may even run into a Spiritomb! This shrine is patrolled by mechanical Golurk that seem intent on eliminating any and all intruders. A Pokémon here seems to be colored differently than usual...
One specific Golurk is shiny.
Natu will follow curiously for a short distance upon noticing the trainer, non-aggressively. They will always flee if attacked.
Bronzong will not react to the trainer unless directly attacked. They will either fight or flee if attacked.
Golurk will not respond normally, but may react if the trainer acts unpredictably. They will either fight or flee if attacked.
Sigilyph will not respond normally, but will likely assist the trainer if given food. They will always fight if attacked.
Spiritomb will follow on sight aggressively from far away, and chase for a long distance. They will always fight if attacked.
Ninth Area
An unnamed desert. This sand is primarily inhabited by Dugtrio. In addition, Darmanitan, Sandaconda, and Drapion can be found here as well. Occasionally, one may even run into a Braixen! This sand infamous for the many poisonous Skorupi lying in the sands, as well as the menacing Drapion that prowls its dunes.
It is recommended to travel with heaps of protective clothing.
Dugtrio will not respond normally, but may react if the trainer acts unpredictably. They will either fight or flee if attacked.
Darmanitan will follow curiously for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, non-aggressively. They will always fight if attacked.
Sandaconda will keep their distance from the trainer. They will sometimes flee if attacked.
Drapion will follow on sight aggressively from far away, and chase for a short distance. They will always fight if attacked.
Braixen will not react to the trainer unless directly attacked. They will either fight or flee if attacked.
Tenth Area
An unnamed glacier, that has a low temperature that doesn't affect the human body. This snowcap is primarily inhabited by Snorunt, Bergmite, and Vanillish. In addition, Sealeo, Jynx, Beartic, and Froslass can be found here as well. Occasionally, one may even run into a Minior or a Delibird! This snowcap seems to be a relic of prehistoric times, with ancient Amaura and Aurorus still dwelling here. This glacier is said to be the home of a mysterious Pokémon...
Kyurem can be found here.
Snorunt will follow peacefully for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, and will likely assist the trainer. They will always flee if attacked.
Bergmite will not react to the trainer unless directly attacked. They will always flee if attacked.
Vanillish will not respond normally, but may react if the trainer acts unpredictably. They will either fight or flee if attacked.
Sealeo will follow peacefully for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, and will likely assist the trainer. They will either fight or flee if attacked.
Jynx will keep their distance from the trainer, but may be coaxed out with food and will likely assist the trainer. They will sometimes flee if attacked.
Beartic will follow on sight aggressively from far away, and chase for a long distance. They will always fight if attacked.
Froslass will not respond normally, but will likely assist the trainer if given food. They will sometimes fight if attacked.
Minior will follow curiously for a short distance upon noticing the trainer, non-aggressively. They will either fight or flee if attacked.
Delibird will follow peacefully for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, and will likely assist the trainer. They will always flee if attacked.
Fifth City
Crushpin City is a small city. This city is primarily inhabited by Murkrow, Staravia, Raticate, and Tranquill. In addition, Alcremie, Plusle & Minun, Polteageist, and Gurdurr can be found here as well. Occasionally, one may even run into a Zoroark or a Lampent! This city is currently under construction, with the aid of many Timburr, Gurdurr and Conkeldurr.
Murkrow will follow curiously for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, non-aggressively. They will sometimes flee if attacked.
Staravia will follow on sight aggressively from far away, and chase for a long distance. They will sometimes fight if attacked.
Raticate will follow aggressively on sight from a short distance, and chase for a short distance. They will sometimes fight if attacked.
Tranquill will not respond normally, but may assist the trainer if given food. They will sometimes flee if attacked.
Alcremie will not respond normally, but may react if the trainer acts unpredictably. They will always flee if attacked.
Plusle will follow peacefully for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, and will likely assist the trainer. They will sometimes flee if attacked.
Polteageist will follow curiously for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, non-aggressively. They will always flee if attacked.
Gurdurr will follow peacefully for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, and will likely assist the trainer. They will always fight if attacked.
Minun will follow peacefully for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, and will likely assist the trainer. They will sometimes flee if attacked.
Zoroark will not respond normally, but will likely assist the trainer if given food. They will sometimes fight if attacked.
Lampent will follow curiously for a short distance upon noticing the trainer, non-aggressively. They will sometimes flee if attacked.
Eleventh Area
A top-secret area codenamed "Area 13".
Steenee will follow peacefully for a short distance upon noticing the trainer, and will likely assist the trainer. They will either fight or flee if attacked.
Gyarados will follow on sight aggressively from far away, and chase for a long distance. They will always fight if attacked.
Appletun will not react to the trainer unless directly attacked. They will either fight or flee if attacked.
Haunter will follow on sight aggressively from far away, and chase for a long distance. They will always flee if attacked.
Shadow Colosseum
No data recorded.
Guzzlord can be found here, but cannot be caught.
Hoopa can be found here, but cannot be caught.
Darkrai can be found here, but cannot be caught.
Yveltal can be found here, but cannot be caught.
Great Staircase
No data recorded.
Eternatus can be found here.
Giratina can be found here.
Mewtwo can be found here.
Final Boss
Ä̴̘̠̖̫͖̖̤͎́̋̉̾̏̄̿̾͗̎̈́͝͝r̷̙̙̼̠͖̻͔̤̘̠͑̑͂̂̅̔̄̚͝c̵͎̤͎͔͔͔̺̹̩̟̻͋̈́̐́̿̈͌͆͗ḗ̶̢̥̼͓̳̗͉̫̫̄͂̅̆͋͗̆̓͝͝û̴̟͖̯͓̻͔̪̣͖̭̞̣́̔̅̃͘š̶̜͎̲̘̔̅̕͝ ̷̧̛͔̺̙͔̩̣͙̹̉̔̃̑̈́͛͘h̵̢̹̟̮̜̭̣̻̰͈̬͒̊͂̄̍̑ͅả̵̧̢̩̥̤̬̆̊̀͆s̷̨̰͇͇̫̞̫͕̝̭̻̤͐̓̑ ̴̨̛͇̫̣̲̦̠̜̩͕́̀̒́͒̔͌̍̒͌͜͝ḇ̶̦̣͍̲̝̗̭̩̞̼̄̄̾̓̓̊̂̎̽̓͐͝ͅe̸̜̙̖̲͎̞̗̝̖̱͍̤͝ͅe̸͇̩̦͛̒̽̔͊̈̒͗́͊̕͜͠ń̸̡̨̛͎̻͇̺͉̻̝̬̱̩͆͐͑̍͛̔̒͝ͅ ̴̧͉͔̠̞̱̩͕̋͑͑̓̈̾͒͠c̸͇͒̍̈́̓̀̽̕ȯ̶̡̢̩̜̼͙͉̬̬̂̏̿͂̀̈́̍͒̄̇ͅṟ̷̢̧͗̒͊̊̑̇͂͜͜͝r̵̭̤̀͆̃̒͋̅͊̅͠u̷̘͍̟̾̓̅̈́̈̐̕p̷̢̢̜̺̘̪͂̋̐̋̀̂ͅt̸̳͕̳̜͈̘̯̓̾ȅ̷̬̼̦͖̘͖̬̼̎̅͘͝d̸̨̦̲̳̠̘̺̞͉͑̑͘.̸͉̳̭̬̓̽͋́̄̈́́̂̽̐̍.̵̨̥̫̹͇̤͈̭͖̟̲͗́͛̒.̴̡͉̼̲̺̀̀̃ ̷̨̛̺̝̣̞̮̰̤̣͊̒̈́̾̀̒́̔̓̒͘h̴̳͚͍̣͇̠̄̒̎o̶̠͉͒͑̐͛̐̎̉͘͝ẅ̸̛̮͉͎̠́̒̔̂̽͑̾̆͋͘ ̶̡̘̝̲̓̋̀̐̑̂c̴̛̮͕̫͚̖̣̪̳͖̜̆͗̃̍̇͐̾͛̐̉͘͜͝o̸̧̡̘͕̲̟̠̠̎̈́̀̃̽ụ̷̡̢͚̲̱̤̙̭͔̗͒̍l̶̢̪̠̹͙̬͈̀̍̽̈̓̌͂̐̑͠d̸̯̥̗̼͇̲͖̘͔̮͙̞̥͛̎͊͊͑̀̋͌̅̀͊͆ ̵̩̰̖͎̤͚͉͖̼͋͂̀̎̍̓̓̽͑́͘͜t̷̺̰͈͖̱̜͌̑̅̄̊̌̀̎͘ͅḧ̸̢̩͖͕̰̲̙̣́̊̽̔̀͊̋̈́̇͒̕i̵̤̞̼͇̗̠̻͙͂̅͋͆̚͜͝s̶̨̘̣̽̽͂̽͗͋̂̽̔͘ ̵̨̡͓̯̠͓͔̘̯̽h̴̢̗̥̫̪̫͕̖̼̟͐̽̉͝à̸͉̭̰̗̣̝͕̙̜̰̝̘̋̓̄p̶͕͈͈̎͌̽̊͊͝p̴̢̱͍͍̬̦̖͎̥̳̞̦̫͛̈́̇̿̇͑̔̊̊̎̿̀é̶̡̧̨͈̬͈̬̬̻͈̫̗̾̍̅̓ͅn̷̨̧̥̗̳̲̲̼͒́̐̿̈̏̕.̷̡̧̡̣̖̪̼̻̫̻̀̏͛͌́̃̄͜͝.̸̙̙͎̣̰̼̰̦̥͊̌̌̕.̴͕͍̝̱̃͛̒͒̇̋̓̉̈́͘̕ͅ?̷̢̢̗̭̲̗̙͇̻̦̙͐ͅ
Shadow Arceus can be battled.
Arceus can be found here.
And that is all. Any comments? Throw 'em at me.
Starter Town
Rubyswept Town is a human settlement. It is primarily inhabited by Starly and Pidgey. Additionally, Milcery, Grimer and Klink can also be found here. And very occasionally, you may run into a Burmy. This town is home to many stray Purrloin that will lure in passersby with their cuteness before stealing their money.
Starly will follow peacefully for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, and may even assist the trainer. They will sometimes flee if attacked.
Pidgey will not respond normally, but will likely react if the trainer acts unpredictably. They will always flee if attacked.
Milcery will keep their distance from the trainer. They will always flee if attacked.
Grimer will follow curiously for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, non-aggressively. They will sometimes fight if attacked.
Klink will not react to the trainer unless directly attacked. They will either fight or flee if attacked.
Burmy will attempt to hide upon noticing the trainer and will react quickly if approached, even from far away. They will always flee if attacked.
First Area
Hazeland Glade is a field where Pokémon often appear. This glade is primarily inhabited by Patrat and Fletchling. In addition, Oricorio, Cutiefly, and Vulpix can be found here as well. Occasionally, one may even run into a Hawlucha! This glade is home to many growing Budew and Roselia, and is protected by a guardian Roserade.
Patrat will attempt to hide upon noticing the trainer and will react if approached. They will always flee if attacked.
Fletchling will not respond normally, but will likely assist the trainer if given food. They will sometimes fight if attacked.
Oricorio will follow peacefully for a short distance upon noticing the trainer, and may even assist the trainer. They will either fight or flee if attacked.
Cutiefly will follow peacefully for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, and may even assist the trainer. They will always flee if attacked.
Vulpix will attempt to hide upon noticing the trainer and will react if approached. They will either fight or flee if attacked.
Hawlucha will follow on sight aggressively from far away, and chase for a short distance. They will always fight if attacked.
Second Area
Sunstring Seep is a pond where Water-types will often gather. This seep is primarily inhabited by Goldeen. In addition, Chewtle, Surskit, and Ducklett can be found here as well. Occasionally, one may even run into a Squirtle! This seep is choked with weeds, but is lively with the dancing of energetic Ludicolo.
Goldeen will not react to the trainer unless directly attacked. They will sometimes fight if attacked.
Chewtle will follow on sight aggressively from far away, and chase for a long distance. They will always fight if attacked.
Surskit will not react to the trainer unless directly attacked. They will sometimes flee if attacked.
Ducklett will not respond normally, but may assist the trainer if given food. They will always flee if attacked.
Squirtle will follow curiously for a short distance upon noticing the trainer, non-aggressively. They will sometimes flee if attacked.
Power Plant
Close to the second area.
This power plant is primarily inhabited by Grubbin. In addition, Dedenne, Pikachu, and Joltik can be found here as well. Occasionally, one may even run into a Klinklang! This power plant has been made a nest by a giant Vikavolt and its Charjabug allies.
Grubbin will keep their distance from the trainer. They will always flee if attacked.
Dedenne will keep their distance from the trainer, but may be coaxed out with food and may assist the trainer. They will always flee if attacked.
Pikachu will keep their distance from the trainer. They will sometimes flee if attacked.
Joltik will not react to the trainer unless directly attacked. They will always flee if attacked.
Klinklang will not respond normally, but will likely assist the trainer if given food. They will always fight if attacked.
First City
Quietroad City is a human settlement where Pokémon often gather. This city is primarily inhabited by Fletchling and Pidgey. In addition, Grimer, Milcery, and Glameow can be found here as well. Occasionally, one may even run into a Gothita! This city is the site of an annual Herdier training competition!
Fletchling will not respond normally, but will likely assist the trainer if given food. They will sometimes fight if attacked.
Pidgey will not respond normally, but will likely react if the trainer acts unpredictably. They will always flee if attacked.
Grimer will follow curiously for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, non-aggressively. They will sometimes fight if attacked.
Milcery will keep their distance from the trainer. They will always flee if attacked.
Glameow will follow curiously for a short distance upon noticing the trainer, non-aggressively. They will either fight or flee if attacked.
Gothita will not react to the trainer unless directly attacked. They will sometimes flee if attacked.
Third Area
Violetwhine Graveyard is a pretty scary place, if you ask me. This graveyard is primarily inhabited by Gastly. In addition, Munna, Honedge, and Bronzor can be found here as well. Occasionally, one may even run into a Spiritomb! This graveyard is absolutely teeming with Gastly that delight in terrorizing explorers.
Gastly will follow on sight aggressively from far away, and chase for a short distance. They will always flee if attacked.
Munna will attempt to hide upon noticing the trainer and will react quickly if approached, even from far away. They will always flee if attacked.
Honedge will not respond normally, but will likely assist the trainer if given food. They will always fight if attacked.
Bronzor will not react to the trainer unless directly attacked. They will either fight or flee if attacked.
Spiritomb will follow on sight aggressively from far away, and chase for a long distance. They will always fight if attacked.
Cave 14
Crimsonmaw Tunnel is a cave codenamed "Cave 14". This tunnel is primarily inhabited by Machop and Zubat. In addition, Ferroseed, Shuckle, and Onix can be found here as well. Occasionally, one may even run into a Duraludon! This tunnel is mysteriously full of clinking Bronzor and clanging Bronzong, perhaps indicating it was a site of some importance in ancient times. A Pokémon here seems to be colored differently than usual...
Bronzor and Bronzong are extremely rare and usually shiny.
Machop will follow peacefully for a short distance upon noticing the trainer, and may even assist the trainer. They will always fight if attacked.
Zubat will follow aggressively on sight from a short distance, and chase for a long distance. They will either fight or flee if attacked.
Ferroseed will not respond normally, but will likely assist the trainer if given food. They will either fight or flee if attacked.
Shuckle will attempt to hide upon noticing the trainer and will react if approached. They will always flee if attacked.
Onix will keep their distance from the trainer and will react if approached. They will sometimes fight if attacked.
Duraludon will follow on sight aggressively from far away, and chase for a long distance. They will always fight if attacked.
Fourth Area
Buzzblown Forest is a forest that hasn't had a tree chopped down once. This temperate forest is primarily inhabited by Spinarak and Yungoos. In addition, Rockruff, Jigglypuff, and Venonat can be found here as well. Occasionally, one may even run into a Pikachu! This temperate forest is home to a territorial herd of Sawsbuck, whose leader has enormous horns.
Spinarak will not react to the trainer unless directly attacked. They will sometimes fight if attacked.
Yungoos will follow on sight aggressively from far away, and chase for a long distance. They will either fight or flee if attacked.
Rockruff will follow peacefully for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, and may even assist the trainer. They will always fight if attacked.
Jigglypuff will not respond normally, but may react if the trainer acts unpredictably. They will either fight or flee if attacked.
Venonat will follow peacefully for a short distance upon noticing the trainer, and may even assist the trainer. They will always flee if attacked.
Pikachu will keep their distance from the trainer. They will sometimes flee if attacked.
Second City
Dawnblow City is a booming city with a massive population. This city is primarily inhabited by Starly and Pidove. In addition, Gastly, Swablu, and Milcery can be found here as well. Occasionally, one may even run into a Ditto! This city is currently so thick with a giant flock of Pidove that you cannot see the sky!
Starly will follow peacefully for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, and may even assist the trainer. They will sometimes flee if attacked.
Pidove will not respond normally, but may react if the trainer acts unpredictably. They will always flee if attacked.
Gastly will follow on sight aggressively from far away, and chase for a short distance. They will always flee if attacked.
Swablu will keep their distance from the trainer, but may be coaxed out with food and may assist the trainer. They will always flee if attacked.
Milcery will keep their distance from the trainer. They will always flee if attacked.
Ditto will not react to the trainer unless directly attacked. They will either fight or flee if attacked.
Dawnblow Factory
Located in the second city.
This factory is primarily inhabited by Klink. In addition, Electabuzz, Togedemaru, and Pachirisu can be found here as well. Occasionally, one may even run into a Vikavolt! This factory has been taken over by pairs of playful Plusle and Minun.
Klink will not react to the trainer unless directly attacked. They will either fight or flee if attacked.
Electabuzz will follow on sight aggressively from far away, and chase for a long distance. They will always fight if attacked.
Togedemaru will keep their distance from the trainer. They will always flee if attacked.
Pachirisu will follow peacefully for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, and may even assist the trainer. They will sometimes flee if attacked.
Vikavolt will follow on sight aggressively from far away, and chase for a long distance. They will always fight if attacked.
Fifth Area
Razorbrink Crater is a very hot area. Water-types are weakened here. This crater is primarily inhabited by Slugma. In addition, Vulpix, Drifloon, and Sizzlipede can be found here as well. Occasionally, one may even run into a Larvesta! This crater is defended by a territorial Typhlosion.
Slugma will not react to the trainer unless directly attacked. They will always flee if attacked.
Vulpix will attempt to hide upon noticing the trainer and will react if approached. They will either fight or flee if attacked.
Drifloon will follow curiously for a short distance upon noticing the trainer, non-aggressively. They will always flee if attacked.
Sizzlipede will keep their distance from the trainer and will react if approached. They will either fight or flee if attacked.
Larvesta will attempt to hide upon noticing the trainer. They will always flee if attacked.
Sixth Area
Smokeland Summit is the smallest mountain in the region. This summit is primarily inhabited by Timburr and Geodude. In addition, Minccino, Rhyhorn, and Bunnelby can be found here as well. Occasionally, one may even run into a Jangmo-o! This summit is where Mienshao instruct Mienfoo in order to hone their fighting styles.
Timburr will follow peacefully for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, and will likely assist the trainer. They will always fight if attacked.
Geodude will not react to the trainer unless directly attacked. They will sometimes flee if attacked.
Minccino will attempt to hide upon noticing the trainer. They will always flee if attacked.
Rhyhorn will follow on sight aggressively from far away, and chase for a long distance. They will always fight if attacked.
Bunnelby will keep their distance from the trainer. They will either fight or flee if attacked.
Jangmo-o will follow on sight aggressively from far away, and chase for a short distance. They will always fight if attacked.
Third City
Goldsweep is a metropolis and the most populated city in the region. This metropolis is primarily inhabited by Pidove and Pidgey. In addition, Cutiefly, Joltik, and Swirlix can be found here as well. Occasionally, one may even run into a Munchlax! This metropolis has terrible air quality, and accordingly is filled with Koffing and Weezing.
Pidove will not respond normally, but may react if the trainer acts unpredictably. They will always flee if attacked.
Pidgey will not respond normally, but will likely react if the trainer acts unpredictably. They will always flee if attacked.
Cutiefly will follow peacefully for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, and may even assist the trainer. They will always flee if attacked.
Joltik will not react to the trainer unless directly attacked. They will always flee if attacked.
Swirlix will follow peacefully for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, and will likely assist the trainer. They will sometimes flee if attacked.
Munchlax will follow peacefully for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, and may even assist the trainer. They will always flee if attacked.
Fourth City
Moonstripe is a similar city to Goldsweep, minus the air pollution. This burg is primarily inhabited by Rattata and Pidove. In addition, Plusle & Minun, Meowth, and Lillipup can be found here as well. Occasionally, one may even run into a Corviknight! This burg is currently hosting an art exhibition, with hundreds of Smeargle present for the occasion.
Rattata will keep their distance from the trainer. They will always flee if attacked.
Pidove will not respond normally, but may react if the trainer acts unpredictably. They will always flee if attacked.
Plusle will follow peacefully for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, and will likely assist the trainer. They will sometimes flee if attacked.
Meowth will follow peacefully for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, and will likely assist the trainer. They will sometimes flee if attacked.
Lillipup will follow peacefully for a short distance upon noticing the trainer, and will likely assist the trainer. They will sometimes fight if attacked.
Minun will follow peacefully for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, and will likely assist the trainer. They will sometimes flee if attacked.
Corviknight will follow curiously for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, non-aggressively. They will always fight if attacked.
Firstslab Warehouse
Located near the fourth city.
This warehouse is primarily inhabited by Grubbin. In addition, Plusle & Minun, Togedemaru, and Pikachu can be found here as well. Occasionally, one may even run into a Klinklang! This warehouse has been hijacked by a mysterious Magnezone for an unknown reason.
Grubbin will keep their distance from the trainer. They will always flee if attacked.
Plusle will follow peacefully for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, and will likely assist the trainer. They will sometimes flee if attacked.
Togedemaru will keep their distance from the trainer. They will always flee if attacked.
Pikachu will keep their distance from the trainer. They will sometimes flee if attacked.
Minun will follow peacefully for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, and will likely assist the trainer. They will sometimes flee if attacked.
Klinklang will not respond normally, but will likely assist the trainer if given food. They will always fight if attacked.
Seventh Area
Mildsteel Temple is a place of mystery. This temple is primarily inhabited by Natu. In addition, Musharna, Xatu, and Darmanitan can be found here as well. Occasionally, one may even run into a Spiritomb! This temple is said to be the home of a mysterious Pokémon...
Tapu Lele can be found here.
Natu will follow curiously for a short distance upon noticing the trainer, non-aggressively. They will always flee if attacked.
Musharna will attempt to hide upon noticing the trainer and will react quickly if approached, even from far away. They will always flee if attacked.
Xatu will not react to the trainer unless directly attacked. They will either fight or flee if attacked.
Darmanitan will follow curiously for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, non-aggressively. They will always fight if attacked.
Spiritomb will follow on sight aggressively from far away, and chase for a long distance. They will always fight if attacked.
Eighth Area
An unnamed shrine located far from the warehouse. This shrine is primarily inhabited by Natu. In addition, Bronzong, Golurk, and Sigilyph can be found here as well. Occasionally, one may even run into a Spiritomb! This shrine is patrolled by mechanical Golurk that seem intent on eliminating any and all intruders. A Pokémon here seems to be colored differently than usual...
One specific Golurk is shiny.
Natu will follow curiously for a short distance upon noticing the trainer, non-aggressively. They will always flee if attacked.
Bronzong will not react to the trainer unless directly attacked. They will either fight or flee if attacked.
Golurk will not respond normally, but may react if the trainer acts unpredictably. They will either fight or flee if attacked.
Sigilyph will not respond normally, but will likely assist the trainer if given food. They will always fight if attacked.
Spiritomb will follow on sight aggressively from far away, and chase for a long distance. They will always fight if attacked.
Ninth Area
An unnamed desert. This sand is primarily inhabited by Dugtrio. In addition, Darmanitan, Sandaconda, and Drapion can be found here as well. Occasionally, one may even run into a Braixen! This sand infamous for the many poisonous Skorupi lying in the sands, as well as the menacing Drapion that prowls its dunes.
It is recommended to travel with heaps of protective clothing.
Dugtrio will not respond normally, but may react if the trainer acts unpredictably. They will either fight or flee if attacked.
Darmanitan will follow curiously for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, non-aggressively. They will always fight if attacked.
Sandaconda will keep their distance from the trainer. They will sometimes flee if attacked.
Drapion will follow on sight aggressively from far away, and chase for a short distance. They will always fight if attacked.
Braixen will not react to the trainer unless directly attacked. They will either fight or flee if attacked.
Tenth Area
An unnamed glacier, that has a low temperature that doesn't affect the human body. This snowcap is primarily inhabited by Snorunt, Bergmite, and Vanillish. In addition, Sealeo, Jynx, Beartic, and Froslass can be found here as well. Occasionally, one may even run into a Minior or a Delibird! This snowcap seems to be a relic of prehistoric times, with ancient Amaura and Aurorus still dwelling here. This glacier is said to be the home of a mysterious Pokémon...
Kyurem can be found here.
Snorunt will follow peacefully for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, and will likely assist the trainer. They will always flee if attacked.
Bergmite will not react to the trainer unless directly attacked. They will always flee if attacked.
Vanillish will not respond normally, but may react if the trainer acts unpredictably. They will either fight or flee if attacked.
Sealeo will follow peacefully for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, and will likely assist the trainer. They will either fight or flee if attacked.
Jynx will keep their distance from the trainer, but may be coaxed out with food and will likely assist the trainer. They will sometimes flee if attacked.
Beartic will follow on sight aggressively from far away, and chase for a long distance. They will always fight if attacked.
Froslass will not respond normally, but will likely assist the trainer if given food. They will sometimes fight if attacked.
Minior will follow curiously for a short distance upon noticing the trainer, non-aggressively. They will either fight or flee if attacked.
Delibird will follow peacefully for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, and will likely assist the trainer. They will always flee if attacked.
Fifth City
Crushpin City is a small city. This city is primarily inhabited by Murkrow, Staravia, Raticate, and Tranquill. In addition, Alcremie, Plusle & Minun, Polteageist, and Gurdurr can be found here as well. Occasionally, one may even run into a Zoroark or a Lampent! This city is currently under construction, with the aid of many Timburr, Gurdurr and Conkeldurr.
Murkrow will follow curiously for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, non-aggressively. They will sometimes flee if attacked.
Staravia will follow on sight aggressively from far away, and chase for a long distance. They will sometimes fight if attacked.
Raticate will follow aggressively on sight from a short distance, and chase for a short distance. They will sometimes fight if attacked.
Tranquill will not respond normally, but may assist the trainer if given food. They will sometimes flee if attacked.
Alcremie will not respond normally, but may react if the trainer acts unpredictably. They will always flee if attacked.
Plusle will follow peacefully for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, and will likely assist the trainer. They will sometimes flee if attacked.
Polteageist will follow curiously for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, non-aggressively. They will always flee if attacked.
Gurdurr will follow peacefully for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, and will likely assist the trainer. They will always fight if attacked.
Minun will follow peacefully for a long distance upon noticing the trainer, and will likely assist the trainer. They will sometimes flee if attacked.
Zoroark will not respond normally, but will likely assist the trainer if given food. They will sometimes fight if attacked.
Lampent will follow curiously for a short distance upon noticing the trainer, non-aggressively. They will sometimes flee if attacked.
Eleventh Area
A top-secret area codenamed "Area 13".
Steenee will follow peacefully for a short distance upon noticing the trainer, and will likely assist the trainer. They will either fight or flee if attacked.
Gyarados will follow on sight aggressively from far away, and chase for a long distance. They will always fight if attacked.
Appletun will not react to the trainer unless directly attacked. They will either fight or flee if attacked.
Haunter will follow on sight aggressively from far away, and chase for a long distance. They will always flee if attacked.
Shadow Colosseum
No data recorded.
Guzzlord can be found here, but cannot be caught.
Hoopa can be found here, but cannot be caught.
Darkrai can be found here, but cannot be caught.
Yveltal can be found here, but cannot be caught.
Great Staircase
No data recorded.
Eternatus can be found here.
Giratina can be found here.
Mewtwo can be found here.
Final Boss
Ä̴̘̠̖̫͖̖̤͎́̋̉̾̏̄̿̾͗̎̈́͝͝r̷̙̙̼̠͖̻͔̤̘̠͑̑͂̂̅̔̄̚͝c̵͎̤͎͔͔͔̺̹̩̟̻͋̈́̐́̿̈͌͆͗ḗ̶̢̥̼͓̳̗͉̫̫̄͂̅̆͋͗̆̓͝͝û̴̟͖̯͓̻͔̪̣͖̭̞̣́̔̅̃͘š̶̜͎̲̘̔̅̕͝ ̷̧̛͔̺̙͔̩̣͙̹̉̔̃̑̈́͛͘h̵̢̹̟̮̜̭̣̻̰͈̬͒̊͂̄̍̑ͅả̵̧̢̩̥̤̬̆̊̀͆s̷̨̰͇͇̫̞̫͕̝̭̻̤͐̓̑ ̴̨̛͇̫̣̲̦̠̜̩͕́̀̒́͒̔͌̍̒͌͜͝ḇ̶̦̣͍̲̝̗̭̩̞̼̄̄̾̓̓̊̂̎̽̓͐͝ͅe̸̜̙̖̲͎̞̗̝̖̱͍̤͝ͅe̸͇̩̦͛̒̽̔͊̈̒͗́͊̕͜͠ń̸̡̨̛͎̻͇̺͉̻̝̬̱̩͆͐͑̍͛̔̒͝ͅ ̴̧͉͔̠̞̱̩͕̋͑͑̓̈̾͒͠c̸͇͒̍̈́̓̀̽̕ȯ̶̡̢̩̜̼͙͉̬̬̂̏̿͂̀̈́̍͒̄̇ͅṟ̷̢̧͗̒͊̊̑̇͂͜͜͝r̵̭̤̀͆̃̒͋̅͊̅͠u̷̘͍̟̾̓̅̈́̈̐̕p̷̢̢̜̺̘̪͂̋̐̋̀̂ͅt̸̳͕̳̜͈̘̯̓̾ȅ̷̬̼̦͖̘͖̬̼̎̅͘͝d̸̨̦̲̳̠̘̺̞͉͑̑͘.̸͉̳̭̬̓̽͋́̄̈́́̂̽̐̍.̵̨̥̫̹͇̤͈̭͖̟̲͗́͛̒.̴̡͉̼̲̺̀̀̃ ̷̨̛̺̝̣̞̮̰̤̣͊̒̈́̾̀̒́̔̓̒͘h̴̳͚͍̣͇̠̄̒̎o̶̠͉͒͑̐͛̐̎̉͘͝ẅ̸̛̮͉͎̠́̒̔̂̽͑̾̆͋͘ ̶̡̘̝̲̓̋̀̐̑̂c̴̛̮͕̫͚̖̣̪̳͖̜̆͗̃̍̇͐̾͛̐̉͘͜͝o̸̧̡̘͕̲̟̠̠̎̈́̀̃̽ụ̷̡̢͚̲̱̤̙̭͔̗͒̍l̶̢̪̠̹͙̬͈̀̍̽̈̓̌͂̐̑͠d̸̯̥̗̼͇̲͖̘͔̮͙̞̥͛̎͊͊͑̀̋͌̅̀͊͆ ̵̩̰̖͎̤͚͉͖̼͋͂̀̎̍̓̓̽͑́͘͜t̷̺̰͈͖̱̜͌̑̅̄̊̌̀̎͘ͅḧ̸̢̩͖͕̰̲̙̣́̊̽̔̀͊̋̈́̇͒̕i̵̤̞̼͇̗̠̻͙͂̅͋͆̚͜͝s̶̨̘̣̽̽͂̽͗͋̂̽̔͘ ̵̨̡͓̯̠͓͔̘̯̽h̴̢̗̥̫̪̫͕̖̼̟͐̽̉͝à̸͉̭̰̗̣̝͕̙̜̰̝̘̋̓̄p̶͕͈͈̎͌̽̊͊͝p̴̢̱͍͍̬̦̖͎̥̳̞̦̫͛̈́̇̿̇͑̔̊̊̎̿̀é̶̡̧̨͈̬͈̬̬̻͈̫̗̾̍̅̓ͅn̷̨̧̥̗̳̲̲̼͒́̐̿̈̏̕.̷̡̧̡̣̖̪̼̻̫̻̀̏͛͌́̃̄͜͝.̸̙̙͎̣̰̼̰̦̥͊̌̌̕.̴͕͍̝̱̃͛̒͒̇̋̓̉̈́͘̕ͅ?̷̢̢̗̭̲̗̙͇̻̦̙͐ͅ
Shadow Arceus can be battled.
Arceus can be found here.
And that is all. Any comments? Throw 'em at me.