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Private/Closed Naruto AU: Roleplay

Lako felt the ground tremble as something dove into the ground. He jumped into the nearest tree comforted only by the the fact whatever dove into the ground couldn't leap up at him because of his steel spider web. Lako tried to stay calm attempting to persuade himself that he could take out whatever had entered the ground and steal its scroll.


Previously 5DigitNeb
When Raiku began leaving the Exam Building, he realized something. The psychotic feeling that he had was gone. That made him glad, or did it? He realized... he didn't feel anything.

I need to calm down...

Raiku was going to go to his house back at the clan area... but then he didn't want to. Though, why he didn't know. In the end he just sat at a river below a bridge. He felt at peace...

It's not that big of a deal... I can always do it again. Besides, I just learned I need to focus and be smarter about things. I'll be fine...

But deep down, Raiku knew something was off, and he knew that things weren't just going to stay... 'fine.'
Madoka listened to Kabuto as he explained his reasoning, and while it seemed off that he seemed to have this bias against a newer nation like Otogakure, that kind of attitude among certain ninja of the major nations towards those of smaller ones was not that uncommon.

Even with her reservations about Kabuto's intent, the scroll she eyed was quite tempting and if it meant she could pass this exam this just had to be a risk she was willing to take. Though Madoka was not gonna let Kabuto dictate the transaction.

Madoka pulled out a kunai in one hand while she opened her free one and made a motion with it, her fingers folding back as if saying "give it to me" to Kabuto.

"Hand me the Earth Scroll. I want to inspect it just to be sure it is real, after that I will give you the blood sample you desire." Madoka explained to Kabuto as she shifted her gaze to her kunai to show the medical-nin what she intended to use to provide the blood sample Kabuto desired. Though Madoka wanted to be the one to do it, and she wanted to confirm that the Earth Scroll was real first and in her possession before she agreed to anything more.

Moments after Lako had jumped to the tree, Tomiko emerged from underground as she aimed a punch only to hit at the open air which caused the Iwa-nin to curse as she glanced up at Lako. This proved to be both a good and bad thing.

Good in that it confirmed another Genin was here, and that her vibration sensory had not failed her. Bad in that...she saw she was in the middle of what appeared to be numerous wires that made up the central network of Lako's traps. A single drop of sweat dripped down Tomiko's face as she realized this.

Oh...this can't be good.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Kabuto nodded his head as he put the heaven scroll, back, and pulled out a small glass vial in It’s place.

“Half of the scrolls now, along with half of the blood now, seems better if your going to be cautious.”

Kabuto passed the earth scroll to her slowly, along with a glass vial for the blood sample just as slowly. Zaku watched on, as the chances of him getting a heaven scroll which was in Kabuto’s possession grew greater. It was a shame that he couldn’t negotiate, because he had nothing kabuto wanted.


“Feels good, dudn’t it?”

Around Raiku, a mysterious person emerged from the tree line, standing near the river side now. She had long black hair, a camo robe and a silver sound headband. She cocked her head and grinned.

“Didn’t pass that exam did you?”
Lako smirked and performed the hand signs for a jutsu "lightning style: Snake lightning!"
Two streams of electricity shaped like snakes zigzagged towards the new foe. He grasped his bundle of steel wires and grimaced 'My wires will make it hard for her to dodge because if she even brushes a wire I can paralyse her but I can't relax for even a second.' He thought to himself. He pulled a Kunai from his ninja tool pouch and threw it at Tomiko for good measure.
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Fire Mana

Previously Top_Smug_
Yasu remained still, waiting for a sign from Tomiko. Suddenly, he felt multiple movements from the area in front of him.

Shit, that's where Tomiko was going...

He took some time, both to think and to see if there were anymore movements. After a little bit without any motion he sprinted forwards, entering a clearing. It took a moment to hit him, but in the middle of the clearing was Tomiko. She appeared to be surrounded by wires, surging with electricity. He looked around once more, trying to locate whoever was behind this trap. His eyes caught a glimpse of something shining in a tree, followed by a kunai flying towards his friend.

"Wind Style: Feather Darts!"

Yasu flung a feather dart from his pouch, adjusting the trajectory with the wind and intercepting the kunai just before it reached Tomiko. He looked back to the tree, meeting eyes with Lako and filling his knuckles with more darts.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Raiku heard a voice and looked up. He stared a bit at the stranger, before looking down at the water again. "Yeah... I didn't," he muttered. He didn't really care about this person, and he didn't even take too much notice of the headband, but he felt like talking... at least a bit. Then he heard footsteps and looked up again.

"Hey, leave him alone. You don't know if he just wanted quiet..." another stranger muttered. Raiku realized they both came from the same foreign village from their headbands. This one had pale-green hair, and wore a blue cloak. He also had magenta eyes.

"Where are you from... clearly not from Konoha," he asked.

"Well-I-uh," the other stranger stuttered.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“We are from the village hidden in the sound.” The female ninja said, cutting in. “Bet you haven’t hear of it, have you?”

Kin sneered as she saw the other jinchuriki from her village, he seemed so sheepish by comparison. It was a wonder why orochimaru even allowed him to inherit such power. He hasn’t earned it.

“Trying to shoo me out again Yukimaru? That’s not comradeship is it?” Kin mocked. “Besides, the little guy just seemed too much of an opportunity to pass up~”


Previously 5DigitNeb
Raiku for some reason started feeling cautious, as he stood up and stepped away from the strangers. He slowly began putting his hand near his pocket where his kunai are.

"T-that's not what I meant. I mean... he's... okay? I don't get it Kin..."

Yukimaru had no idea where he was going with this. He just knew he felt bad.

"No, I haven't heard of it, Kin," Raiku said, putting a bit of the emphasis on the name which he had now learned was the stranger. Yukimaru put his hand over his mouth, as he felt he did something wrong by revealing his fellow Sound shinobi's name.

"Who are you people? And don't try to tell me something obvious or annoying," he said, glaring at the strangers. This caused Yukimaru to cover his face, not wanting to be glared at.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“How the hell am I supposed to know?”

Kin glared too at her ‘partner’, right as he covered his mouth, and then his face. Such a weakling, pathetic. He doesn’t deserve a place amongst us.

“Oh congrats you have ears, didn’t know you can remember NAMES.” Kin sassed back. “The sound village is a place where people go to unlock their true potential. From the look of your loss on the very first exam, you HAVE no potential, at least not here.”
Tomiko had seen that the electric kunai were knocked off course by the timely intervention of Yasu. Tomiko had been thankful for this, but she knew she needed to get out of this wire trap to be of any help. Tomiko quickly flashed a series of hand signs as she prepared a jutsu to try and get out of this.

"Earth Style, Pebble Wrath Jutsu!"

Tomiko generated dozens of small pebbles around her as she shot them out at the wires that surrounded her. Tomiko theorized that if she triggered the traps without directly touching them it would trigger the aftershock that came with it and she'd get her chance to escape and join the fight against this Genin properly.

Madoka, cautiously, took the Earth Scroll out of Kabuto's hand and by extension took the vile that Kabuto also provided her. Madoka took a moment to feel around the scroll, without opening it, as she quickly cast a Genjutsu release just to confirm it it was legitimate. Madoka also put enough pressure against it that if it had been a clone would have caused it to dispel.

Seems real enough...

Madoka naturally placed the Earth Scroll within her bag, before she glanced at the vile as she took her kunai and gave a minor cut along the back of her hand. It was hardly anything, barley having cut through the skin, but just enough to draw a little blood as she allowed a dro of it to drip within the vile. Madoka moved it away from her hand as she closed the vile before she handed tossed it back to Kabuto.

"There, you have the sample you want." Madoka explained before she grabbed a bandage and wrapped it around her hand. Even if the bleeding had been the bare minimum, Madoka felt it had been better to play it safe & cover it up within this environment.

Now I just have to get to the tower and we're home free.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Raiku widened her eyes, and then grinned. "I see what you're saying... your trying to get me to join this 'Sound Village' of yours, aren't you? Well, guess what. You made it way too obvious. Well, not like I would join even if I wanted to. You're way too annoying," he said with a smirk at Kin.

Yukimaru removed his hands from his faced and sighed. "See, I told you he wanted to be left alone... let's just go," he suggested.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“Not so fast....” kin said, drawing out a needle from her sleeve. “My bloodlust hasn’t been satisfied yet!”

She gave him a crazed grin as she approached, her Senbon sharp enough to draw blood upon contact. She aimed them at him before someon put a hand on her shoulder.

“Not yet...”

She immediately knew who it was, turning around and nodding obediently, although grumbling. The man, who wore a purple tie around him similar to kin, and had long black hair, waved at the boy.

“No hard feelings boy, carry on doing whatever you were doing.”


“That’s good, good.” Kabuto nodded upon receiving the sample from Madoka. “Now, how about you?”

He looked at Katsuo expectingly, however, saw that he still had the skeptical, nearly deadly look on his face. Kabuto cleared his throat before bringing out the heaven scroll and putting away the vial.

“Well, I suppose one sample and an escort will do.”

He tossed the heaven scroll to a Zaku, who caught it quickly, before he quickly pocketed it. Kabuto looked oneward toward the tower, and the sunset that was behind it.

“Now, we have a tower to get to. Ready to head off?”
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"A two on one really I'm flattered." Lako said while coming to land on another tree "The pebble idea was smart." He dropped his spool of steel wires on the ground. He weaved the hand signs for a jutsu and spoke "lightning style: twin beam jutsu." Two beams of pure electricity that crackled loudly shot forward shooting towards Tomiko and Yasu at high speeds. He dashed forward after the beams kunai in hand 'I can surprise them with my kekkai gankai.' He thought urgently and sprinted onward.

Fire Mana

Previously Top_Smug_
Yasu swiftly dodged to his right, just barely avoiding his enemies beam jutsu. So he does focus on electricity, maybe I ca-

Halfway through his thought he noticed Lako running towards them with Kunai. He looked over to his partner, who seemed to be doing alright.

"Tomiko! He's rushing us so he must have something up his sleeve! Loop around him, try not to get hit until we find out what he's up to!"
Tomiko did not need to be told that, as she quickly jumped to the side in an effort to avoid the lightning-style technique. Very much something by the skin of her teeth, as some of the electric charge had been mere centimeters from touching her.

Regardless, Tomiko dashed around as she prepared her metalic gauntlets as she aimed to get behind Lako and aimed to deliver a hard punch to his back.
Lako saw them circle him and decided to strike up a conversation "Soooo you lot on your way to the tower?" As he said this he weaved handsigns for another Jutsu calculating its chance of success and if it failed his likelihood of surviving "lightning style: twin beam jutsu!" Again twin beams of electricity shot out on a course for the opposing genin.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Raiku seemed a bit surprise at the blood lust he sense from Kin, and was definitely surprised by her appearing as if she was about to kill him. Yukimaru just watched, but he was ready to help Kin if needed. Though, he was thankful when she had been stopped, by "the man with long black hair." Raiku was a bit glad too, and muttered,"Thanks." Yukimaru followed Kin and the man shortly afterwards.

Raiku sighed out of relief and decided to go back to his house. Besides, at least he didn't feel well... more like at least he didn't lack feelings anymore. Which he thought was good. So, he made his way back to the Uchiha Clan section of the village.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
As the sun set, striking the evening time, Kai’s eyes opened. He looked down at his arms, his fingers twitched, movement getting back in them. He clenched his hands into fists and stretched. Hm...enough movement to use tools, and maybe use chakra with them. definitly not enough energy to use that Forbidden jutsu again.

Xeno- I mean...Hashima. I am ready to go. We need to get the remaining scrolls or else we won’t have much time to do it effectively.”


Previously 5DigitNeb
Hashima had been getting tired, after all she had to keep watch over Kai. Though, she had a plan. She put a number of paper bomb tags and tags that summon weapons as traps in case someone tries to infiltrate the cave. Then, she began to sleep as well...

Kai become awake again surprised Hashima from her sleep, and woke her up. Though she quickly regained her sense of surroundings again, and remembered what was needed to be done.

"Right, let's get going. A night ambush would be smart," she suggested as she went outside and began removing the traps. It seemed nobody went near the area, as none of them had set off. She checked her scrolls, and it seemed they were secure.

Then Hashima turned around. "Once we get your scrolls, it'll probably be late at night. and maybe early morning. I suggest we take turns keeping watch once we find a place to rest. And if it's too late to rest, we'll have to make do with the energy we have left and reach the tower as quickly as possible," she told Kai.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“Hm, sounds like an efficient use of our time. We must use Chakra as sparingly as possible, we do not want to be caught ourselves in the middle of the night unaware without Chakra.”

Kai slowly got up from his spot and calmly walked out of the cave, keeping up with hashima. Using his hunternjn tracking skills, he saw a leaf above, stills attached to it’s branch. It has been torn slightly, unnaturally. As if someone had tore it while on the run...or chasing.

“There, above. We can tell by that form leaf. A ninja had been through here. We might not be close to them, but I can tell where they went from here. Be watchful to stay stealthy.”
It was getting dark by the time Kiro reaches the tower. Eventful as it had been, Kiro was finally done with the Forest of Death. However, he still had an extra scroll that he didn’t know what to do with.

Kiro went to work on setting up a miniature trap near the tower. He placed the extra heaven scroll over a floor trap that was cover by leaves. When the scroll was lifted, it with trigger the net to be pulled up into a tree, trapping someone in it.

After that was done, Kiro stepped into the tower. It was dark inside and Kiro wondered if he was supposed to be even in there. He just continued to look around for any clues on to what to do next.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Hashima went onto the branch the tree was on, and inspected it. It had seem that someone had made it out of shape.

"Wow, you're really good at noticing such small details," Hashima told Kai, astounded.

"Well, since you know where the person went, lead the way," she said gesturing for Kai to do so.
Ryo was ecstatic when he had noticed that two of his needles had actually met their mark, and helped cripple Sakura for at least a couple seconds, weakening her strength and focus long enough for Azumi to realize what was going on. When Azumi had delivered a strike before Sakura could completely defend herself, and sent her flying to another branch, Ryo gained even more of a confidence - a bit more than he should have. He figured that there was no way that the single kunoichi could have been a threat for both him and Azumi, but he was quite wrong as Sakura stood back to her feet and executed another jutsu.

He tried to watch as Azumi went on the offensive, but was caught up in the storm of leaves that Sakura summoned - but he had no idea whether it were legit or another genjutsu. That would soon serve to be irrelevant, however, when his former classmate had appeared behind him in a matter of milliseconds. He knew she was there, but she was much too quick for him to react. Before Ryo knew it, a kunai was sent slicing into his back.

An audible shout emitted from his mouth, and the pain, even if narrow, could be felt showering over his entire back. The thin boy began to fall forwards, the sting in his back growing more intense as his jacket and shirt was cut into a thin tear, exposing the air to his wound. He knew the first thing that any genin in this position would do - and that would obviously be to reach for his scroll. Doing so, he quickly, but painfully, grabbed his Heaven scroll from his pocket and tossed it downwards to the ground below them. He hoped this would work.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“I am a hunter nin, it is my job.” Kai simply stated, looked toward the direction of the tower. “Whomever they were, they were off to the tower. With a high likely hood have having two scrolls. Let’s go.”


Kabuto lead the group toward the tower, Zaku close behind him. The tower was In sight, a river just in front of it. He was going at a fast pace, as to not get caught. Zaku looked to and fro. Hmph, no one is nearby, either In stealth mode or not around. We need to get there, pronto. The door was visible, roughly 100 meters away. Victory was just a sprint away

Fire Mana

Previously Top_Smug_
"What's it to you if we are?"

Yasu slid under the beam as it flashed over him, at the same time preparing two more feather darts. He sprung back to his feet, deftly launching the feather darts as he did so. They flew straight, one a little higher than the other. After reaching halfway to their target, Yasu quickly made his handsigns.


The wind picked up violently, blowing from behind Yasu. The feather darts sped up rapidly, flying towards Lako at an even greater speed than before. Hopefully this will screw with his timing, if he deflects these I'll be impressed.
The scroll!

Sakura had her eyes trained on the Heaven Scroll, as she had not considered Kenji's condition even if she may have been aware he had been on the losing end, nor had she considered why Ryo discarded it as she saw an oppertunity. Sakura quickly jumped down as she simply aimed to grab the scroll. Sakura figured if she did that she would have been able to land on the ground and made it over to Kenji in time to help the pair escape. While only having one of the pair get both scrolls had not been ideal, it had been better than nothing.

Azumi quickly figured out that the leaves had been an illusion as she focused on a release. Azumi then had taken note of the fact that Sakura seemed to have delivered a strike towards Ryo as she saw Sakura aimed to get Ryo's Heaven Scroll.

Darn it!

Azumi then jumped after Sakura, as she seemed to try and stop the Pink-Haired Kunoichi from getting the scroll, but given the rate both fell at Sakura manged to get to the scroll first as she grabbed the Heaven Scroll out of the air. Sakura grinned.

Got it!

Kenji was done. That was all the Kumo-nin could tell as he laid on the ground in utter pain and near-unconsciousness. While he had managed to get his attack through, that proved to not be enough to stop Sagiso's attack who had delivered a devastating strike with her chakra-boosted leg as Kenji had been sent plummeting and crashed into the ground.

How Kenji retained consciousness was a mystery to the Kumo-nin, though even if he had been conscious he could barley process what was happening. He was too out of it to hear Sagiso's words of respect and the meaning of her name or rather half of it; all Kenji could process was this.

His Earth Scroll had been taken by Sagiso.

Sagiso seemed to have this...almost invisible blush. Why Kenji had taken note of the latter even he was unable to tell but all he could muster was a weak groan and his arm moved forward as Kenji seemed to try to grab his scroll back, but he lacked the energy to even get his hand all the way up to Sagiso's hand as it quickly fell limp as Kenji remained in that state of semi-consciousness.

100 meters. 100 meters and they'd be home free. Madoka would have progressed to the next exam and she'd have done it without having exerted herself which she figured was only a positive. Madoka had a desire to jump up and cheer but she kept her cool composure and knew they still had to get there before anything was settled.

So close...oh so close, just one good run and we're there.

Tomiko quickly flashed together a series of hand signs as she formed a small mud wall to block the electric strike. Naturally this would not hold it back for long, but it offered cover just long enough for Tomiko to jump to the side to avoid the blast.

Tomiko saw Yaso dash ahead at high speeds, as she moved ahead as quickly as she could while she reared back her fist as she aimed to deliver a strike with her metalic gauntlet towards this Genin's back. Though in the back of her mind she had kept the guy's question and decided to address.

"Maybe, maybe not. We might need something first." Tomiko said as she continued her advance.
It worked.

Thankfully, just as Ryo had planned, Sakura went diving for the Heaven Scroll that he had tossed out. He didn't think it would happen, but the fish actually took bait. He was still in severe pain, especially when he fell stomach-first onto the tree branch, but Ryo knew that it was now or never. He set his eyes on Sakura as she went for the scroll, and noticed that Azumi attempted to chase it down as well. However, he grinned slightly- mostly wincing in pain- as Sakura got to it first and managed to grab it.

He rolled over on his side, executed a few handsigns, and stuck his arms downwards out below him... Sakura standing just in his line of view in the hollow of his hands.

"Now! Ninja Art - Mind Transfer...Justu!" He grunted. In seconds, his body went limp and lifeless, his soul surging forwards in a straight line.

Things were quiet for a short moment, until it hit. Ryo had successfully reached his target as his soul slammed into Sakura, eventually causing her to freeze for a couple of seconds. A smirk then grew upon her face, and her head was raised. Ryo was in. He sighed in relief, but knew he had to act quick before someone realized his actual body, lying flat on the tree branch, was defenseless.

"Quick, Azumi! Its me!" Sakura called.

While in Sakura's body, Ryo reached down into where her Earth Scroll was tucked away, and held it tight in her right hand, the Heaven Scroll gripped in the left. As soon as he would be able to catch Azumi's attention, he would throw both scrolls at full force towards her. He was currently in the body of the Genin that was previously trying to attack her - so he hoped she wouldn't be too confused as to what was going on.
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Azumi blinked in confusion at first, as she prepared to deliver a strike with her umbrella towards "Sakura" but in then had been urged by "Sakura" that "It was me!"

What did that mean? Azumi had little time to process this before she saw Ryo toss both the Heaven and Earth Scroll at her. Confusion had quickly shifted to realization...this was not Sakura at all, but Ryo! And somehow he used a technique to gain possession of Sakura's body, that was the only explanation Azumi could reach as she acted quickly. She set her umbrella behind her back and caught both scrolls.

"Got them!" Azumi said out loud, as she signified that she had them which meant now it was smooth sailing from here. Kenji had been beaten by Sagiso and Sakura was not being controlled by Ryo.

But within the mind of the possessed kunoichi, all had not been what it appeared to be.

"HEY BASTARD! What the hell do you think you are doing!?"

Within the mental mindscape of Sakura that Ryo resided in, a giant projection of Sakura appeared before Ryo. Only this had not been Sakura, but rather the embodiment of Sakura's inner feelings and thoughts, appeared before Ryo. And clearly, this psuedo-split personality had not been happy to see this intruder. Naturally the giant aimed to clasp her hands around Ryo in an effort to try and grab hold of him.

"Get out of my body, right now!" Inner Sakura roared in fury.
Success! Ryo had been able to ensure that Azumi got both scrolls, and was relieved when she caught them. This was it! All that would be left is to gain one more Earth Scroll and then both himself, and both of Ryo's current partners would be able to pass. He wasn't sure what would come next after that, but the current priority would be to get to the tower.

'Sakura' looked around, however, and Ryo noticed that Sagiso seemed to have had her hands full, and had taken quite some damage. The realization of his own injures occurred to him too. He would most likely still be able to move, but Sakura had made her mark and he would definitely had to pace himself.

"Okay, nice! Yes this is Ryo, Ryo Yamanaka." He mentioned. Hopefully the revelation of his clan name would help her make sense of all of this. "Now my body is over there, we need to make sure it remains unharmed for a little bit while I get Sakura lost or something."

He planned to go deep into the forest away from Kenji in the attempt to confuse Sakura on her own location whenever he gave her ownership over her mental state once again - but before he could even take one step, he realized he had a welcomer.

Within the pink haired Genin's consciousness, all Ryo could hear was the aggressive shouting of.....Sakura? No. There was no way. His mental being turned around to whoever had just called him a bastard, and surely enough, it was Sakura... but much...MUCH larger.

"W-What the hell? Wh-what's going on?!" He replied.

This was unheard of. He had performed this jutsu a decent amount of times on animals and people alike, but amidst all of those times he had never seen something like this - the person's consciousness fighting back. To his surprise, he was then gripped in the large hands of the projection. He fearfully gulped.

"Who are you!? S-Sakura, is that you??" Ryo shouted, looking at the giant projection. He honestly had no idea what to do or how to react to this - no one in his family had ever warned him of these events.
Yamanaka? Well that explained things. From what Azumi had known of Konoha's clans they were famous for this ability to send their own minds into the bodies of others. A deadly technique to say the least.

"I see, well the jutsu of your bloodline seems rather handy." Azumi said before she overheard Ryo's plan to get "Sakura" away from here which had been a sound plan she figured.

"Good, the pink-haired one's partner seems down and out by Sagiso. I'll keep an eye on your body as I go make sure Sagiso is okay. And decide what to do with her partner." Azumi added before suddenly "Sakura's" expression seemed troubled. He eyes had widened and she seemed to fidget in place. This had naturally caused Azumi to raise an eyebrow.

"Ryo? Are you okay?"

Within Sakura's mental landscape, the giant embodiment of Sakura's inner consciousness Inner Sakura had gotten a hold of Ryo and already had began to squeeze her former classmate as the look of pure rage had showed she seemed to be in no mood for mercy.

"Let's just say I'm a side of Sakura you don't get to see. But that's not important, what is important is that you get my scroll back from that Ame-nin! Either kick her ass or get out of my body so I can kick her ass!" Inner Sakura demanded as she squeezed Ryo in an effort to try and force the Yamanaka-nin out of her body. Inner Sakura knew she had to get a hold of herself before this group got away with all their scrolls.
"W-What!? No! No way! S-Sakura I'm sorry but this I have to do what I....have....to....do...!" Ryo replied while in her grasp. He barely managed to mutter out the last few words as Inner Sakura's grip on him only got tighter and tighter. The pain he felt was weird - instead of the normal ache he would receive on his body, this was more of a giant migraine.

He wasn't sure what this mental beast was, but she obviously wasn't playing games.

"A-AAAH! Sakura, STOP!" Ryo shouted through Sakura's mouth. 'Sakura' dropped to her knees, gripping her head. Ryo was attempting to stay sturdy inside of this kunoichi's body, but her will strength was beyond something he has ever seen. He had heard that strong-minded ninja would be a bit tougher to keep hold of for long periods of time, but he never thought that someone could force him out of their minds after barely a minute and a half.

"I cant just leave!" He shouted within the mental realm. He could barely find the strength to focus on standing Sakura's physique up, but he somehow managed to. He decided to call out to Azumi and let her know it was time to get a move on. Things were not looking too good at this rate.

"Azumi! Ow-ow-ow! Go! Get my body and move out as far as you can!" Sakura's body called, however Ryo had no idea that he was technically asking Azumi to carry both himself and Sagiso, since she was near exhaustion herself.

"Sakura" began unsteadily running off in a random direction while gripping her head. But Ryo continued to only be squeezed tighter. He would surely give at any second now, that Inner beast was simply too strong.

Azumi saw "Sakura" collapse to her knees, as the kunoichi was having quite the mental battle within before Azumi had heard of Ryo's request before "Sakura" dashed off as Ryo clearly tried to gain separation...but Sakura had began to fight back which had made her movements at best rather sluggish.

None the less, Azumi knew what she needed to do, as she quickly jumped down to Ryo's prone body as she aimed to pick his soulless vessel in an over the shoulder carry before she jumped back up towards Sagiso and the still prone Kenji.

"Sagiso! We need to go now, Ryo is in the Konoha-nin's body, but she is fighting back. He's taking her away while he still has some control, we need to gain separation before she gets control back. Can you move?" Azumi asked, as upon closer examination she saw that Sagiso had been through quite the battle so Azumi needed to know whether Sagiso needed her aid to move around.

Within Sakura's mental mindscape Inner Sakura sneered as she simply applied an ever tighter and tighter squeeze as she tried to drive the air out of Ryo's lungs and more importantly Ryo out of her mind.

"I don't care! Get out of my body right now or you'll be sorry!" Inner Sakura yelled, as she felt Ryo's influence slowly starting to lessen which meant that Sakura's movements outside the mind would only slow more. Ryo would realize he had not much time left as Inner Sakura only piled on the squeezing pressure.


Previously 5DigitNeb
Hashima nodded as she turned in that direction. She then began hopping through the trees in the direction of the towers, before stopping back for a moment. "I should just keep going till I find something right?" she asked as she turned around.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“If you want to put it bluntly, then yes.”

Kai kept along with his female companion. The tower was becoming larger and larger as it grew close. It was starting to become unnerving, as other ninjas who had both scrolls were undoubtly going to the tower too. They could be met with heavy resistance.

Right on que, an odd looking genin was visible in the tree line. The genin has a blue gas mask on, alongside several tunings that bended around the back of his neck, forming a hood out of the tubes. He wore a black thick jumpsuit with several heavy and mettalic looking plates. His sleeves were abnormally large and had the headband of ‘rain’ on his forehead protector


“Hmph, So there it is.” Zaku crosses his arms.

Kabuto adjusted his glasses. “That’s correct. Should we head in?”

Zaku looked to his group, Katsuo and Madoka. Madoka seem eager to head inside, although she didn’t say any words, meanwhile Zaku couldn’t read Katsuo, as usual.
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Kiro heard some noise coming from outside and started to panic. He had no idea what to do. That is until he saw some words written on a stone tablet. “Open this scroll huh.” Kiro pulled out both scrolls and opened them. He was caught off guard when he was suddenly teleported to another location. “Where am I?!” Kiro asked aloud, looking around.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
@Retro Master

“I see your the first to make it through the second exam.”

The voice that spoke was oddly familiar. It jumped down from the ceiling, revealing itself none other than the proctor of the forest of death, Kakashi.

“You were also the first to make it through the first exam. Curious... keep that record up and you’ll make chunin easily.” Kaskashi said, his hands in his pockets. “The proctor isn’t here today, he’ll be coming tomorrow when the next section will begin. We have beds, and supplies here, so you can rest until tomorrow comes.”


Previously 5DigitNeb
Hashima turned around again and stopped. She saw Genin appearing in the trees ahead and brought out her kunai. From what she could observe, the person wasn't from one of the five great nations, the headband didn't have the mark of any of the main villages. She was very cautious of him, and slowly made her way towards Kai.

"Should we just attack... or wait for him to make the first move?" Hashima whispered.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“You don’t have to worry about that!” The genin yelled out.

What? Have we been compromised so quickly? Kai thought. “That’s impossible...”

The genin turned around, revealing his front portion. Dangling right under his neck was a Necklace made of several different scrolls he had taken, and bloodstained forehead protectors of many villages. The Necklace was fastened to the pipe like hood, even going through the breathing mask. The genin brought it’s sleeves toward the trees they were hiding in. There was a short spurt of white gas before there was a huge stream of fire, blasting away at the flammable trees. The battle had begun.

Fire style perhaps? There must be some trick. This is very powerful for a genin level fire justu.

“Hashima! Out from the trees!”

Kai kept from their spot as the pillar of flames rushed that location, tearing through all in it’s path
Kiro smirked as he looked at Kakashi, who had caught him off guard. He hadn’t even noticed the former Anbu’s presence until he spoke. Kiro was impressed to say the least. He was even more surprised when Kakashi complimented him on his pace through the exams. However, there was something he had to ask the copycat ninja.

“Excuse my questioning, but I’ve heard the stories of your feats throughout my village. But the thing I was most interested in was a technique that is only rumored to be known by you. The lightning technique, what is it?” Kiro asked, unsure if he had overstepped any boundaries.